- Year 7 Catchup Programme Review of expenditure £12000
Academic Year / 2015-16
- Quality of teaching for all
Desired outcome / Chosen action/approach / Impact / Lessons learned/ Future Developments / Cost
Boost Reading Ages identified pupils / Implement Accelerated Reader Programme for identified pupils
An additional AR catchup support group created and administered by librarian / Progress in Reading Ages (years.months) was faster for PP Pupils than non-PP
Y7 – PP 1.02 non-PP 1.00
/ Acclerated Reader programme has been broadly successful despite library staffing issues. For this success to continue consistent staffing must be re-established.
Librarian to link with parents of catchup pupils to train in using AR and helping with paired reading
ARnties – Yr11 pupils will support the reading of this group moving into Yr8 / See PP action Plan
Helping Y7 catchupfamilies develop academic skills and pro-education ethos. / Development of Family Learning / 6 Y7 catch up families engaged with the programme,. Our aim providing accredited qualifications for PP parents was not met as due to financial crisis at Bournville College they were unable to provide regular support (although they do do so now). However, accredited qualifications will be delivered to families who continue on the scheme 2016-17 / We will build upon the success of this programme, by continuing with the parents of PP pupils now in Y8 and introducing a Y7 PP Parents cohort, effectively doubling the size of the programme.
Training to be provided for librarian to facilitate parents taking part in paired reading programmes
Numeracy across curriculum link person to provide additional support
Furthermore, Bournville College are now providng support staffing and parents are enrolling through the college to attain a range of literacy and numeracy qualifications up to GCSE.
Y7 Catch Up programme, targets additional support to Y7 catchup Pupils to close the progress gap in this crucial transitional year. / Booster Programme of additional lessons delivered by good and outstanding teachers of Maths and English. Will use kS2 prior attainment data and strengths and weakness data.
SEN programmes for all Yr7 catchup pupils for literacy and spellings
LH, CA and TN visited Cofton primary to look at standards and teaching methods at KS2. / Maths – 81% of Y7 catchup pupils made one sub level and 43% made 2sub levels
English – 63% of Y7 catchup pupils made one sub level and 50% made 2 sub levels
Maths and English teachers to provide ‘close the gap tasks based on KS2 prior attainment data analysis
RADY project and best practice implemented 2016-17 / While these rates of progress are encouraging, they are still below their non-Pupil Premium peers
Measurable improvements in attainment / Testing to take place at regular intervals which tracks and monitors progress. But also baselines against performance of pupils already performing at national standards to evidence that gap is closing / Pupil flightpaths will indicate that catchup pupils are making accelerated progress to enable them to close the gap / SC, TN, CA, SE, LH to meet regularly to analyse data and identify strengths and weaknesses of strategies. And plan forward.
Ensure that Y7 catchuppupils are able to access enrichment opportunities to engage a love of learning. / Homework support – LH lunctimes for Y7
Before school activities for maths by LH / Support needed for after school HW club which is now run by GN