12th July 2011.
To: An Cathaoirleach and Each Councillor
The JulyMonthly Meeting of Kells Town Council will be held on Monday,18th July 2011at 5.30pmin the Council Chamber, Kells Civic Offices, Headfort Place, Kells, to consider the attached agenda.
You are requested to attend.
Jarlath Flanagan
Meetings Administrator
- Confirmation of Minutes of the June Meeting held on 20th June2011.
- Correspondenceand matters raised by the Town Manager.
- Monthly Reports.
- Managers Orders.
- To consider the Draft Annual Financial Statement for year ended 31/12/2010. (copy circulated with June agenda)
- To consider and if thought fit to approve the revised over expenditure for the Financial year ended 31/12/2010 in accordance with S104 of the Local Government Act 2001.
- Notice of Question.
“Could the Manager please provide the Council with an update on the proposed link road between the Kells Link Road - N52/R163 ( Ardee Road & Headfort Road )” (Cllr. O.Sweeney)
- Notice of Motion.
“That we the Members of Kells Town Council request the Minister for the Environment Community & Local Government to give Local Authorities more powers to bring in legislation to deal with the problem of derelict sites within their jurisdiction.” (Cllr.T. Grimes)
“That we the Members of Kells Town Council forward a motion to Meath County Council requesting that they provide immediate funding for upgrading of council houses in Blackwater Heights & Ard Na Greinne.” (Cllr.C. Ferguson)
“That Kells Town Council seeks a meeting with the Gardai in relation to anti social behavior and drug problems with some of our youths in Kells.” (Cllr.C.Ferguson)
“That Kells Town Council make a submission to the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport supporting the inclusion of Phase 2 of the Navan Rail Line as a priority project for inclusion in the Departments revised capital funding programme. The inclusion of Phase 2 of the Navan Rail Linewill support economic recovery and provide new employment ” (Cllr. S. Drew)
- Other Business raised with the permission of An Cathaoirleach.
Telephone: 046 9240076, Fax: 046 9249316, web: Email: