NIFC Employees Association (NEA)
March 4, 2015
Brian McManus, Chair (FWS Retiree)
Sandra Braseth – Secretary (BLM)
Shannon Tippett – Treasurer (BLM)
Becky Brooks – Member-at-Large (FWS)
Laura Barrett, Member-at-Large (FS)
Teresa Wesley – Member-at-Large (BIA)
Treasurer’s Report – February 2015
ICCU Checking AccountBeginning Balance / $4,117.70
NEA Merchandise Purchases/Sales / 363.62 / 363.62
Employee Good
Pizza Party / 825.11 / 825.11
Valentine Cookies / 504.00 / 1,366.00 / 862.00
Ending Balance / $4,518.21
NIFC Improvement Reserve Account
Beginning Balance / $8,001.30
Ending Balance / $8,001.30
NEA Account Summary
ICCU Checking Account / $4,518.21
NIFC Improvement Reserve Account / $8,001.30
Ending Balance / $12,519.51
Reminder: It’s time to schedule a date to audit the NEA financial records.
Action Item: Bill will work with Meagan to determine who will audit the NEA financial records.
Governing Board
No updates.
Valentine’s Cookies
We sold 1000 cookies and collected $366 for those individuals wanting to see who gave them cookies. Thanks to all those volunteers who help play “cupid” and deliver cookies. Many individuals were not at their desks for the deliveries so handwritten notes were left indicating they could contact Betty at the front desk to find out who gave them cookies.
Action Item: Kathy will make up “Notes” on labels for next year to attached to cookies.
Pizza Feed
The Pizza Feed at the Smokejumper’s Loft was again a success. Although there were 190 tickets given out; only 86 were turned in and we had leftover pizza. Next year we will continue the current calculation of 3 people per pizza, order no cheese, reduce the order by 20% and specify the pizza will be provided on a “first come, first served” basis.
Easter Egg Hunt
A flyer was sent out earlier this week with a request for candy wrapped and filled plastic eggs and prizes. The NEA will pay the rental fee for the Easter Bunny costume.
Action Item: Shannon will email last year’s cost to Teresa and Zoila.
Action Item: Teresa will order the costume.
Race for the Cure
Last year the race took place on a cool/rainy morning. It is suggested we sell hoodies or vests in addition to the T-Shirts. Last year the shirts alone made $300-400 for the event. If we sell tulips again this year, we need to solicit vases and ribbon to be used. We have some given back last year when no longer needed. We may just have mini themed events this year (e.g. baked goods sales on Tuesdays and tulip sales) and not the silent auction.
Action Item: Becky will work with Kathy to organize, and create and distribute a flyer later this week.
Carside to Go
The BLM - Casual Payment Center will host the event again this year scheduled for Thursday, June 18.
Next Meeting – Note: Change in location
Wednesday, April 1, 2015, 12:30 p.m. in the FWS/BIA Conference Room.