The main project development objective is to reduce road transport costs, and improve access and road safety along Ukraine’s main road network. Ukraine has potential to become an important transit country given its geographic location between Russia and other CIS[1] states on the one hand and the EU market on the other. While European priority corridors are being improved using EU funds, it is crucial to complement this effort along corridors that are of domestic and regional importance, to get a maximum return on these major infrastructure investments. The proposed project focuses on rehabilitating a key national transport corridor between Boryspil and Lubny; a section of the M-3 express motorway Kiyv-Kharkiv-Dovzhansky linking industrial areas located in the eastern part of the country to the EU main road network.
This project includes 3 main components: Component A: Road Rehabilitation of a 128 kilometer section (Borispil-Lubny) of the Kyiv-Kharkiv-Dovzhansky highway (M3), Component B: Road safety improvement, Component C: CapacityBuilding.
The proposed Ukraine Roads and Safety Improvement Project is in full compliance with all environmental requirements of the Government of Ukraine and the World Bank. In accordance with the World Bank Environmental Assessment (EA) safeguard policy and procedures (OP/BP/GP 4.01) the project has been assigned Category B and an Environmental Management Plan is required.
Environmental Management Plan includes following chapters:
- PartA – Project Description
- PartB – Mitigation Plan
- PartC – Monitoring Plan
- PartD – Description of Institutional Arrangements
- Part E – Results of Public Consultations with all interested parties
А.1. Project Description
Component A: Road Rehabilitation of a 128 kilometer section (Borispil-Lubny) of the Kyiv-Kharkiv-Dovzhansky highway (M3). This component comprises civil works for the rehabilitation/strengthening of the existing 2x2 lanes M3 expressway (128 kilometer section), including safety measures for the vehicles (signaling, lighting in critical sections, crash barriers, etc) as well as the people living in its direct vicinity (pedestrian crossings, parking and special facilities where required). The M3 expressway plays a strategic role for the country’s integration with the EU network as well as a potential domestic and international transit corridor. The design features of the rehabilitation works will be evaluated vis a vis the expected traffic volumes and composition.
Component B: Road safety improvement. The proposed project will include a significant program of black spot elimination (162 blackspots out of some 300 identified by Ukravtodor) and possible support to the recently established National Road Safety Council. In addition to the elimination of the most critical black spots identified by Ukravtodor, the project will also fund the supply and installation of safety improvements such as vertical and horizontal signaling, cats’ eyes, rumble strips and modern crash barriers on most critical points of the national road network.
Component C: Capacity Building. The project could possibly include the funding of advisory services and equipment to: (a) initiate a pilot Public-Private Partnerships transaction in road infrastructure funding, (b) update the current road classification, (c) modernize technical norms (based on the Dutch Standards design for instance); and (d) monitor the quality of the road network using modern technology.
Part B: Mitigation Plan
Phase / Issue / Mitigating measure / Cost / Institutional responsibility / Comments
(e.g. secondary impacts)
Install / Operate / Install / Operate
Construction /
- Material supply
a)Asphalt plant
dust, fumes, workers health and safety, ecosystem disturbance / a)use existing asphalt plants; requirement for official approval or valid operating license / a)NA / a)NA / a)-c) Ensuring that materials only come from licensed sources would be included in the contract terms, and it would be the contractor's responsibility to comply with his contract / a)-c) Ensuring that materials only come from licensed sources would be included in the contract terms, and it would be the contractor's responsibility to comply with his contract / a)-c) to be specified in bid documents-Conditions for selection of subcontractors for material supply
b)Stone quarry
dust, workers health and safety, ecosystem disturbance / b)use existing stone quarries; requirement for official approval or valid operating license / b)NA / b)NA
c)Sand and gravel borrow pit
disturbance of river bed, water quality, ecosystem disturbance / c)use existing borrow pits or buy material at licensed separations; requirement for official approval or valid operating license / c)NA / c)NA
- Material transport
dust, fumes / a)cover truck load / a)minimal / a)minimal / a)Truck operator / a)Truck operator / a)-d) to be specified in bid documents-Technical
Dust / b)wet or cover truck load / b)minimal / b)minimal / b)Truck operator / b)Truck operator / Specifications for realization of works
c)Sand and gravel
Dust / c)wet or cover truck load / c)minimal / c)minimal / c)Truck operator / c)Truck operator
d)Traffic management
