5.10 Levels of assessment—Overlays
The following table identifies for an overlay
(a)any change tothe level of assessment stated in a zone or neighbourhood plan;
(b)the relevant assessment criteria.
Note—Some overlays may only be included for information purposes. This may result in no change to the level of assessment or assessment criteria under the planning scheme.
Note—Where development is proposed on land that is included in more than one overlay, the level of assessment is the highest level for each aspect of development under the applicable overlay.
Table 5.10.1—Levels of assessment for Active frontages in residential zones overlay
Development / Level of assessment / Assessment criteriaAll aspects of developments
MCU, ROL, building work oroperational work if prescribed exempt development / Exempt / Not applicable
MCU for active frontage usesat ground level with a gross floor area less than 250m2, if not in the Commercial character building overlay / Code assessment
Note—Within this overlay, non-residential uses which are active frontage uses that may otherwise have been impact assessable in the zone, are code assessable in the identified circumstances. / Active frontages in residential zones overlay code
Prescribed secondary code
Table 5.10.2—Levels of assessment for Airport environs overlay
Development / Level of assessment / Assessment criteriaAll aspects of developments
MCU, ROL, building work or operational work if prescribed exempt development / Exempt / Not applicable
MCU for a newdwelling house, where not in the Australian Noise Exposure Forecast (ANEF) contour sub-category / No change / Not applicable
MCU,other than for a dwelling house,in the Obstacle Limitation Surfaces sub-categories / No change
If complying with all self-assessable acceptable outcomes / Airport environs overlay code—all acceptable outcomes in section A
Code assessment
If not complying with all self-assessable acceptable outcomes
Note—If the MCU is impact assessable in the zone or neighbourhood plan, then the level of assessment is not lowered to code assessment / Airport environs overlay code—all outcomes in section A
MCU, other than for a dwelling house,in the Procedures for Air Navigation Services Aircraft Operational Surfaces (PANS–OPS) sub-categories / No change
If complying with all self-assessable acceptable outcomes / Airport environs overlay code—all acceptable outcomes in section A
Code assessment
If not complying with all self-assessable acceptable outcomes
Note—If the MCU is impact assessable in the zone or neighbourhood plan, then the level of assessment is not lowered to code assessment / Airport environs overlay code—all outcomes in section A
MCU, other than for a dwelling house,in the Bird and bat strike zone sub-categories, if for:
(a)animal keeping; or
(b)aquaculture; or
(c)cropping; or
(d)food and drink outlet; or
(e)high impact industryif involving food, beverages or pet food processing, smoking, drying, curing, milling, bottling or canning works or a waste disposal facility; or
(f)intensive animal industry; or
(g)medium impact industryif involving food, beverages or pet food processing, smoking, drying, curing, milling, bottling or canning works; or
(h)animal husbandry / No change
If complying with all self-assessable acceptable outcomes / Airport environs overlay code—all acceptable outcomes in section B
Code assessment
If not complying with all self-assessable acceptable outcomes
Note—If the MCU is impact assessable in the zone or neighbourhood plan, then the level of assessment is not lowered to code assessment / Airport environs overlay code—all outcomes in section B
MCU, other than for a dwelling house,in the Public safety area sub-categories / No change
If complying with all self-assessable acceptable outcomes / Airport environs overlay code—all acceptable outcomes in section C
Code assessment
If not complying with all self-assessable acceptable outcomes
Note—If the MCU is impact assessable in the zone or neighbourhood plan, then the level of assessment is not lowered to code assessment / Airport environs overlay code—all outcomes in section C
MCU, other than for a dwelling house, in the Aviation facilities sub-categories / No change
If complying with all self-assessable acceptable outcomes / Airport environs overlay code—all acceptable outcomes in section E
Code assessment
If not complying with all self-assessable acceptable outcomes
Note—If the MCU is impact assessable in the zone or neighbourhood plan, then the level of assessment is not lowered to code assessment / Airport environs overlay code—all outcomes in section E
MCU in the Australian Noise Exposure Forecast (ANEF) contour sub-category if for:
(a)accommodation activities (activity group); or
(b)centre activities (activity group); or
(c)community facilities (activity group); or
(d)low impact industry / No change
If complying with all self-assessable acceptable outcomes / Airport environs overlay code—all acceptable outcomes in section F
Code assessment
If not complying with all self-assessable acceptable outcomes
Note—If the MCU is impact assessable in the zone or neighbourhood plan, then the level of assessment is not lowered to code assessment / Airport environs overlay code—all outcomes in section F
Building work
