CMS School Improvement Plan

November 4, 2015



Greg Zenion-Principal

Steve Morrone-Assistant Principal

Thad Azazides

Sylvia Overand-teacher

AJ Greenwood-teacher

Thad Ayazides-teacher

Liz Stearns-teacher

Bill Charadio-teacher

Coleman Pepperd- 8 student

Elle Lyons-grade 8 student

Etta Zasloff-community

Cody Clarkin-community

Christopher Sutcliffe-community

Ryan Landolfi-community

Sara Clark parent

Janice Palmer parent

Tammy Lyons-teacher/parent


Tammy Lyons- Attendance/Recorder

Thad Ayazides- Facilitator

Liz Stearns -Refreshments

Lindsay Cole-process observer

Ryan Landolfi-time keeper

Minutes-approved minutes


Report cards will be going home Friday.

Night school will begin-parents are being called.

Town Hall meetings began. The Miss RI Junior International came to talk about bullying. She is a URI student and is traveling to share her story with RI kids.

PARCC-November 9th admin and then November 16th

SIT Plan:

School Wide SLO(Student Learning Objective) Goals-

Narrative writing-direct result from PARCC

3-5 and 6-8 elements of writing

Use of Delaware rubric will be used to measure this objective

Goal 2

How does narrative writing look in social studies and science?

Students shared their experiences with narrative writing.


How clear can a student explain their mathematical thinking through words, visuals, picture, graph, other

PARCC language

Level 4 using sub-claim C rubric

How do we get kids to understand and explain their thinking?

Application of problem is key

PD will be provided for teachers on early release days and practice for the students.

Nominating Committee-

Bill Charadio/Cody Clarkin/ Ryan Landolfi

Family Engagement-Janice Palmer/Sara Clark/Coleman Pepperd

Cultural Arts: Moved the assembly March 14,16 Sonnet Man/ money was approved

By-Laws: Greg/Sylvia

Hospitality: Liz Stearns

Time Keeper: Ryan Landolfi

Bonfire: October 27th Tuesday-

Results-Need to bring lighter for fire

Biggest concern is supervision-We need to station people in places and keep people in the bowl.

Subcommittee there earlier that needs to make sure it all gets done

Have a jug of water available for people.

Attempt to not have it on sport night

Try to keep on a Wednesday/ Thursday night October 26th and 27th-Greg will make his contacts.

Move music to the other side so it carries through the field.

Put a subcommittee together to make sure each component is covered in September.

Fundraising: Ms. Dolce and Steve will have a date in the spring and the money will also support the CORE values

Thad is suggesting that we have a way to communicate in a shared folder in google. Greg and Steve agreed so that we can have all of our information in one place.

CORE Values-


OTHER: What happened to cursive?

How are teen book battle books chosen? Concern?

Westerly Teen Librarian opportunity

Etta- Chariho Cares (Network of retired teachers to work with teachers and students) currently have 4 interested

Website, Twitter, Facebook

Difficult to generate interest-Facebook most successful

Looking for face to face relationship with Chariho

Goal 4 /4.5.-4.6 Mentoring

Rooster Games/Teen Book Battles

Mentor-relationships with students

Example possibly drama

Next Date SIT: December 2, 2015