Landisc Enterprise Edition (EE) Base Product Description
· Landisc EEÔ Administrator
The Landisc EE™ software system is overseen by the Administrator module, which performs multiple housekeeping tasks. It sets and controls the Project, monitors users, performs image and database backups for the system, as well as, linking with the CAMA system (if ODBC accessible) to perform scheduled updates. It also has the ability to log off users and track users.
· Landisc EEÔ Maintenance System
The LandiscÔ Maintenance System program is used to manage and maintain a digital image database. It is a Windows-based application, and is designed to manage high volume photo image collections. It may be run on any Windows operating system. The images in the digital image database may be sourced from any digital image files such as JPEG, BMP, or TIFF.
The Landisc EEÔ Maintenance System program works with most digital cameras, and can also capture images from scanners with TWAIN-compliant capture devices. Image characteristics such as Parcel ID, Account ID, Street Address, Land Use Codes, etc., are displayed within the Landisc EEÔ window, while photo images are displayed in separate windows.
Photo images in Landisc EEÔ are stored in a series of files called Data Base Pictures (DBP). The images themselves are stored in the DBP files without modification to their original formats. Photo images are normally JPEG. Landisc EEÔ supports over 40 image file types for import and storage.
The Landisc EEÔ Maintenance System software can extract any desired image from its DBP file and display it in less than two to three seconds (external to network traffic). Searching for records can be performed on the Parcel ID, Account ID, or Street Address.
Users are able to manage all aspects of the image database for editing, deleting, appending, or creating multiples for any record in the system. Any images associated with that record would be likewise modified. Up to nine hundred and ninety nine (999) multiples can be made of any parcel.
The Landisc EEÔ Maintenance System program, however, is only the first step in full digital image integration in assessment offices. The next issue is distribution of the images, which is performed by Landisc EEÔ Image Viewer.
· Landisc EEÔ Image Viewer
With Landisc EEÔ Image Viewer, the image database managed and maintained by the Landisc EEÔ Maintenance System program can be distributed to multiple users via Local Area Networks (LAN's). Virtually any personal computer on the LAN can be used to retrieve images from the digital image database. When changes are made to the database with Landisc EEÔ, all Landisc EEÔ Image Viewer users can access them.
The LandiscÔ Image Viewer system interprets unique identification display characters (i.e., Parcel ID, Account ID) from a host application, and automatically displays the images that are associated with that parcel. Using any Windows OS, any windowed text application that displays the Parcel or Account ID numbers can be used to trigger image display. The Company's iasWorld, MAS, and Univers systems are fully functional with the Landisc EEÔ Image Viewer.
At the user's choice, multiple images would be displayed for those properties that have more than one image available. Comparable properties (as generated by the host application) can also be displayed. The subject image is shown with an unlimited number of comparable images. The window is formatted to allow up to four (4) comparable properties or multiple images of the parcel to be displayed along with the subject image at any one time.
The images are normally stored on the network and are directly accessible by the user's computer, allowing Landisc EEÔ Image Viewer to retrieve the image. The Landisc EEÔ Maintenance System station operates as another workstation in the client's office network, and can run Landisc EEÔ Image Viewer image retrieval concurrently with database maintenance.
· Landisc EEÔ Toolkit Applications
· GetImage
Often outside systems need access to the image data as well. Systems such as Global Positioning System (GPS) mapping (GIS), printing modules for Property Record Cards, or on-line access of property data on the Internet could all benefit from access to the Landisc EE™ image database.
The Landisc EE™ GetImage application presents the images to the application and connects it to a specific address (such as a property record card) for immediate viewing.
Using the application, you can:
· Extract images for property record cards
· Extract images for GIS applications and create images for any other on-demand situation your software offers
How it Works
The GetImage works by providing a command-line tool, functional in any DOS or Windows command prompt session as a called application, that does the search and extraction of images from the Landisc EE™ database without the need to actually run the formal Landisc EE™ applications.
The command-line tool uses parameters to identify all of the data needed to find a specific image or set of multiple images from within the Landisc EE™ project database.
· WebImage
Designed specifically for use with Jurisdiction web sites, the Web Image application allows streaming and resizing of images from your Landisc EE™ database directly to your web site.
This application alleviates maintaining multiple databases to supply images to a Jurisdiction’s web site.
· Extrapolator
This application allows the user to mass export images from their Landisc EE™ database, by date, land use code or user defined code, any or all images for printing or saved to a file as a parcel named jpeg.
· Interpolator
The “importing application” offers the ability to mass import images to your Landisc EE™ database. It does, however, require a cross-reference list to the corresponding parcels.
Annual product support entitles the Jurisdiction to unlimited telephone assistance for any problems encountered related to the product, and free product upgrades or enhancements released during the support period.