Building work for a telecommunications facility if for a satellite dish in the Obstacle Limitation Surfaces sub-categories, the Procedures for Air Navigation Services - Aircraft Operational Surfaces (PANS-OPS) sub-categories or the Aviation facilities sub-categories / No change
If complying with all self-assessable acceptable outcomes / Airport environs overlay code—all acceptable outcomes in sections A and E
Code assessment
If not complying with all self-assessable acceptable outcomes
Note—If the MCU is impact assessable in the zone or neighbourhood plan, then the level of assessment is not lowered to code assessment / Airport environs overlay code—all outcomes in section A and E
Building work for outdoor lighting in the Light intensity area sub-categories / No change
If complying with all self-assessable acceptable outcomes / Airport environs overlay code—all acceptable outcomes in section D
Code assessment
If not complying with all self-assessable acceptable outcomes
Note—If the MCU is impact assessable in the zone or neighbourhood plan, then the level of assessment is not lowered to code assessment / Airport environs overlay code—all outcomes in section D
Table 5.10.3—Levels of assessment for Bicycle network overlay
Development / Level of assessment / Assessment criteriaAll aspects of developments
MCU, ROL, building work or operational work if prescribed exempt development / Exempt / Not applicable
MCU, ROL, building work or operational work if self-assessable development / No change / Not applicable
MCU other than for a dwelling house or home based business,involving a new premises or an existing premises with an increase in gross floor area / No change / Bicycle network overlay code
ROL / No change / Bicycle network overlay code
Table 5.10.4—Levels of assessment for Biodiversity areas overlay
Development / Level of assessment / Assessment criteriaAll aspects of developments
MCU, ROL, building work or operational work if prescribed exempt development / Exempt / Not applicable
MCU, other than for a dwelling house,involving a new premises or an existing premises withan increase in gross floor area / Code assessment
Note—If the MCU is impact assessable in the zone or neighbourhood plan, then the level of assessment is not lowered to code assessment. / Biodiversity areas overlay code
Biodiversity offset code (if identified in the Biodiversity areas overlay code)
MCU for anewdwelling house, if outside an approved development footprint plan
Note—For the purpose of this provision, an existing lot in the Low density residential zone, the Low-medium density residential zone, the Medium density residential zone or the Character residential zone is deemed to have an approved development footprint plan with an area no greater than 1,000m2. / Code assessment
Note—If the MCU is impact assessable in the zoneor neighbourhood plan, then the level of assessment is not lowered to code assessment. / Biodiversity areas overlay code
Biodiversity offset code (if identified in the Biodiversity areas overlay code)
ROL / Code assessment
Note—If the ROL is impact assessable in the zoneor neighbourhood plan, then the level of assessment is not lowered to code assessment. / Biodiversity areas overlay code
Biodiversity offset code (if identified in the Biodiversity areas overlay code)
Operational work
Operational work for filling or excavation,if outside an approved development footprint plan / Code assessment
Note—If the development is impact assessable in the zone or neighbourhood plan, then the level of assessment is not lowered to code assessment. / Biodiversity areas overlay code
Biodiversity offset code (if identified in the Biodiversity areas overlay code)
Operational work for clearing vegetation of a total area of more than 500m2 not associated with a dwelling house, if in the Priority koala habitat area sub-category or the Koala habitat area sub-category / Code assessment
Note—If the development is impact assessable in the zone or neighbourhood plan, then the level of assessment is not lowered to code assessment. / Biodiversity areas overlay code (if identified in the Biodiversity areas overlay code)
Biodiversity offset code
Building work
Building work for outdoor lighting / Code assessment
Note—If the development is impact assessable in the zone or neighbourhood plan, then the level of assessment is not lowered to code assessment. / Biodiversity areas overlay code
Building work for an extension to an existing dwelling house if extending outside an approved development footprint plan
Note—For the purpose of this provision, an existing lot in the Low density residential zone, the Low-medium density residential zone, the Medium density residential zone or the Character residential zone is deemed to have an approved development footprint plan with an area no greater than 1,000m2. / Code assessment
Note—If the development is impact assessable in the zone or neighbourhood plan, then the level of assessment is not lowered to code assessment. / Biodiversity areas overlay code
Biodiversity offset code (if identified in the Biodiversity areas overlay code)
Table 5.10.5—Levels of assessment for Bushfire overlay
Development / Level of assessment / Assessment criteriaAll aspects of developments
MCU, ROL, building work or operational work if prescribed exempt development / Exempt / Not applicable
Note—MCU where complying with a current and approved bushfire management plan relevant to the full nature of the development is subject to this overlay.
MCU,other than for a dwelling house, involving a new premises or extension to an existing premises greater than 25m2 / Self assessment
If complying with all self-assessable acceptable outcomes
Note—If the MCU is code or impact assessable in the zoneor neighbourhood plan, then the level of assessment is not lowered to self assessment. / Bushfire overlay code—all acceptable outcomes in section A
Code assessment
If not complying with all self-assessable acceptable outcomes
Note—If the MCU is impact assessable in the zoneor neighbourhood plan, then the level of assessment is not lowered to code assessment. / Bushfire overlay code—all outcomes in section A
MCU, other than for a dwelling house, if:
(a)for a use involving an increase in the number of short-or long-term overnight residents or employees on the site by more than 10% other than a home based business; or
(b)increasing the number of dwellings; or
(c)for vulnerable uses(activity group) or difficult to evacuate uses(activity group); or
(d)for assembly uses(activity group) or any use which involves significant numbers of persons regularly congregating on the site; or
(e)for essential community infrastructure (activity group); or
(f)involving the handling and storage of hazardous chemicals exceeding the amounts specified in Table in the Bushfire overlay code / Code assessment
Note—If the MCU is impact assessable in the zone or neighbourhood plan, then the level of assessment is not lowered to code assessment. / Bushfire overlay code— all outcomes in sections A andB
ROL / Code assessment
Note—If the ROL is impact assessable in the zoneor neighbourhood plan, then the level of assessment is not lowered to code assessment. / Bushfire overlay code—all outcomes in section C
Table 5.10.6—Levels of assessment for Coastal hazard overlay
Development / Level of assessment / Assessment criteriaAll aspects of developments
MCU, ROL, building work or operational work if prescribed exempt development / Exempt / Not applicable
MCU for anewdwelling house / Selfassessment
If complying with all self-assessable acceptable outcomes
Note—If the MCU is code or impact assessable in the zoneor neighbourhood plan, then the level of assessment is not lowered to self assessment. / Coastal hazard overlay code—all acceptable outcomes in section A
Code assessment
If not complying with all self-assessableacceptable outcomes
Note—If the MCU is impact assessable in the zoneor neighbourhood plan, then the level of assessment is not lowered to code assessment. / Coastal hazard overlay code—all outcomes in section A
Editor’s note—If impact assessable and in the Coastal Management District, development must be consistent with the provisions of the State Planning Policy, Part E—Interim development assessment requirements for the following State interests:
(a)Biodiversity (refer also to the Draft SPP guideline, state interest—biodiversity);
(b)Coastal environment (refer also to the SPP Guideline, state interest—coastal environment);
(c)Natural hazards (refer also to the Draft SPP Guideline, state interest—natural hazards, Guidance on coastal hazards).
