Infrastructure Advisory Group Meeting - Notes

February 20, 2016, 3-4:30 pm

3139 Computer Sciences

  1. Attendance: John Krogman (Chair),Jeanne Skul, Steve Krogull, Chris Holsman, Steve Barnet, Bethany Pluymers, Scott Nolin, Steve Bolt (for Katy Duren), Lyn Van Swol, Melanie Schmidt, Jason Pursian, Alan Silver, Kristen McRoberts, Kevin Cherek, Steve Hahn.

Guests: Bruce Maas, Rafi Lazimy, Brian Rust.

  1. Agenda Repair – none.
  1. Approve January Minutes – approved unanimously.
  1. Recommended Charter Change (attached)
  2. Steve Hahn elected VC, Jason will also serve on the executive planning group.
  3. The Charter revision was approved unanimously.
  1. Update the IT Governance Work to Date
  • IT Governance website: (
  • Cloud Architect Position – still in development, Bobby Burrow chairing.
  • Director, IT Center of Excellence Position – position posted shortly, Rafi leading.
  • IT Service Inventory – Bethany IAG Rep, in progress.
  • IT Spend Study FY 15-16 – also in progress
  • SIS Governance – Steve H. – under development, in beginning stages.
  1. ITSC Discussion
  • CMS (WordPress) Hosting: Mike L. is reviewing hosting options.
  • VoIP/Unified Communication: A small working group had been OK’d consisting of Steve H., Richard, Kristen, Jason and Dundee McNair (DTAG).
  • Data Center Options: IAG should form a small working group to make recommendations.(Scott N., Kevin and Steve K. have volunteered. A “business” rep is still needed.)
  1. Request for CCI Update Next Meeting – John will arrange.
  1. Other:
  2. DoIT is improving the Outage Notification page and welcomes feedback.
  3. A future topic was suggested: status of Multi-factor Authentication RFP.
  4. IAG representation on the ITSC was clarified.
  5. Future items could also include a quarterly review of active projects and development of strategic direction for the group.

Adopted Charter Change:

Original text:The Team will consist of the Chair, a Vice Chair elected by the group, the past Vice Chair and the Executive Director for IT Planning and Strategy. The Vice Chair will be the liaison to the ITC, maintain oversight of meeting minutes, and facilitate IT Infrastructure Advisory Group meetings in the absence of the Chair.

Revised text:

  • Statement on how elections are performed and roles transition: Near the end of each year, the Chair shall call for nominations for a new IncomingChair and hold elections from standing members who will continue to serve on the IAG. At the last meeting of each year, the IAG will announce a new IncomingChair. The existingIncomingChair will transition to the Chair role. The current Chair will transition to a PastChair role. This pattern gives the Executive Agenda Team stability, eases the transition to the Chair role, and provides more opportunities for leadership experience.
  • Statement on makeup of executive agenda team: The Executive Agenda Team will consist of an electedChair,IncomingChair, the most recent PastChair, the DoITCOO, and the Executive Director for IT Planning and Strategy. If the DoITCOO is not an elected member of the Executive Agenda Team, he/she shall serve in an ex-officio role.