Eleven players are allowed on the field. Substitutions for either team may be made when the ball passes over the end line. Teams also may substitute on their own throw-ins. Injured players also can be replaced. SUBSTITUTIONS MAY NOT BE MADE WHILE PLAY IS ON. Violating this rule will result in a penalty kick for the non-offending team. Substitutions are unlimited, meaning a player may come out of the game and return as many times as he/she wants.
All free kicks resulting from an infraction will be indirect except for the following violations: 1) Handling the ball; 2) Any personal foul such as a trip, push or charge which, in the opinion of the referee, was flagrant enough to warrant a direct kick. Personal fouls which are inadvertent or considered non-flagrant will result in an indirect free kick.
Games will be 50 minutes, running time, divided into two 25-minute halves. The refs will have a clock with which to keep track of time. Halftime will be five minutes and there will be a five-minute warm-up period before the game. At the ref's discretion, the clock may be stopped for inordinate delays such as the ball being kick far out of bounds requiring a great deal of time to retrieve, or injury. Goals do not stop the clock.
Teams may play with as few as nine (9) players to avoid a forfeit. If a team does not have at least this number of players in attendance by 10 minutes past the hour, the referee will declare the game a forfeit. If a game begins with one or both teams short a player or two, tardy team members may enter the playing field whenever there is a whistle to stop play. Any team which forfeits two games during the season will be ineligible for the playoffs. Teams may NOT pick up players from another team to fill out its squad. PLAYERS ARE ALLOWED TO PLAY FOR ONLY ONE (1) INTRAMURAL SOCCER TEAM. VIOLATION OF THIS RULE MAY RESULT IN A GAME BEING FORFEITED. If the referee declares the game a forfeit, but the teams wish to play a pick-up game during the allocated time period, they may do so; however, the referees are under no obligation to officiate the pick-up game.
All other rules not otherwise mentioned herein shall be the same as those which govern NCAA soccer. In particular, please note the following: 1) Throw-ins are done with two hands over the head and both feet on the ground. Also, the thrower's feet must not be on the playing field when the throw-in is made; 2) Off-sides will be called if an attacking player without the ball does not have two defenders or the ball between himself/herself and the goal while his/her team is in possession of the ball and advancing on the goal. Offside will be called only if this attacking player is involved in the play; 3) Goalies may not touch the ball with their hands if the ball is intentionally played back to them by the foot of a teammate. Should the ball be played back to the goalie by the body or head, or inadvertently by the foot, then it can be handled by the goalie; 4) Goalies may not possess the ball in their hands for more than six seconds once standing, and may not re-grasp the ball once it has been released. Violations of points (2), (3) and (4) will result in an indirect free kick at the point of the violation. Violation of point (1) results in a throw-in for the opposing team.
Intramurals will provide one ball for each field and a supply of pinnies. All other equipment is the responsibility of the players. It is advisable but not mandatory to wear shin guards. One team will be required to wear the gold mesh pinnies during the game to distinguish the teams, so please ask your players not to wear a gold-colored shirt. If a game is tied at the conclusion of the second half, it goes into the books as a tie. No overtime is played during the regular season.