Please provide detailed information about your school on this form.

The Polish National Agency will share your school profile with other National Agencies in all over Europe.

Contact information
Name of the school: / Gimnazjum nr 15 im. Jana III Sobieskiego
School address: / ul.Cieszyńska 385 43-382 Bielsko-Biała, Polska
School telephone: / 48 338185190
Head teacher/ principal: / Katarzyna Jurczyk
Coordinator of the project:
E-Mail of contact person: /
School Website: /
Information about your school
Number of pupils: / 200
Number of teachers: / 25
Regional characteristics: / City x
Rural area 1
Suburb 1
Age of pupils at school: / Youngest: 12
Oldest: 15
Age of target group: / Pre-primary school 1
Primary school 1
General school x
Secondary school 1
Technical and vocational school 1
School for pupils with special education needs 1
-Type of school: / Gimnazjum
(Lower Secondary School)
Describe facilities found in your school (ex; library, sports centre, language rooms, laboratories, history rooms) / Rooms:
Other facilities:
Languages taught in your school: / Polish, English, German
Previous experience with international school programmes: / Yes: x
Project information:
Type of project / Multilateral x Bilateral
Possible title of project / Let’s play our grandparents’ games.
Country Preference / We are now Poland and Turkey so other European countries are welcome
Working language(s) of the project / English
General aim of the project / To show that there are other ways of spending free time than just playing computer games:
Subject areas, topics, curriculum areas / -  re-liven up our grandparents' almost forgetten games
-  strengthen ties between generations
-  to fight againts obesity
-  make students move more
Planned outcomes of the project / -  the opportunity to get to know different cultures
-  encourage students to learn English
Any additional information you would like to provide / -  for more information please contact at