10.10.17 Steering Committee Agenda

Location: Arthur Vining Davis, Warch Campus Center

Time: 8:00pm

Attendance: Lewis Berger, Rufino Cacho, Jazleen Galvez, SavvasSfairopoulos, Rebecca Albrecht, Anmol Gupta, Small-Fry Intia, Ryan Leonard, Ngan Nguyen, Cristy Sada Segovia, Marwa Adam, Nicholas Jatta

8:00 PM – Meeting Begins

8:15 PM – Recognition Request: Biodiversity and Sustainability Club

They want to work on restoring two areas on campus, behind Warch and by the railroad tracks. They want to fill it with native plants to create a more biodiverse area. They also want to work with general planting. They have been in touch with grounds keeping to collaborate and have more plants native to Wisconsin. The club will have meetings every week, ideally invite other student orgs and host community service.

Motion to place Biodiversity and Sustainability Club on a trial period by Fry seconded by Cristy

For 8:0:0 Against

8:30 PM – Recognition Request: Lawrence Inclusive Theatre

They want to challenge the same type of students auditions. They want to create a space to open doors to reach out to new students. This includes watching, as well as the different aspects of theater. Theater is more of a community and want to break the “theater bubble”. They have had weekly meetings and talked to many faculty in the theater department. They also want to be seen as a social justice group. They want it to be a collaborative effort between faculty and students, this means holding people accountable. Future projects include open mic, having own performances to provide opportunities for more students. Collaborations with Lambda Sigma, and create awareness/fundraising for various organizations. They also want to coordinate with the Wellness center. They have different committees for different tasks within the group as well.

Motion to approve Lawrence Inclusive Theatre by Anmol seconded by Fry

For 7:1:0 Against

8:45 PM – Committee Appointments

Rufino Cacho appointed to CODA

Anny Dai appointed to EPOC and CCSE

Motion to approve by Becca seconded by Fry

For 7:1:0 Against

9:00 PM – Recognition Request: Students for Free Thoughts (SFFT)

Reasons for denial include

Organization similarity

Not taking advice on facilitation

9:30 PM – Student Org Advising

9:40 PM – Standing Committee Updates

9:50 PM – Update Finance

10:00 PM – Adjournment

Motion to adjourn by Fry seconded by Ngan

For 8:0:0 Against

Submitted on Friday, September 29, 2017 - 6:42pm
Submitted by anonymous user: []
Submitted values are:
--The Proposed Organization [All Fields Required]--
Organization Name: Lawrence Inclusive Theatre
Requested Abbreviation or Acronym (if applicable): LIT
Website URL (if applicable):

