Physical Education Department


I. Descriptive Information

Teacher: Ms. Longi

Course Title: 9th, 10TH, 11th & 12th Grade Physical Education

Credits Awarded: 5

Teachers Office Location, Phone Number, and e-mail:

Physical Education/Athletic Offices, Girl’s Locker-room

Phone: (323) 838-6000


II. Specification of Course Goals and Objectives

General Goal:

As a high school student, you are beginning to recognize the vast array of subjects to be studied and skills to be mastered. You are hearing about environmental issues, substance abuse, fitness, and nutrition virtually every day. Since you have been in school, you’ve had several textbooks, taken several courses, and studied many subjects. Why would this course be different? The value of Physical Education and Personal Fitness is its potential to expand your knowledge and skills now for a lifetime of use. Thomas Jefferson once said, “Knowledge is indeed desirable, but if the body be feeble, the mind will not be strong.” What you learn in this class will have a direct impact on how you’ll look, feel, interact, and act – now and for years to come.

Chances are that there are aspects of fitness and wellness you’ve not yet considered; yet the choices you are making now will impact you in the future. These things may not seem like a very big deal, yet they may well make a crucial difference in determining how active and fulfilling the rest of your life may be. C. Everett Coop, former Surgeon General reported, “We could postpone 75% of deaths through lifestyle changes, compared to just 15% by advanced medical procedures.”

Through this course, I hope to equip you with skills, attitudes, and knowledge that will enable you to realize your full potential, enable you to participate in activities throughout life, and improve your overall quality of life.

This course is an invitation – an invitation to begin !

Student Objectives:

  1. Demonstrate competency in many movement forms and proficiency in few movement forms;
  2. Apply movement concepts and principles to the learning and development of motor skills;
  3. Exhibit a physically active lifestyle;
  4. Achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical fitness;
  5. Demonstrate responsible personal and social behavior in physical activity settings;
  6. Demonstrate understanding and respect for differences among people in physical activity settings; and
  7. Understand that physical activity provides opportunities for enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and social interaction.

Course Content:

  1. Active Isolated Stretching
  2. Physical Fitness Assessment
  3. Aerobic Running
  4. Swim Instruction/Fitness
  5. Personal Fitness Instruction
  6. Cooperation Activities
  7. Character Development
  8. Sports

III.Instructional Procedures

Classroom component – Personal Fitness Course

Field Work

  1. Gym
  2. Playing Field
  3. Swimming pool

4. Written Assignments

5. Written/Practical Exams

IV.Required Text, Materials, and Uniform


Harageones, E., Johnson, D., Smith, C., & Williams, C. (2005) Personal Fitness: Looking Good, Feeling Good, 5th Edition. Dubuque: Kendall Hunt Publishing.

Students will be assigned, and required to use the above text during classroom portions of this course. Accompanying the text will be a student workbook. Students will be held responsible and billed accordingly for any vandalized, damaged, or missing books.


Students will be required to bring with them to class when asked the following:

  • 2 - Pencils, sharpened
  • 1 - Pen, (each color) blue or black and red
  • 1 – Spiral Bound Notebook (1 inch)
  • 1 – Measuring tape

These items should be left in the students PE locker when not being used in class.


  1. Students will be required to wear an “official” school uniform, and, the following will take effect: Students must wear the official school uniform.

Official uniform t-shirt.

Official uniform shorts

Tennis shoes & socks

Sports bra for females.

Nylon swim tops & caps

  1. Students are required DAILY to change out of street clothes and into the issued Physical Education uniform which includes shirt, shorts, white socks and tennis shoes.
  2. Absolutely no borrowing or lending of clothes
  3. Students name (First and Last Initial) will be clearly written on the inside of the uniform t-shirt, and on the inside back waste band/tag of the shorts.
  4. During swim training, girls must wear a single-piece swimsuit. (No street clothing) No two-piece or bikini suits allowed. Boys must wear appropriate swim shorts, which should be sized appropriately as to prevent them from “riding low” on the waste. Boys trunks- knee length or above. REQUIRE- Shower rinse prior to entering the pool. Swim cap for hair longer than shoulder length.


Lockers are provided to each student for use during physical education. Lockers should be kept locked at all times and should not be used or assumed a secure place to hold valuables.

Locks will be provided by the school, and will be issued within the first week of school. The teacher will assign lockers, and serial numbers will be filed with the PE office. Only school issued locks will be allowed on the PE lockers – DO NOT place personal locks on the locker, as they will be removed.

Locker Room Procedures:

  1. Report directly to your assigned locker
  2. Unlock lock
  3. Change into uniform
  4. Place all belongings inside your locker
  5. Close locker door and secure lock
  6. Line up at your designated spot for attendance
  7. Showers:

Locker rooms provide showers for all students. Showering after each class is not required.

Some towels will be provided. Dirty towels must be placed in the hamper.

Students are reminded to keep the shower areas clean. Dispose of any and all rubbish in the appropriate containers. Absolutely NO horseplay will be allowed.

V.Course Requirements

Academic Requirements:

  1. Personal fitness course
  2. Written assignments
  3. Workbook activities (None until books becomes available)
  4. Written/practical exams
  5. Completion of physical fitness assessment
  6. Completion of culminating final exam
  7. Completion of group project

Administrative Requirements:

  1. Attendance – students are required to attend class regularly.
  2. Tardy – students should not be tardy to class.
  3. Participation – students are required to participate in class regularly.

