How to Enter a PO Voucher with Receipt
- This process is used to pay for Purchase Orders that have been received. You can go to the Purchase Order inquiry pages to look at the status of the PO. Also, PO Activity shows each line on the PO, and if it has been received.
- Navigate to Accounts Payable > Vouchers > Add/Update > Regular Voucher. Make sure that the voucher ID says NEXT, and click on the Add button.
- From the drop-down Copy FromSource Document action box, choose PO Receipt, and Click on Go.
- Then type in the PO Business Unit of 12000, and the PO number. Then click on the Search button. The PO lines that have been received will be listed.
- Check the box in front of the lines that you want to pay on the voucher. If all lines of the PO have been received and that matches the invoice, then you can click on Select All. If you do not see all of the receipts and/or lines, you can click on the View All to see all of the lines that you need to copy to the voucher. Once you have selected all the PO Receipt lines to pay, click on the Copy Selected Lines button.
- You will then be taken back to the voucher entry to the Invoice Information page. To complete the voucher, enter the following data into the fields:
Invoice Number – If it is a Valid duplicate number (only in rare instances), then put aA after the invoice number.
Invoice Date
Date Invoice was Received – This is the date that is date-time stamped on the invoice.
Freight – If there is an additional freight charge on the invoice that was not on the PO. (NOTE: If the CFC on the PO/Voucher uses a prior year Budget Reference, then this current Fiscal Year, then the freight MUST be added as a non-PO line. It CANNOT be added to the freight line.)
- Click on the Payment Tab to verify the Payment Terms and Remit address.
- When everything is correct with the voucher. Click on the Save button, and record the Voucher ID on the invoice to be match.
Revised 10/29/2017 – Page 1