Is the organization affiliated with any local, state, national,
or international organization? No
If yes, list the organization(s):
--Leadership [All Fields Required]--
Primary Contact: Caro Granner
Class Year: SO
Position: Co-President
SPC: 558
LU Email:
Secondary Contact: Samantha Torres
Class Year: SO
Position: Co-President
SPC: 1458
LU Email:
Caro Granner
Samantha Torres
Dan Wilkes
Julian Bennett
Keria Jett
Alex Iglinski
Kyle Schleife
Jamil Fuller
Dan Meyer
Andrea Lara
Amy Degraff-Castro
Grace Reif
Tin Tran
Harry Rivas
Daniel Quiroga
Carly Beyer
Lauren McLester-Davis
Thomas Burnett
Channing Tucker
David Philyaw
Samantha Sowell
Chris Follina
Ryan DeCraene
Becca Pifer
Flora Aubin
Sage McCormick
Maren Dahl
Jackie Feldy
Grace Foster
Illyana Yates
Ines Valencia-Graul
Maggie Smith
Delaney Stewart
Abby Simmons
Bethany Naylor
Matthew Hjelle
Abby Flodin
Liz Risley
Mara Adams
Dana Cordry
Haley Stevens
Willa Dworschack
Ming Montgomery
Mia Delasho
Jennifer Hanrahan
Erin McCammond-Watts
David Fisher
Deep Tripurana
Cristy Sada Segovia
Bea McManus
Elliott Dryjanski
Jayana Dailey
Fox Segal
Isaac Wippich
Mary Grace Wagner
Kyle Harris
Active Membership:
Caro Granner - Co-President
Samantha Torres - Co-President
Maren Dahl
David Philyaw
Dan Meyer
Mary Grace Wagner
Maggie Smith
Delaney Stewart
Ming Montgomery
Bea McManus
Jayana Dailey
Mia DeLasho
Bethany Naylor
Dana Cordry
Andrea Lara
How many prospective members does the group currently have? 25
Which members of the Lawrence community may join the organization? Anyone and everyone :)
Please list any criteria the organization may have for membership. : Must be willing to contribute time and resources to our shared efforts. Must have an interest in advancing diversity and inclusion within the realm of theatre at Lawrence.
Please list any faculty/staff advisor(s) the organization may have.: None, but we have a good idea of a couple of potential advisors should one be needed
Student Organization Category:
- Arts, Music, Theater
- Diversity
- Social Justice
Location of Regular Meetings: Cloak Theatre
Day: Sunday
Time: 3:00 pm
Frequency (weekly, biweekly, monthly, etc.): Weekly
Type of Meetings: Discussion and planning based; events to
include theatrical performances and viewings as well as
discussions and presentations
--Supplemental Materials--
Statement of Purpose, Constitution, or organizing document:
Lawrence Inclusive Theatre is a space for collaboration and
discussion between theatre artists, both students and faculty, on
the Lawrence campus. Our efforts are open to students of any
major or experience. Together, we seek to foster conversation and
raise awareness about inclusivity in the arts, expand the
theatre’s presence across campus, and practice our values
through our own artistic work.
In response to a lack of knowledge about and participation in
theatre outside of the Theatre Arts Department, we hope to raise
awareness across campus about theatrical opportunities. We aim to
serve as liaisons to the campus community, spreading the word
about upcoming theatrical auditions and events and raising
awareness that all productions and classes are open to anyone,
regardless of major, experience, or any identity.
As theatre makers, we have a unique ability to create our own
opportunities for students to tell a wider range of stories and
explore new artistic opportunities. While we seek to bring these
conversations to the department, a large part of our work will
also involve organizing our own productions, readings, open mics,
jams, and other gatherings. With only three mainstage productions
a year and an incredible wealth of resources at our disposal, we
have the opportunity to vastly increase and expand the amount and
type of theatre that is done at Lawrence. Through this work, we
hope to welcome a wider array of artists and create a positive
feedback loop leading to an overall larger pool of interested
We are committed to capitalizing on the close and supportive
professor-student relationships within the Department of Theatre
Arts to foster honest, collaborative discussion about our work on
campus, student experiences in theatre, and what resources we can
offer faculty (and vice versa.)
Mission Statement: Lawrence Inclusive Theatre seeks to make the
Lawrence campus a place where all members of the community can
learn and explore the field of theatre arts. We aim to diversify
the pool of auditioners, crew, and designers for both theatre
department and student-run productions and participants in
Theatre Arts classes. We want the theatre work done at Lawrence
to reflect the community and the world at large, exploring a
wider range of stories, identities, and experiences. We hope to
expand the number and scope of opportunities to create theatre on
campus, as well as increasing awareness of such opportunities, so
that all interested students see a place for their own artistic
exploration and education. Additionally, we aim to foster
conversations between both students and faculty regarding
inclusion in the arts and how we can make our work as artists as
open and expansive as possible.
Student Organization Blurb (50 word limit):
Lawrence Inclusive Theatre seeks to make the Lawrence campus a
place where all members of the community can learn and explore
the field of theatre arts. Together, we seek to foster
conversation and raise awareness about inclusivity in the arts,
expand the theatre’s presence across campus, and practice our
values through our own artistic work.
Similar Student Organizations:
PEDAL (our parent organization who does similar work within the
Conservatory); LEDS; Scientista; LUGS; PEP; SPAMALU
--Finalizing The Application--
Your Name: Caro Granner
Organization Position: Co-President
LU Email:
Cell: 8473378389
I hearby certify...: Yes
I am comfortable with LUCC using my contact information (student email and Facebook) to publicize my recognition request on social media, should it be accepted and approved by General Council: Yes
Checklist (Information of Person Submitting This Form):
- Recognition Request Form Completed
- Updated Membership Roster
- Statement of Purpose and/or Constitution
- Mission Statement
The results of this submission may be viewed at:

Submitted on Wednesday, September 20, 2017 - 5:22pm
Submitted by anonymous user: []
Submitted values are:
--The Proposed Organization [All Fields Required]--
Organization Name: Biodiversity and Sustainability Club
Requested Abbreviation or Acronym (if applicable):
Website URL (if applicable):
Is the organization affiliated with any local, state, national,
or international organization? Yes
If yes, list the organization(s): McCarthy Co-op
--Leadership [All Fields Required]--
Primary Contact: Margot Wulfsberg
Class Year: JR
Position: President
SPC: 1555
LU Email:
Secondary Contact: Noah Whiteman
Class Year: JR
Position: Vice President
SPC: 1529
LU Email:
Noah Whiteman
Margot Wulfsberg
Sydney DeMen
David Baldwin
Greta Wilkening
Vivian Polkinghorn
Colin Wolff
Jason Duncan
Mario Seaman
Jim Yang
Chris Lee
Yu Luo
Yonglin Wang
Brynn Schroeder
Oryan Baldwin
Rachel Lewis
Mattias McMullen
Dan Sandacz
Aaron Phalin
Luke Shimabukuro
Active Membership:
Margot Wulfsberg --President
Noah Whiteman --Vice President
Rachel Lewis --Social Coordinator
How many prospective members does the group currently have? 20
Which members of the Lawrence community may join the organization? Any members of the Lawrence community who share a passion for and/or desire to learn about the restoration and maintenance of healthy, native habitats, and coexistence between human development and natural phenomena.
Please list any criteria the organization may have for membership. :
Interests in:
-Learning about and promoting environmental health
-Improving the ecological and social health of the community
-Leading a more sustainable lifestyle
-Educating others on all of the above
Please list any faculty/staff advisor(s) the organization may have.: Alyssa Haykes
Student Organization Category:
- Community Service
- Environmental
- Wellness and Recreation
Location of Regular Meetings: McCarthy Co-op
Day: Sunday
Time: 3:00 pm
Frequency (weekly, biweekly, monthly, etc.): Bi-weekly
Type of Meetings: Part 1: discussion of projects/background
research Part 2: Active environmental cleanup and restoration
--Supplemental Materials--
Statement of Purpose, Constitution, or organizing document:
This club has been chartered under the pretense that
1. Increased biodiversity of native species fosters a healthy,
sustainable ecosystem,
2. The Lawrence University campus culture emphasizes
collaboration and cooperation between students and staff to
create a healthy learning environment, and fostering the same
relationship with the natural environment offers similar
3. There is hope to make our campus more ecologically friendly
such that it requires less wasteful intervention for its
4. Our students would benefit from learning the intrinsic value
of a homeostatic, equillibrious natural environment, and in the
process, form a bond with the native identity of the Wisconsin
landscape, as well as its current residents (ie the Fox Valley
As such, the goal of this organization is to:
1. Restore native Wisconsin flora and fauna as a coexisting part
of the Lawrence University campus through sustainable
2. Clean up trash on campus and in the surrounding Appleton area
so that pollution does not impede the health of wildlife,
3. Introduce the residents of Lawrence University and the
Appleton area to the idea of sustainable landscaping to minimize
the waste of water, fuel, and electricity,
4. Promote biological diversity in and outside of the Lawrence
campus, as well as educate the community on both its instrumental
and intrinsic value,
5. Form an organized, educational and collaborative network of
University Students and local residents to maintain the
restoration work as alumnus members graduate,
6. Make the Lawrence University campus more beautiful in a way
which takes into account environmental health, native Wisconsin
habitat, and efficient use of resources.
Mission Statement:
The Biodiversity and Sustainability club seeks to preserve and
restore the beauty and utility of the native Wisconsin landscape
to the Lawrence University campus and the greater Appleton area.
The goal of operations is to establish a multi-generational
student, faculty, and local resident network to create, restore,
and maintain plots of native Wisconsin landscape on the Lawrence
university campus in a way that has instrumental value, through
reduced maintenance costs and resource requirements, as well as
intrinsic value by making the campus more beautiful while
preserving the integrity of Wisconsin's sustainable native
habitat. The Biodiversity and
Sustainability club aims to become self-sufficient in its
operations through collaboration with Students, Appleton area
residents, and local organizations with the shared goal of native
habitat restoration.
Student Organization Blurb (50 word limit): Are you interested in
the ecology, maintenance, and restoration of native Wisconsin
ecosystems? Would you like to use this knowledge to make a
difference in your own community, to make it more beautiful,
eco-friendly, and sustainable? Biodiversity and Sustainability
club hopes to work towards this dream with the Lawrence
Similar Student Organizations:
Similar student organizations include SLUG, McCarthy Co-op, and
Greenfire. All of these organizations emphasize environmentally
sustainable behavior, however the Biodiversity and Sustainability
Club has its own unique objectives.
The Biodiversity Club differs from McCarthy Co-op and Greenfire
by having an emphasis on hands-on, outdoor environmental
restoration, as opposed to emphasizing the development of more
sustainable consumption habits or focusing primarily on
legislative impacts.
The Biodiversity Club is similar to SLUG in the sense that it
requires a group of students to maintain certain green spaces on
the Lawrence Campus, however, SLUG has an agricultural focus,
while the Biodiversity Club has a focus on the creation and
restoration of native ecosystems.
--Finalizing The Application--
Your Name: Margot Wulfsberg
Organization Position: President
LU Email:
Cell: (608) 216-5132
I hearby certify...: Yes
I am comfortable with LUCC using my contact information (student email and Facebook) to publicize my recognition request on social media, should it be accepted and approved by General Council: Yes
Checklist (Information of Person Submitting This Form):
- Recognition Request Form Completed
- Updated Membership Roster
- Statement of Purpose and/or Constitution
- Mission Statement
The results of this submission may be viewed at: