- Powdery Mildew has infected your strawberry crop. What would you use at a rate of 4-6 oz per acre?
- Rally
- Procure
- Quintec
- Cabrio
- Whitefly was found on your tomato plants in the greenhouse. Which pesticide is recommended to spray on the tomatoes
- M-pede
- Bentazon
- Pyrellin EC
- Vapona
- What pre emergent herbicide would you use to control weeds in your vegetable garden where you planted beets?
- Bentazon
- Pyramin
- Nalosulfuron Methyl
- Glyphosate
- If you wanted to control brown patch in your turfgrass, what chemical would you apply at a rate of 3-6 oz per 1,000ft2?
- Headway
- Terrachlor
- Two Some
- Terramec
- If my tobacco had a mosaic virus what would I need to do to my hands every 20 minutes while working in the field?
- Change gloves
- Wash with soap and water
- Spray with chemicals
- Soak in milk
- What chemical would you use to control the height of yourPoinsettia?
- B-nine
- A-Rest
- Bonzi
- All of the above
- If I have cutworms on my peanut crop what chemical could I apply at a rate of .96-1.6 oz per acre?
- Brigade
- Lannate
- Karate Z
- Belt
- If I have aphids in my carrots, which chemical can I use to control this problem?
- Thiodan
- Sevin
- Lannate
- Actara
- Yikes! I have a beautiful tree out in my garden. It has Japanese beetles. They are adults. How long do I wait before reentering an area where I sprayed Talstar?
- 0
- 4 hrs
- 12 hrs
- Follow the label directions
- Which of the following pesticides is considered to be highly toxic to honeybees?
- Abate
- Zolone
- Curacron
- Prolex
- Nick needs to find recommendations in the NC Ag Chemicals Manual for chemicals to use, purpose of chemical, rate of use and any special remarks and precautions for using chemicals to CONTROL THE HEIGHT OF HIS POINSETTIAS. In which section of the manual’s table of contents should he look to find the location of this information?
- Amanda has problems with ANTS IN HER LAWN and she wants to use the NC Agricultural Chemicals Manual to find the recommendations, amount per 1000 square feet to use and any special precautions or remarks. Which part of the Insect Control section should she look?
- The Insect Control section of the NC Agricultural Chemical Manual would be the place to find information about what four things?
- Matt needs to establish a spray program for his STRAWBERRY CROPS. The section of the NC Agricultural Chemicals Manual where he would find the information is located where?
- Vera wants to find the latest edition of the NC Agricultural Chemicals Manual on the internet. What is the address of the this web site?
- If Amber needs to know the brand name ofa pesticide for which she knows the common name, which section of the NC Agricultural Chemicals Manual should she use?
General Chemical Review Questions
- An effective disease prevention and control program has to be used with horticultural crops because diseases are common in greenhouse and outdoors. Why are diseases common where plants are grown?
- Keenan uses a poisonous gas released into his greenhouse so that the mealy bugs breathe the gas and die. Which type of insecticide is he using?
- If Tammi and Joanna have an infestation of scale on their azaleas, the most effective chemical control method for this insect is what type of poison?
- The reentry statement on a chemical label states how long you must wait after applying the chemical before you can do what?
- What are four items required on every chemical label?
- The most effective chemical control for John’s chewing insects is what? A contact poison or stomach poison?
- Which word(s) on a chemical label indicate the greatest hazard to humans?
- Which signal word on a pesticide label indicates the LEAST toxic chemical?
- If the chemical label has the word POISON, it will have what symbol to accompany it?
- The statement of practical treatment on a chemical label states how to do what?