Guide for Applicants for Call 1 (2015)
About thisdocument
This document presents main features of the UCD TOPMed10 Fellowship Programme and provides practical information for potential applicants on the application process, assessment procedure and conditions of employment. The information presented within this document is also available on the UCD TOPMed10 website (
1UCD TOPMed10 Programme
1.1About UCD TOPMed10
1.2University College Dublin (UCD)
1.3Personalised Medicine
1.4Marie Curie
2Fellowship Details
2.1Fellowship Categories
3Eligibility Criteria
3.1Eligibility of applicants
3.2Eligibility of project proposals
3.3Eligibility of host organisations for outgoing phase
4Selection of Fellows
4.1Assessment Criteria – written proposal
4.2Assessment Criteria – interview
4.3Selection Process
4.3.1Publication of the Fellowship Call
4.3.2Preparation of the Application
4.3.3Submission of the applications
4.3.4Eligibility checking
4.3.5International Peer-Review
4.3.6Ranking of the applications
4.3.7Interviews of top scoring candidates
4.3.8Fellowship offers for successful applicants
4.4Redress Procedure
5Ethical Issues
6Intellectual Property Rights
7Employment Conditions
7.1Contractual arrangements
7.2Financial aspects
7.3Rights and obligations
7.4Training and Career Development aspects
7.4.1Personal Development Plan
7.4.3UCD Research Skills and Career Development
7.5Support for the Fellows
7.5.1UCD Support
7.5.2EURAXESS Service Centre
7.5.3Hosting Agreement (Researcher Visa Scheme)
8Information on processing personal data
9Relevant links
10Contact details
11Application Templates for Call 1 (2015)
1UCD TOPMed10 Programme
1.1About UCD TOPMed10
UCD TOPMed10, Marie Skłodowska-Curie COFUND Action, is a new International Training and Career Development Fellowship Programme at University College Dublin (UCD). The Programme offers 10 prestigious Personalised Medicine Fellowships to experienced researchers. All Fellowships are based in UCD with an optional secondment at a partner organisation in academia or industry.
Training the next generation of leaders in Personalised Medicine
With an emphasis on interdisciplinary training and career support, TOPMed10 aims to serve as a blueprint for what biomedical training can look like in the future.
1.2University College Dublin (UCD)
University College Dublin has its origins in the mid-nineteenth century under the leadership of the renowned educationalist John Henry Cardinal Newman. Since its foundation in 1854, the University has flourished and made a unique and substantial contribution to the creation of modern Ireland, based on successful engagement with Irish society on every level and across every sphere of activity.
UCD is one of Europe's leading research-intensive universities; an environment whereundergraduate education, masters and PhD training,research,innovationand community engagement form a dynamic spectrum of activity.
The international standing of UCD has grown in recent years; it is currently ranked within the top 1% of institutions world-wide. UCD is also Ireland's most globally engaged university with over 30,000 students drawn from over 120 countries, and includes 5,500 students based at locations outside of Ireland. The University's main Dublin campus occupies an extensive parkland estate of more than 130 hectares and offers world-leading facilities including the UCD O'Brien Centre for Science,UCD Sutherland School of Law,UCD Quinn School of BusinessandUCD Student Centre.
As Ireland's largest university, with its great strength and diversity of disciplines, UCD embraces its role to contribute to the flourishing of Ireland; through the study and discussion of people, society, business, economy, culture, languages and the creative arts, as well as through research and innovation. The University's Strategy 2015-2020 outlines the objectives and major strategic initiatives set in place in order to accomplish UCD's mission and vision for this era.
The TOPMed10 programme is hosted between a number of leading biomedical research centres based in UCD:
Systems Biology Ireland is an international leader in the application of computational and mathematical modeling to biomedical questions. Its research focuses on elucidating the basic principles of the design and function of biological signal transduction networks so as to design new therapeutic approaches based on a systems level, mechanistic understanding of biomolecular networks. To do this, the centre draws on the expertise of experimentalists, computational scientists, bioinformaticians, biostatisticians, physicists, engineers, software developers, chemists and clinicians.
