JAM (Joints and Mobility)

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Kevin Deluzio

Friday, Sep 26, 2008

10:30am – 12:00pm

Location: HMRC Innovation Lab

Chair: Simon (1)

Article Selection: Heather

Snacks: Simon

Drinks: Stacey

In Attendance:

SA / NB / AB / SB / KD / SJ / RL / HL / MR
ü / ü / ü / ü / ü / ü / ü

1.  Article Review: Briem, K., & Snyder-Mackler, L., "Proximal Gait Adaptations in Medial Knee OA", Journal of Orthopaedic Research, Published Online DOI 10.1002/jor.20718, 2008.

2.  Round Table Discussion: Research Developments


-  Force plate and pressure mat do not match

-  Pressure mat not always overestimating as they would expect – weird.

-  They are trying to understand just how the pressure mat is measured so that the correct pressures can be obtained. Right now they are +/- 10%.

-  Implant was redigitized and Rebecca thinks it matches pretty well with CAD now

-  Stacey is looking at sensitivity to the choice of the original axes – is it off by 2-3 deg?

-  Next step is to recalculate the euler angles from old data with the new various axes.


-  Has subjects today & Tuesday à controls

-  Is keeping her fingers crossed with her computer issues

-  The wine cellar is too cold which is a little disconcerting

-  She has a new TAship


-  Formatting the presentation of her work

-  How does taking off the dynamic offset change the significance of the trunk lean peaks?

o  She wants to look into this more to understand this alternative to static calibration which may be flawed.

-  Other problem: GT markers are missing very often so they are not a good choice to rely on, so any method of calculating trunk lean that relies on the GT markers is automatically unusable.

-  Heather will proceed with the BSIS points because most data exists for those

o  There are 4 methods in total for calculating trunk lean

-  Hopefully she will present to us next week


-  The gimbal looks like it is working, however the locking mechanism is awkward and not the best.

o  He may or may not analyze the gimbal data that he collected

-  Repeated measures ANOVA is working in MATLAB

o  Also wrote a post-hoc tester as part of this

-  Ran his data without outliers and the story was more or less unchanged

o  Is his data set pre-cleaned? Maybe?

-  Talking to Scott Selby about the jump from inverse dynamics to forward dynamics and how people in various places are dealing with it.


-  Continuing to read about ligament properties and gastroc dysfunction.

-  Quote for ADAMS: $7500 for 5 licenses for 1 year

-  Working on NSERC & OGS applications

o  Advice from JAM: avoid biomechanics jargon when doing application, but since it will be read my mechanical engineers, gear it towards the base mech eng engineer.

-  Needs someone to switch chairs for Oct 10, Nicole & Simon will work it out.

3.  Kevin’s announcements

-  Kevin has no announcements this week

4.  Other Announcements

-  This is Rebecca’s last week at JAM. Her last day is Tuesday. Goodbye lunch will be Monday. Best of luck Rebecca!

Duties for Next Week (3 Oct 2008)

Chair: Simon (2)

Article Selection: Simon

Snacks: Scott