Gulf Coast Archives and Museum

of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender History, Inc.

P.O. Box 130192 · Houston, TX 77219-0192 · (713) 227-5973

August 11, 2000

Permanent Loan Agreement

This agreement shall be between Gulf Coast Archives and Museum, hereinafter referred to as GCAM and ______hereinafter referred to as Loaner.

Permanent Loan - Definition

Loaning a collection to Gulf Coast Archives and Museum (GCAM) on a permanent basis implies:

1.1  It is a loan. The loaner retains the legal ownership of the collection.

1.2  It is permanent - i.e. it has no ending time specified.

2  Entities

Actions which are required by this agreement in the case of a Loaner which is an entity, will be made by one or more of the Loaner's governing body. The Loaner shall be responsible for notifying GCAM of its governing body and its current contact.

Care of your collection

GCAM will care for your collection as if it was our own. We will do everything possible to ensure that no damage comes to your collection, but cannot be held responsible for loss or replacement.

4  Utilization

GCAM reserves the right to display all or part of the collection in a manner which is consistent with the rules and regulations of GCAM and which coincides with the current display of the museum. NOTE: Trophy Cases shall always be on display within the area(s) set aside for trophy cases within the museum. See the section Trophy Cases.

Financial Remuneration

It is understood by both parties that there shall be NO financial remuneration in regards to this collection.

Expiration or Dissolution of Loaner

6.1  Should GCAM dissolve, all efforts will be made to ensure that your collection is returned to you within a two week time frame.

6.2  Should the Loaner expire or dissolve, (select one)

_____ the collection shall transfer as a gift to GCAM.

_____ the loan shall be canceled and arrangements must be made within two weeks for retrieval by the legal representative of the Loaner. Failing to make these arrangements within two weeks shall cause the collection to transfer as a gift to GCAM. The parties may agree to extend this time limit if Loaner has valid reason stated when GCAM is contacted.

7  Trophy Cases

7.1  7.1 The contents of trophy cases on permanent loan to GCAM shall be maintained by the Loaner. The contact person for the Loaner may add or remove items from the trophy case by appointment at any time convenient to all parties.

7.2  The trophy case should be locked with keys to remain in the hands of the Loaner or their representative.

7.3  The Loaner shall retain the right as to what is displayed within the trophy case.

7.4  GCAM reserves the right to display the trophy case in the age appropriate venue of the museum, i.e. the public or adult only sections of the museum.

Cancellation of this Agreement

8.1  The loan (all or in part) may be canceled in writing with two weeks notice by either party and the Loaner shall make arrangements for the retrieval of the collection within that same time period.

8.2  If the agreement is canceled by either side, and arrangements have not been made by the Loaner for retrieval of the collection, the collection shall transfer as a gift to GCAM.

Signed to and agreed to on the _____ day of ______, _____ by:


Printed Name(s): ______