SBI specialises in the development of new network based diagnostics and treatment strategies in cancer. Since its establishment in 2009, the centre has identified and validated new and promising therapeutic targets for treatment of breast cancer, melanoma, neuroblastoma, and colorectal cancer. The centre’s team of some 80 researchers from over 20 countries has secured ~€37 million in direct funding, supported 26 postgraduate fellows and 35 internships, established collaborations with >100 private and academic organisations worldwide; and published 198 original articles and 41 reviews.
UCD Conway Institute of Biomolecular and Biomedical Researchis the largest interdisciplinary Irish life science institute dedicated to the investigation of the molecular causes of diseases. The institute houses more than 450 research, technical and administrative staff amongst which are 120 postdoctoral and research fellows; making it Ireland’s largest postdoctoral training facility. The international flavour of the institute is boosted by the fact that over 50% of the 350 early career researchers who have trained in the Conway Institute in the past decade came from abroad. Key research areas include cancer and inflammatory diseases, such as inflammatory bowel disease.
Since its inception, the Conway Institute has sought to build critical mass in a number of well-funded, developing scientific disciplines which are supported by a world-class suite of technology platforms in areas of genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics, bioinformatics, flow cytometry and imaging.
Over the last 10 years, Conway Fellows have produced more than 3200 publications. More than 80 scientific publications by Conway researchers have been cited over 100 times. These highly cited studies have emerged from across the full range of scientific areas and reflect the world-class research taking place. Prof Des Higgins, Professor of Bioinformatics at the UCD Conway Institute and SBI, has over 100,000 total citations for his work on DNA sequence comparisons; making him the most cited Irish, and one of the most cited researchers in the world.
UCD Charles Institute of Dermatologyis the only dermatology research institute in Ireland. It has a focus on skin inflammatory diseases and melanoma. In January 2014, Martin Steinhoff, a clinician scientist, was appointed to the Professorial Chair of Dermatology and Director of the Charles Institute. He joins UCD from the University of California San Francisco (UCSF), where he was the Professor in Residence in the Departments of Dermatology and Surgery. At UCSF he established clinics for eczema and rosacea, a successful NIH-funded research group for neuroimmunology, and clinical trials on novel treatments for pruritus and atopic dermatitis.
Prof Steinhoff’s vision for the Charles Institute is to become a world leader in dermatology research and training in order to improve patient care through the discovery of molecular disease mechanisms that result in new diagnostic tools and therapies. Associated with the Charles Institute are two dermatology university clinics located in St Vincent’s University Hospital (SVUH) and the Mater Misericordiae University Hospital (MMUH) linked via UCD Clinical Research Centre. This provides basic researchers with invaluable patient access for human studies and translational skin research. The Charles Institute is equipped to the highest standards with state-of-the-art laboratory space. Situated in the heart of the UCD Health Sciences Complex, researchers have full access to comprehensive and advanced analysis platforms for life sciences and biomedical research available in the Conway Institute and leading expertise in cellular signal transduction networks in SBI.
UCD Clinical Research Centrepurpose-built clinical investigation and laboratory support facilities were established in 2006 at MMUH and in 2007 at SVUH, two of Ireland’s largest teaching hospitals. UCD CRC undertakes advanced research in a caring environment that aims to progress medical treatment for patients suffering from a wide range of illnesses. The approach to this research is truly a team effort with doctors, nurses, technicians, scientists and patients working together towards the common goal of developing new treatments and improving patient health.
Over 3,000 patients participate annually in research studies in areas such as cancer, dermatology and inflammatory arthritis. Core activities supported by UCD CRC include clinical research, clinical trials phases I-IV, population studies, bio-banking, data collection/handling, biostatistics and provision of training.