Absence / Non-Participation:

  1. If a student is unable to participate in the day’s activities, he/she must present a written note from parent/guardian, school health nurse, or doctor prior to the start of class. Please state your physical limitations and how long you expect to be out along with a phone number for verification.
  2. Written excuse notes must be presented on the day you are unable to participate and given to the teacher prior to the start of class – no exceptions.
  3. Students should have completed all medical checks prior to the start of the school year. Please communicate any items of concern from your physician via the school nurse.
  4. No make-ups will be given for unexcused absences, including family or community team sports trips.
  1. In the event of an excused absence students will be required to make up the periodwith an activity selected by the teacher.
  1. In the event of an excused absence students are responsible for making up any missed assignments and/or homework. It’s the responsibility of the student to ask the teacher for the missed assignment the first day in school after the excused absence and to submit the completed assignment and/or homework the following day for credit to be awarded.


Arrival / Dismissal:

  1. Report to class on time. Students must be inside the locker room BEFORE the start of class, according to the teacher’s watch.
  2. Students will have no more than ten (10) minutes to change into their physical education uniforms and be in line for roll call.
  3. Students will have between ten (10) and fifteen (15) minutes prior to the end of class to shower and change.
  4. Students are to report back to the teacher once changed into school uniform and remain in the assigned area until dismissed by the teacher. Students are to keep out of the gym and lockers.

VI.Grading and Evaluation

Students will be evaluated daily and after each activity and personal fitness unit. Grades will be determined on individual development, measured by teacher evaluation, through observations, written assignments, written/practical examinations, a culminating final exam, and a culminating group project.

Every student has the opportunity to earn an “A”. Each assignment will be given points. Tasks/assignments that are more difficult will have a higher point value. At the end of the quarter, the total points possible will be added and divided by the total possible points.

Students will earn daily points by being properly dressed; participation in class; good sportsmanship, positive attitude, integrity, effort; and attendance. Points possible will be determined based upon the following scale:

  • Dress = 2points for being properly dressed (shirt, shorts, socks, shoes & sportsbra”f”only)
  • Participation = 4points for actively listening and participating
  • Sportsmanship = 2 points for exhibiting positive characteristics of fair play, respect for self and others, care of equipment, following rules, etc.
  • Attendance = 2 points for being on time and in class.
  • Loss of points for inappropriate behavior and for using foul language.

(Students who do not dress in their PE uniform will only earn 20% of the daily points)

Students who chew gum, say profanity in class will lose 5 pointsper incident.

Students who do not participate will lose 5 points for every time they are told to participate.

All assignments will be graded on a point system. Semester and final grades will be assigned by the percentage of total points earned by that student. This is the grading scale.

100 – 90A

89 - 80B

79 – 70C

69 – 60D

59 – 0F

Participation / 40%
Class Work / 10%
Test/Exams / 30%
Project / 20%

Work Habits/Cooperation:

A grade of E (Excellent), S (Satisfactory), or U (Unsatisfactory) will be assigned for both Work Habits and Cooperation.

CooperationE0 office referrals

S1 office referral

U2 or more office referrals

Work HabitsENo more than 2 missing assignments or activities,

No more than 1 unexcused tardy.

SNo more than 4 missing assignments or activities,

No more than 3 tardies.

U5 or more missing assignments or activities,

4 or more tardies.

Please note that classroom behavior and use of class time will also be a factor in giving Work Habits and Cooperation grades. Please contact me at school for anything you have a question on or to schedule a conference and/or update on your child’s performance.

VII.Course Schedule / Outline

Students in physical education will be required to complete physical fitness assessments at the beginning and end of the year, as well as completing their aerobic activities.

Physical Fitness Assessment

  1. 1.5 mile run
  2. Percent Body Fat
  3. VO2 Max
  4. Blood Pressure
  5. Resting Heart Rate/Maximum Heart Rate/Target Heart Rate
  6. Curl-up Test
  7. Push-up Test
  8. Sit and Reach
  9. Flexibility

Aerobic Runs

Swim Instruction

Personal Fitness Course

On behalf of MaywoodAcademyHigh School – California, I would like to thank you for taking the time to review the attached syllabus. Should you have any questions please feel free to contact me at the school.

Thank you for caring for your child’s education!


Ms. Longi

Physical Education Teacher


Parting Thought:

“Theultimate measure of a personis not where they stand in moments of comfort and convenience, but where they stand at times ofchallengeand controversy.”

-Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Please sign below and return – Thank You!

I have read and understand the above information and understand what will be expected of me (and my child) throughout this course.

Print Student’s Name (Last, First): ______

Period: ______


Parent/Guardian Name (Print):______

Special Needs (Medical with doctor’s note attached or other): ______


Student’s SignatureParent/Guardian Signature


Student’s e-mail addressParent/Guardian e-mail address


Parent/Guardian Home Telephone #Parent/Guardian Work Telephone #


Parent/Guardian Cell Telephone #


This syllabus is comprehensive of the year ahead, however through the course of the year items may need to be added or modified. Any changes will be distributed to parent/guardian and student.