noise, vehicle exhaust, road congestion / d)haul material at off peak traffic hours; use alternative routes to minimize major traffic sites / d)NA / d)minimal / d)Transport manager; Truck operator / d)Transport manager; Truck operator
- Construction site
a) Noise disturbance to human and animal population and workers / a)limit activities to daylight working hours (not between 8 p.m. and 7 a.m. or as agreed with public and authorities); equipment operating with noise mufflers / a)NA; minimal / a)NA; minimal / a)Construction Contractor / a)Construction Contractor / a)-k) to be specified in bid documents-Technical Specifications for realization of works
Phase / Issue / Mitigating measure / Cost / Institutional responsibility / Comments
(e.g. secondary impacts)
Install / Operate / Install / Operate
b) Dust / b)water construction site and material storage sites as appropriate / b)minimal / b)minimal / b)Construction Contractor / b)Construction Contractor
c) Vibrations resulting from equipment work / c)limit work activities to daylight working hours (not between 8 p.m. and
7 a.m. or as agreed with public and authorities) / c)NA / c)NA / c)Construction Contractor / c)Construction Contractor
d) Traffic disruption during construction activity / d)traffic management plan with appropriate measures to redirect traffic that are easily seen or easy to follow; include traffic police / d)minimal / d)minimal / d)Construction Contractor / d)Construction Contractor
e) Reduced access to roadside activities / e)provide alternative access to roadside activities / e) depends on the way of access providing / e)minimal / e)Construction Contractor / e)Construction Contractor
f) Vehicle and pedestrian safety when there is no construction activity / f)appropriate lighting and well defined safety signs / f)minimal / f)minimal / f)Construction Contractor / f)Construction Contractor
g) Water and soil pollution from improper material storage, management and usage / g)organize and cover material storage areas; isolate concrete, asphalt and other works from watercourse by using scaled formwork; isolate wash down areas of concrete and asphalt trucks and other equipment from watercourse by selecting areas for washing that are not free draining directly or indirectly into watercourse; / g)minimal / g)minimal / g)Construction Contractor / g)Construction Contractor
Phase / Issue / Mitigating measure / Cost / Institutional responsibility / Comments
(e.g. secondary impacts)
Install / Operate / Install / Operate
eventually treat/discharge water to remove solids
h) Water and soil pollution from improper disposal of waste materials / h)dispose waste material at appropriate location protected from washing out / h)depends on location / h)minimal / h)Construction Contractor / h)Construction Contractor / Handling of wastes by licensed transportation company and delivered to licensed landfill
i) Potential contamination of soil and water from improper maintenance and fueling of equipment / i)proper handling of lubricants, fuel and solvents by secured storage; ensure proper loading of fuel and maintenance of equipment; collect all waste and dispose to permitted waste recovery facility/licensed landfill site / i)minimal / i)minimal / i)Construction Contractor / i)Construction Contractor
j) Destruction of crops, trees, meadows, etc. / j)ensure control of working zone and land acquisition; compensate damage / j) NA / j)depends on quantity of damage / j)Construction Contractor; Road Administration / j)Construction Contractor; Road Administration
k)Workers safety / k)provide workers with safety instructions and protective equipment (glasses, masks, helmets, boots, etc); safe organization of bypassing traffic / k)minimal / k)minimal / k)Construction Contractor / k)Construction Contractor
Operation /
- Maintenance
a) Noise disturbance to human and animal population and workers / a) limit activities to daylight working hours (not between 8 p.m. and 7 a.m. or as agreed with public and authorities); equipment operating with noise mufflers / a) NA;
minimal / a) NA;
minimal / a)-d) Ensuring that mitig. measures are implemented would be included in the contract terms, and it would be the Maintenancecontractor's responsibility to comply with his contract / a)-d) Ensuring that mitig. measures are implemented would be included in the contract terms, and it would be the Maintenance contractor's responsibility to comply with his contract / a)-d) to be specified in maintenance contract documents-Technical Specifications for realization of maintenance works
Phase / Issue / Mitigating measure / Cost / Institutional responsibility / Comments
(e.g. secondary impacts)
Install / Operate / Install / Operate
b) Possible air, water and soil pollution
dust, vehicle exhaust, fuel and lubricants spills / b) ensure proper handling of lubricants, fuel solvents by secured storage; ensure proper loading of fuel and maintenance of equipment; collect all waste and dispose to permitted waste recovery facility/licensed landfill site; limit equipment operation speedproperly organize and cover material storage areas; isolate concrete, asphalt and other works from watercourse by using sealed formwork; isolate wash down areas of concrete and asphalt trucks and other equipment from watercourse by selecting areas for washing that are not free draining directly or indirectly into watercourse;