1.3Personalised Medicine
Widely considered as the future of medicine, Personalised Medicine is an approach to medical practice in which the individual aspects of a patient are directly considered to guide treatment planning, including his or her genetic make-up, key biomarkers, prior treatment history, environmental factors and behavioural preferences. This enables the development of personalised treatments and therapies as opposed to a ‘one size fits all’, trial and error approach.
Personalised Medicine is now coming into reach because of advances in high throughput –omics technologies and emerging disciplines such as computational modelling, molecular bioinformatics, biostatics, statistical genetics and clinical informatics.
A new generation of scientists and clinicians with interdisciplinary expertise is now required to harness these technologies and disciplines to produce tangible benefits for patients, practitioners and society in general.
1.4Marie Curie
The Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (MSCA), named after the double Nobel Prize winning Polish-French scientist famed for her work on radioactivity, support researchers at all stages of their careers, irrespective of nationality. Researchers working across all disciplines, from life-saving healthcare to 'blue-sky' science, are eligible for funding. The MSCA also support industrial doctorates, combining academic research study with work in companies, and other innovative training that enhances employability and career development.
In addition to generous research funding, scientists have the possibility to gain experience abroad and in the private sector, and to complete their training with competences or disciplines useful for their careers. Internationally respected in industry and academia, a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship is a recognised mark of research excellence.
Related Links
Testimonials from Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellows
Marie Curie Alumni Association
2Fellowship Details
2.1Fellowship Categories
UCD TOPMed10 Fellowships are for experienced researchers of any nationality and residing worldwide, seeking a prestigious career development fellowship based in UCD, Ireland, including the opportunity to work closely with a number of relevant academic and non-academic partners of their choice and appropriate to their research, training and professional career development.
We welcome applications from candidates who have had career breaks and are looking to return to a research-based career and from candidates who have had a non-traditional career path including those who have built up research experience but who may not have a PhD.
Fellowships are open to candidates of any nationality, who at the time of the proposal submission deadline have not resided in Ireland for more than 12 months in the preceding 3 years.
Fellow level 1
Candidates with 0-3 years post PhD (or equivalent) experience
This is a research training role, where applicants will conduct a programme of research and research training, on a topic of their choice as proposed in their application to the programme, under the supervision of the PI.
The primary purpose of the role is to further develop research skills and competencies including: development of processes of publication; the development of funding proposals; and the mentorship of graduate students.
Fellow level 2
Candidates with 3+ years post PhD (or equivalent) experience
This is an advanced research training role, building on prior experience as a post-doctoral fellow, where Fellows will conduct their programme of research training on a topic of their choice as proposed in their application to the programme, under the supervision and direction of the PI.
The primary purpose of the role is to develop new or advanced research skills and competencies that will prepare them for an independent position following the programme, including: publishing research outputs; acquiring independent funding; gaining experience in research project management; training in leadership, and supervision and mentorship of graduate students.
3Eligibility Criteria
3.1Eligibility of applicants
◦Must be experienced researchers as per the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions definition: at the time of the deadline for submission of applications, applicants must be in possession of a doctoral degree or, if the applicant has does not have a doctoral degree and is not in the process of completing one, they should have at least 4 years of full-time equivalent research experience
◦Must have 0-3 years additional research experience order to be eligible for a Level I fellowship (not including career breaks)
◦Must be have 3+ years additional research experience in order to be eligible for a Level II fellowship (not including career breaks)
◦At the time of the deadline of the call, applicants must have not resided in Ireland for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the deadline for submission date (compulsory national service and/or short stays such as holidays are not taken into account)
◦May not be already permanently employed at UCD
3.2Eligibility of project proposals
◦Must be within the TOPMed10 research areas and identify a TOPMed10 PI
◦Must be complete and in English
◦Must be received by UCD through the online admission system on or before the deadline
◦Must include completed Ethics section, as outlined in the fellowship application form
◦Must adhere to the ethical rules of UCD and the European Union Horizon 2020 research programme
3.3Eligibility of host organisations for outgoing phase
◦Must be able to provide a suitable research and training environment for the applicant, including access to research facilities and appropriate supervision
◦Must be comparable to UCD in regard to the standard of research excellence
◦Must be an organisation in academic, industry or government sector
4Selection of Fellows
4.1Assessment Criteria – written proposal
All eligible applications will be evaluated by three independent assessors and will be given a score from 0-100 in accordance with criteria for the selection of fellows outlined in the table below which is based on the European Union Horizon 2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions criteria.