MCU fora park / No change
If complying with all self-assessable acceptable outcomes / Coastal hazard overlay code—all acceptable outcomes in section B
Code assessment
If not complying with all self-assessable acceptable outcomes
Note—If the MCU is impact assessable in the zoneor neighbourhood plan, then the level of assessment is not lowered to code assessment. / Coastal hazard overlay code—all outcomes in section B
MCU, other than for a dwelling house, if:
(a)involving an increase in the number of persons on site; or
(b)for a new premises; or
(c)involving an existing premises with an increase in gross floor area exceeding 25m2; or
(d)for vulnerable uses(activity group) or difficult to evacuate uses(activity group) ;or
(e)for assembly uses(activity group) ;or
(f)for essential community infrastructure(activity group); or
(g)for a dwelling unit, hotel where including short-term accommodation, nature based tourism or a resort complex, or for accommodation activities (activity group) other than a dwelling house or caretaker’s accommodation, in a part of a premises not previously approved for accommodation activities(activity group) ;or
(h)involving the handling or storage of hazardous chemicals identified in Table in the Coastal hazard overlay code / Code assessment
Note—If the MCU is impact assessable in the zoneor neighbourhood plan, then the level of assessment is not lowered to code assessment. / Coastal hazard overlay code—all outcomes in sections B and C
Editor’s note—If impact assessable and in the Coastal Management District, development must be consistent with the provisions of the State Planning Policy, Part E—Interim development assessment requirements for the following State interests:
(a)Biodiversity (refer also to the Draft SPP Guideline, state interest—biodiversity)
(b)Coastal environment (refer also to the SPP Guideline, state interest—coastal environment);
(c)Natural hazards (refer also to the SPP Guideline, state interest—natural hazards, Guidance on coastal hazards).
ROL / Code assessment
Note—If the ROL is impact assessable in the zoneor neighbourhood plan, then the level of assessment is not lowered to code assessment. / Coastal hazard overlay code—all outcomes in section D
Operational work
Operational work for filling or excavation / No change / Coastal hazard overlay code—all outcomes in section C
Editor’s note—If impact assessable and in the Coastal Management District, development must be consistent with the provisions of the State Planning Policy, Part E—Interim development assessment requirements for the following State interests:
(a)Biodiversity (refer also to the Draft SPP Guideline, state interest—biodiversity)
(b)Coastal environment (refer also to the SPP Guideline, state interest—coastal environment);
(c)Natural hazards (refer also to the SPP Guideline, state interest—natural hazards, Guidance on coastal hazards).
Building work
Building work for an extension to an existing dwelling house
Editor's note—Part 5, section 5.3.4 identifies the circumstances where building work is exempt development. / Self assessment
If complying with all self-assessable acceptable outcomes
Note—If the development is code or impact assessable in the zone or neighbourhood plan, then the level of assessment is not lowered to self assessment. / Coastal hazard overlay code—all acceptable outcomes in section A
Code assessment
If not complying with all self-assessable acceptable outcomes
Note—If the development is impact assessable in the zoneor neighbourhood plan, then the level of assessment is not lowered to code assessment. / Coastal hazard overlay code—all outcomes in section A
Editor’s note—If impact assessable and in the Coastal Management District, development must be consistent with the provisions of the State Planning Policy, Part E—Interim development assessment requirements for the following State interests:
(a)Biodiversity (refer also to the Draft SPP Guideline, state interest—biodiversity)
(b)Coastal environment (refer also to the SPP Guideline, state interest—coastal environment);
(c)Natural hazards (refer also to the SPP Guideline, state interest—natural hazards, Guidance on coastal hazards).
Building work for:
(a)a park;
(b)a use, other than a dwelling house, involving an increase in gross floor area not exceeding 25m2
Editor's note—Part 5, section 5.3.4 identifies the circumstances where building work is exempt development. / Self assessment
If complying with all self-assessable acceptable outcomes
Note—If the development is code or impact assessable in the zone or neighbourhood plan, then the level of assessment is not lowered to self assessment. / Coastal hazard overlay code—all acceptable outcomes in section B
Code assessment
If not complying with all self-assessable acceptable outcomes
Note—If the development is impact assessable in the zoneor neighbourhood plan, then the level of assessment is not lowered to code assessment. / Coastal hazard overlay code—all outcomes in section B
Table 5.10.7—Levels of assessment for Commercial character building overlay