dispose waste material at appropriate location protected from washing out / b) minimal / b) minimal
c) Vibrations / c) limit activities to daylight working hours (not between 8 p.m. and 7 a.m. or as agreed with public and authorities) / c) NA / c) NA
d) Workers safety / d) provide workers with safety instructions and protective equipment; safe organization of bypassing traffic / d) minimal / d) minimal
Phase / Issue / Mitigating measure / Cost / Institutional responsibility / Comments
(e.g. secondary impacts)
Install / Operate / Install / Operate
- Exploitation
a)Increased volume and speed of traffic
noise, dust, vehicle exhaust, fuel and lubricant spills / a) installation of protection measures (noise barriers, planting hedges along roadside, etc); optimization of vehicle speed regimes) / a) depends on the way of protection / a) minimal / a) Contractor for environment protection works; Traffic police / a) Maintenance
Traffic police
- Road safety
a) Increased vehicle speed / a) install appropriate traffic signs for speed limit / a) minimal / a) minimal / a) Maintenance
Contractor / a) Maintenance
Contractor / a)-b) to be specified in maintenance contract documents-Technical Specifications for realization of maintenance works
b) Erosion, rockfall, hazardous conditions / a) install appropriate warning signs (rockfall, upheaval, wet or slippery conditions, dangerous curve, animal or pedestrian crossing, school, slow moving vehicles, merge), reflective markers to indicate steep edge or convex mirrors to see oncoming traffic at blind curves; locate warnings at points considered appropriate by good engineering practice or as agreed with public and authorities / b) minimal / b) minimal / b) Maintenance
Contractor / b) Maintenance
Part C: Monitoring Plan
C. monitoring plan
Phase / Whatparameter is to be monitored? / Whereis the parameter to be monitored? / Howis the parameter to be monitored?/ type of monitoring equipment / Whenis the parameter to be monitored? (frequency of measurement or continuous) / Whyis the parameter to be monitored? (optional) / Cost / Institutional responsibilityInstall / Operate / Install / Operate
- Material supply
a)Asphalt plant / a)possession of official approval or valid operating license / a)asphalt plant / a)spot inspection / a)before work begins / a)-c) assure plant compliance with environment, health and safety / a)NA / a)NA / a)Local Environmental Authorities / a)Local Environmental Authorities
b)Stone quarry / b)possession of official approval or valid operating license / b)stone quarry / b)spot inspection / b)before work begins / requirements / b)NA / b)NA / b)Local Environmental Authorities / b)Local Environmental Authorities
c)Sand and gravel borrow pit / c)possession of official approval or valid operating license by transport. org / c)sand and gravel borrow pit or separation / c)spot inspection / c)before work begins/ occasional monitoring / c)NA / c)NA / c)Local Environmental Authorities / c)Local Environmental Authorities
- Material transport
a)Asphalt / a)truck load covered / a)job site / a)supervision / a) unannounced inspections during work / a)-d) assure compliance of performance with environment, health and / a)NA / a)minimal / a)NA / a)Supervision Contractor
Phase / Whatparameter is to be monitored? / Whereis the parameter to be monitored? / Howis the parameter to be monitored?/ type of monitoring equipment / Whenis the parameter to be monitored? (frequency of measurement or continuous) / Whyis the parameter to be monitored? (optional) / Cost / Institutional responsibility
Install / Operate / Install / Operate
b)Stone / b)truck load covered or wetted / b)job site / b)supervision / a) unannounced inspections during work / safety requirements and enable as / b)NA / b)minimal / b)NA / b)Supervision Contractor
c)Sand and gravel / c)truck load covered or wetted / c)job site / c)supervision / a) unannounced inspections during work / little disruption to traffic as it is possible / c)NA / c)minimal / c)NA / c)Supervision Contractor
d)Traffic management / d)hours and routes selected / d)job site / d)supervision / a) unannounced inspections during work / d)NA / d)minimal / d)NA / d)Supervision Contractor
- Construction site
a) Noise disturbance to human and animal population and workers / a) noise levels; equivalent noise level, equipment / a) job site; nearest homes / a) noise meter and analyzer,
inspection / a) once for each machine and equipment when works start and on complain / a)-k) assure compliance of performance with environment,
health and / a) NA / a) NA / a) Monitoring Contractor/ Local Environmental Authorities / a) Monitoring Contractor/ Local Environmental Authorities
b) Air pollution / b) dust (solid particles), / b) at and near job site / b) visual / b) during material delivery and construction / safety requirements and enable as little disruption to traffic as it is possible / b) NA / b) NA / b) Monitoring Contractor/ Local Environmental Authorities / b) Monitoring Contractor/ Local Environmental Authorities