A threshold of 70% will be applied to the final scores. Applicants scoring less than 70% will not progress to the interview phase of the selection process. Of the applicants who score 70% or more, a maximum of 3 applicants per fellowship position will be brought forward to the interview phase.All applicants will be informed by the Programme Manager about the score they have achieved and whether or not they have progressed to the interview phase of the selection process.
Excellence / Impact / ImplementationQuality, innovative aspects and credibility of the research (including inter/multidisciplinary aspects, and if appropriate, intersectoral aspects) / Enhancing research and innovation related human resources, skills, and working conditions to realise the potential of individuals and to provide new career perspectives / Overall coherence and effectiveness of the work plan, including appropriateness of the allocation of tasks and resources
Clarity and quality of training and career development for the researcher in light of the research objectives. / Effectiveness of the proposed measures for communication and results dissemination / Appropriateness of the management structures and procedures, including quality management and risk management
Quality of the supervision and the hosting arrangements. Appropriateness of the proposed PI. If appropriate, quality of PI at secondment host. / Appropriateness of the institutional environment (infrastructure). Appropriateness of the institutional environment at the secondment host (if applicable).
Capacity of the researcher to reach or re-enforce a position of professional maturity in research / Competences and experience of the secondment host organisation (if applicable).
50% / 30% / 20%
Priority in case of ex aequo
1 / 2 / 3
NB: An overall threshold of 70% will be applied to the total weighted score.
4.2Assessment Criteria – interview
The interview stage gives us an opportunity to find out more about the applicant as well as giving an opportunity for the applicant to address any potential queries arising from the proposal and to learn more about UCD and the wider environment.
The interview will be carried out either in person or by video-conferencing. The interview panel will be comprised of two members of the panel of independent international assessors who reviewed the written proposals, a representative from UCD with personalised medicine expertise and a representative from UCD Human Resources.
As part of the interview, the applicant will be asked to give a 15 minute oral presentation to address the following topics:
◦Project proposal
◦Overview of applicant’s career and training development objectives
◦Impact of the fellowship on the applicant’s long-term career prospects.
At the end of the interview, the interview panel will assign a score of between 0-100 based on the following criteria:
Criteria / Weighting / Priority in case of ex aequoPerformance at the interview during which the selection committee will assess:
◦Scientific knowledge in the area of interest
◦Analytical skills
◦Communication and presentations skills
◦Demonstration of coherency between fellowship and long term professional development plan of the fellow / 80% / 1
Interdisciplinary and inter-sectoral value of the proposed research and training plan / 15% / 2
Assessment of fellow’s past experiences including time spent in industry or a research management related field / 5% / 3
The final mark for each application will be comprised of the score for the written proposal and the interview with 50% weighting for written proposal and 50% weighting for the interview.
Applications will be ranked in order of score. A threshold of 70% will be applied once again. Fellowships will only be offered to those candidates scoring on or above the 70% threshold. There will be a fixed number of fellowships offered per call which will be offered to the highest ranking fellows.
Those who score above the 70% threshold but are not in line for a fellowship offer are placed on a reserve list. Applicants on the reserve list and those scoring below 70% will be informed about the score they achieved and the outcome of the selection process by the Programme Manager.
4.3Selection Process
4.3.1Publication of the Fellowship Call
The application process starts with the publication of the Fellowship Call, with information about the call disseminated to reach potential applicants. An online application system is open for the duration of call which lasts approximately 12 weeks. The online application system will close on the date of the application deadline.