November 24, 2013

Christ the King Sunday




8:15 "Come, Thou Almighty King"

10:45 "Come, Ye Thankful People, Come" Temple Bells


L: Dawn has broken; light has come.

P: Christ shines upon our lives.

L: The darkness is fading; new life is emerging.

P: Christ calls us forward in faith.

L: Come, let us be made strong in the strength of Christ’s glorious power.

P: Christ bestows the power of love, bringing justice for all.

L: Truly, I tell you, we are already with God when we live this truth.

P: Christ is present as we worship this day!

*HYMN OF PRAISE No.155“All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name”



Christ of glory and power, we see the image of God’s mercy and gentleness in the love you shine upon our lives. Guide us in your way of peace. Reign in our hearts, with your justice and righteousness. Shepherd us as your people, that we may display your glorious light for all the world to see. In the light of your powerful love, we pray. Amen





L: The Peace of Christ be with you.

P: And also with you

L: Please pass the Peace of Christ to your neighbor.


ANTHEM 8:15 “ A Tribute”

10:45 "A Tribute"



Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power and the glory forever. AMEN


OFFERTORY "All Things Bright and Beautiful"

*DOXOLOGY (tune – “Lord of the Dance”)

“For the gift of creation, for the gift of your love,

And the gift of the Spirit by which we live,

We thank you and give you the fruit of our hands.

May your grace be proclaimed by the gifts that we give.” Amen


Generous God, we are reminded that your desire is to share with us the inheritance you desire for your children, but so often we have chased after other things. You offer us the potential for joy and contentment; but far too often, we have not listened to your word but rather to the messages the world sends about where joy and contentment may be found. Touch our hearts as we give this morning. May we realize those things that really provide for a happy and full life, and may we give our gifts with generous hearts and with confidence in you. We pray in Christ's holy name. Amen.

*HYMN No. 327“Crown Him with Many Crowns”

SERMON SCRIPTURE Colossians 1:11-20


*HYMN OF PARTING No. 715“Rejoice, the Lord Is King”


*MUSIC OF PARTING"Give Thanks to God"

*Those who are able, please stand.







CHILDREN’S COLLECTIONS: This week our children’s collection will be given to the UMCOR for the disaster relief in the Philippines.

UMCOR disaster relief in the Philippines - $219.43


HANGING OF THE GREENS: We will be decorating our sanctuary for the Advent/Christmas season today immediately after the 10:45 AM service (noon?). Lunch will be provided. Many hands are needed to make our church beautiful inside. Lunch will be served for the workers. We hope to be done by 2:00 PM. We also hope to have a TV available so interested people can check on the Steeler game occasionally. There will be a sign-up sheet at the entrance to the sanctuary to volunteer. Please sign so that we know how much lunch to prepare.


THANKSGIVING ENVELOPE: Money received in the Thanksgiving Envelope, sent with your packet of envelopes, goes to support our Food bank here at Irwin First. Thank you in advance for your support.


CHRISTMAS POINSETTIAS: It’s time once again to order the beautiful poinsettias that adorn our church at Christmas! Please see the enclosed order form for complete information. Extra order forms are on the table in the Narthex. Payment is due with the order and must be turned in by today, Sunday, November 24th.



Christmas Cookie Sale...The order forms are on a table in the narthex, and all the cookies are pictured! Each box makes 8 dozen small or 4 dozen large cookies, so you can share an order with a friend to get a variety! Orders will be taken until today, November 24th. All orders and checks payable to First United Methodist can be placed in the office door slot. Thank you for supporting the Mission Share 2013!


THANKSGIVING FOOD BASKETS: Thank you to everyone who signed up to help fill the Thanksgiving food baskets. All donations are due back to the church today.


OPERATION REINDEER 2013: Today is the final day to donate giftsfor residents of Torrance State Hospital; and the Westmoreland Casemanagement and Support Inc. (WCSI) clients who reside in our communities and receive mental health services through WCSI. Our reindeer “Ruby” will be in the narthex today, November 24th to collect your gifts. All gifts must be NEW, UNBOXED, and UNWRAPPED. The Outreach Committee wishes to thank all of you for your generous support of this project in the past.


CROSS & FLAME: The December issue of the Cross & Flame is now available. You may pick up your copy on the table in the Narthex.


CUSTODIAN POSITION: There is an immediate opening at Irwin First United Methodist Church for a day custodian for approximately 25 hours a week. A full job description, application, and clearance forms are available in the church office. Applications should be addressed to the SPRC of the church.


THERE WILL BE A BENEFIT DINNER AND DANCE FOR THE FAMILY OF MATT BACK on Sunday, December 1stat 4:00 PM at the Slovenian Hall (Blue Room), 3024 Church Street, Claridge, PA 15623. It will be catered by Gourmet Affairs in Manor. The menu is pasta, stuffed shells, meatballs and sauce salad, dressing, dinner rolls, various desserts,water, and soda. The cost is $10/adults, $5/ children. There will be gift baskets and other donated items for sale. All proceeds will go to the Back family to cover funeral and medical expenses.


ACOLYTES: Young people (grades 3 and up) are needed to serve as acolytes for both services, especially during the Advent season. You would not be serving every week. This is a chance to serve your church and assist in worship.


IRWIN MALE CHORUS will be performing at our church on Sunday, December 8th at 7:00 PM. Cookies will be needed for the reception. They may be brought to the church Sunday morning or just proir to the concert. Please plan to attend the concert with all you friends.


BAZAAR GIFT BASKETS: Remaining baskets from the bazaar have been moved upstairs to the Adult Sunday School room (outside of the Pastor's office). Proceeds from this final sale will support the Rick Simms Mission Work Trip to Philippi, WV.


Our December Fellowship Nightat Irwin First will be 'sweet'! We're building Gingerbread Houses, so get your Christmas spirit on!

Join us on December 11th at 6:00 pm in the gym for a quick dinner of Hot Dogs, Sloppy Joes, Chips, and Wassailbefore 'building' great memories and sharing Christmas funwith family& friends!Thanks tosomewonderful bakers in our church, if you sign up,thegingerbread and icing will be provided for you. (If you'd like to make your own gingerbread, we have patterns and recipes available.)

Please bring your own 'construction materials' -thecandies & things you wantto decorateyour house with (bring some sweets for your dessert after dinner too), along with a bag of candy to share. Some ideas are: M&M's, Gumdrops, Pretzels, Licorice, Tootsie Rolls, sprinkles, colored sugar, powdered sugar& a sifter for snow, Skittles, Fruit Roll Ups, Mints, Candy Canes- whatever you'd liketo put on your house. Be creative! Each family can take their house home that night to enjoy throughout the Christmas season.

The Christmas songbooks will be available, and we'll be singing Christmas songs during the times we're waiting forthe 'mortar' to set the walls on the houses.

The event promises to be fun for everyone! If you don't want to build a house, sign up for just dinner, and come enjoy the fellowship.

Make sure you sign up on the clipboard, or call the office, so that wehave enough gingerbread walls, roofs, and icing! Hope to see you there!