Introduction to Environmental Science Course Syllabus

Rim of the World High School

Teacher: Marianne B. Gomes

E-mail: one: 909-336-2038 ext. 112

Course website:

Course Description:

Environmental science is devoted to the study of the natural and unnatural processes, and their effects, on the environment, including the interactions of physical components of the planet that affect the environment. Throughout the year, this course provides an opportunity for students to develop scientific process skills, laboratory techniques, and an understanding of the fundamental principles that help to shape our study of the planet. Students will explore science as an inquiry based process while developing an understanding of the forces that shape our environment, plate tectonics, geology, meteorology, oceanography, and finally, how an understanding of our planet can be applied to the solar system. The Next Generation Science Standards are the foundation for this class as this class is primarily project and laboratory based. Assessment will be used to accurately determine a student’s level of learning throughout the year via “traditional” tests, performance tasks, laboratories, etc.

Class Policies and Expectations:

Students will be utilizing Interactive Notebooks, which is a composition book or separate spiral bound notebook used exclusively for this class. This notebook will be important in our studies as it will include homework, notes, or other class activities. Students will supply their own notebooks.

  • Homework: Each Monday, students will be assigned reading from a section in their text book and will take Cornell notes on the chapter so that their notes can be utilized for future study. Each reading will have a series of questions assigned that the students will answer; one of the questions will be EXTRA CREDIT, allowing students to earn 5 extra points every homework assignment. Homework is due every Friday.
  • If a student is absent, it is their responsibility to obtain any assignments missed while absent. The handouts are located in a file in back of the room under the day it was assigned. Students can also check the course website for missing work. Students with an excused absence will have an additional day to make up the work. Missed exams or labs can be made up after having arranged to do so with me.
  • Late work will only be accepted up until the designated Make Up day at the end of the month. All late work will receive a 25% penalty.
  • There is absolutely no eatingin a laboratory classroom as per OSHA laboratory regulations. Any student eating in the classroom will lose daily class points and be asked to throw it away. Failure to do so will result in progressive discipline. Additionally, all safety rules as stated in the Flinn Science Safety Agreementmust be followed as lab safety is of the utmost importance. Any student acting in any manner deemed unsafe during a laboratory will receive a 0 on the assignment and lose all laboratory rights and privileges thereafter.
  • Technology, including the use of smart phones, may be utilized in class to enrich the learning experience but the appropriate circumstances to do so are determined at the discretion of the
  • teacher. Phones that become a distraction are subject to being confiscated for the period, the school day, or being delivered to an administrator for the parent to pick up.
  • Students will be assigned seats within the class and they are expected to be in their seats and prepared to learn at the start of the class. Failure to do so may result in a tardy.
  • Students are expected to be respectful and responsible of the classroom, their peers and themselves as set out by the classes social contract. Class will not be dismissed for the period until the class is clean and ready for the next period.
  • All school rules, as stated in the student handbook, will be followed.

In order for parents, students, and myself to stay in contact with one another, this class will utilize a free messaging program called Remind. Parents and students can sign up to receive text message reminders about the class, including due dates and announcements. can be accessed online as well as through a downloadable app.

  • Period 4: Text the message @dkdgb to the number 81010 to enroll in our class’ section of Remind.
  • Period 5: Text the message @4daae6to the number 81010 to enroll in our class’ section of Remind.
  • Period 6: Text the message @94d763 to the number 81010 to enroll in our class’ section of Remind.

Ms. Gomes’ web page:

In the teacher directory of the Rim HS directory, you can find my name as well as details of this class. The web page includes this syllabus, a calendar, assignments for the course, due dates, etc. for both parent and student use.


Grades are weighted in the following categories: Tests/Quizzes 40%, Labs/Projects 30%, Classwork/Participation 20%, Homework 10%

  • Students will have the opportunity to retake quizzes if they have scored below 70%. Scores will be the average of both quizzes.
  • Students will receive a study guide for tests as a guide to helping them study. The information contained in the study guide will help them answer the questions on the test but are not necessarily the test questions. Students will be permitted to use their study guide and interactive notebooks on tests.Regardless of having an aid on the test, students are expected to STUDY for the test if they expect to pass. Tests cannot be retaken.
  • Extra credit assignments are available on a weekly basis for 10 pts each, to be located in the back of the classroom near the absent work.

Units of Study:

This course utilizes Glencoe Earth Science: Geology, the Environment, and the Universe by F. Borrero et. al, 2013.

1st Semester / 2nd Semester
Rocks, Minerals, and Earth’s Resources / Oceanography
Surface Processes on Earth / Meteorology
The Dynamic Earth: Earthquakes, Volcanoes / Climate
Geologic Time / Resources and the Environment
Beyond Earth

*Ms. Gomes reserves the right to make changes to this course syllabus as she sees fit.

Student/Parent Questionnaire

In order for me to be the best teacher I can for you, it will help me to know a little bit about you. The following page is for my use only: your answers will not be shared. Feel free to tell me as little or as much as you would like.

Name: ______

Age: ______Birthday: ______

Are you okay with your birthday being put on a class calendar so I can tell you happy birthday? ______

Do you play sports or participate in any after school activities? Do you have responsibilities outside of class (such as babysitting)? ______


What is your best subject in school? ______

What is your worst subject in school? Have you had trouble understanding material in a past class? If so, why?______

What else might I need to know about you so that I can help you do your very best in this class?______


What might I need to know about your student so that I can help them do their very best in this class?______

Do you give permissions for your student to watch PG-13 films for educational purposes? ______

Do you give permission for your student to have their picture taken and published for educational purposes (for example, I might take a picture of students conducting a lab and could put in on the class website to showcase what the class is doing)? ______

Please sign and return by Monday, August 21, 2017.

As a student of Ms. Gomes’ class, I have read and understand the class syllabus. Period: ______

Printed Student Name: ______Date: ______

Student’s Signature: ______

As a parent/guardian of the above student, I have read and reviewed with my child the syllabus.

Signature: ______Date: ______

E-mail Address: ______