Phase / Whatparameter is to be monitored? / Whereis the parameter to be monitored? / Howis the parameter to be monitored?/ type of monitoring equipment / Whenis the parameter to be monitored? (frequency of measurement or continuous) / Whyis the parameter to be monitored? (optional) / Cost / Institutional responsibility
Install / Operate / Install / Operate
c) Vibrations resulting from equipment work / c) limited time of activities / c) job site / c) supervision / c) unannounced inspections during work and on complain / c) NA / c) minimal / c) NA / c) Supervision Contractor/ Local Labour Protection Authorities
d) Traffic disruption during construction activity / d) existence of traffic management plan; traffic patterns / d) at and near job site / d) inspection; observation / d) before works start; once per week at peak and non peak periods / d) NA / d) minimal / d) NA / d) Supervision Contractor/ Local Road Administration
e) Reduced access to roadside activities / e) provided alternative access / e) job site / e) supervision / e) during construction / e) NA / e) minimal / e) NA / e) Supervision Contractor/ Local Road Administration
f) Vehicle and pedestrian safety when there is no construction activity / f) visibility and appropriateness / f) at and near job site / f) observation / f) once per week in the evening / f) NA / f) minimal / f) NA / f) Supervision Contractor/ Traffic police
g) Water and soil pollution from material storage, management and usage / g) water and soil quality (suspended solids, oil and grease) / g) runoff from site, material storage areas; wash down areas of equipment / g) gravity; observation; mobile laboratory with necessary equipment (water analyzer); / g) during material delivery and construction, especially during precipitation (rain, snow, etc) / g) NA / g) NA / g) Monitoring Contractor/ Local Environmental Authorities / g) Monitoring Contractor/ Local Environmental Authorities and occasional monitoring by Road Authority
Phase / Whatparameter is to be monitored? / Whereis the parameter to be monitored? / Howis the parameter to be monitored?/ type of monitoring equipment / Whenis the parameter to be monitored? (frequency of measurement or continuous) / Whyis the parameter to be monitored? (optional) / Cost / Institutional responsibility
Install / Operate / Install / Operate
h) Water and soil pollution from disposal of waste materials / h) water and soil quality (suspended solids, oil and grease) / h) depository site/landfill / h) mobile laboratory with necessary equipment (water analyzers); observation / h) in case of provisional disposal of waste at construction site and on complain / h) NA / h) NA / h) Monitoring Contractor/ Local Environmental Authorities / h) Monitoring Contractor / Local Environmental Authorities and occasional monitoring by Road Authority
i) Potential contamination of soil and water from maintenance and fueling of equipment / i) water and soil quality (suspended solids, oil and grease); procedures of work / i) job site; equipment maintenance facilities / i) mobile laboratory with necessary equipment (water analyzers); observation / i) in case of fueling of equipment at construction site and on complain / i) NA / i) NA / i) Monitoring Contractor/ Local Environmental Authorities / i) Monitoring Contractor/ Local Environmental Authorities and occasional monitoring by Road Authority
Phase / Whatparameter is to be monitored? / Whereis the parameter to be monitored? / Howis the parameter to be monitored?/ type of monitoring equipment / Whenis the parameter to be monitored? (frequency of measurement or continuous) / Why is the parameter to be monitored? (optional) / Cost / Institutional responsibility
Install / Operate / Install / Operate
j) Destruction of crops, trees, meadows, etc. / j) land acquisition / j) job site / j) supervision / j) during material delivery and construction / j) NA / j) minimal / j) NA / j) Supervision Contractor/ Local Environmental Authorities
k) Workers safety / k) protective equipment (glasses, masks, helmets, boots, etc); organization of bypassing traffic / k) job site / k) inspection / k) unannounced inspections during work / k) NA / k) minimal / k) NA / k) Supervision Contractor/ Local Labour Protection Authorities
Function / Responsible Party (parties) / FrequencyData collection on monitoring of environmental conditions during construction (reconstruction) and during exploitation / Contractor / Chief Engineer / See monitoring program above
Analysis of data during construction (reconstruction) period and during exploitation / - Ukravtodor Development Department / Ones every month
Preparation of report during construction (reconstruction) period and during exploitation / - Ukravtodor Development Department / Ones two month
Dissemination of report to the Ukravtodor management and Bank Project Manager / Ukravtodor Project Management Department send report to the Bank Project Manager
Project Manager receives report / Ones in two months to Ukravtodor management and once in six months to World Bank
Measures directed to environmental protection / - Ukravtodor Development Department / As necessary.