Access and Inclusion Advisory Panel Membership
Membership term: May 2016 – May 2018
(As at July 2016)
Individual membershipName / Experience
Nicola Stratford / Nicola currently works full time as an editor, web editor, content manager and accessibility advisor for Disability Services/Disability SA. Nicola has Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia and uses a walking stick. As a frequent patron of the City’s facilities, Nicola frequently looks for ways to make navigating the City a safe and less onerous one.
Neil Sachse / Neil has lived in the City for nine years and has had an acquired physical disability for the past 41 years. Neil created a not-for-profit charity 21 years ago and has worked for Bedford Industries and Deaf Society. In 2009, Neil received the Premiers Outstanding Community Achievement Award and was in the final four in South Australia for the Australian of the Year in 2014.
Tom Steeples / Being assisted by a Hearing Dog, Tom is profoundly deaf. Working and studying in the City and as President of the Youth Affairs Council, Tom recognises the challenges for people who need to manage hearing dogs, transport and general access issues. Tom is currently studying a PhD in homelessness and is part of the Uniting Communities Disability Advocacy Group.
Michele Yves-Saint / Michele has been living with an Acquired Brain Injury with a range of disability symptoms/effects for 15 years. Michele has experience as a strategic planner and public policy expert in affordable housing, public subsidised employment and social planning. Michele is also a writer and is actively involved in the arts scene.
Phillip Kiosses / A resident of North Adelaide, Phillip has a degenerative condition (muscular dystrophy), has transitioned through the various degrees of mobility and has used a wheelchair for the past six years. Phillip is a member of Muscular Dystrophy South Australia and a member of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Readiness Reference Group.
Fiona Snodgrass / Fiona has sensorineural hearing loss and relies on hearing aids, lip reading and captioning to meet everyday communication needs. Fiona is currently working on the implementation of the State’s Disability Justice Plan to make the criminal justice system more accessible and responsive to people with a disability.
Organisational membership
Toula Pirone
(Council on the Ageing SA- COTA SA) / COTA SA is the peak body promoting the rights, needs and interests of older South Australians. COTA SA’s key roles include policy and advocacy, representation of older people's interests in a wide range of state and Commonwealth government, non-government, consumer advisory, and research forums and the delivery of programs and activities.
Martin Sawtell
(Access2Arts) / Access2Arts is a disability-led organisation that works across all art forms to increase access and to support the professional development of artists with disability. Access2Arts also works with organisations and audiences towards creating the conditions for the full participation of people with disability in arts and culture.
Sue Lyons
(Disability SA) / Disability SA leads strategic planning, policy development, intake and resource allocation for the disability sector in South Australia. Disability SA also leads funding, contracting and quality monitoring of these services.
Peter Skjott
(Guide Dogs SA/NT) / Guide Dogs SA/NT aims to enhance the quality of life of individuals withsensory disability and families of children living with Autism. Services address the needs presented over the lifetime spectrum – from life skills for children withsensory disability, to study and employment, and the transition to independent living and ongoing support.
Tony Starkey
(Royal Society for the Blind- RSB) / The RSB is the primary provider of services for people who have a severe vision impairment to assist people to overcome their vision impairment and participate independently in the community.
Joanne Shearer (Novita Children’s Services / As the largest South Australian community-based children’s service organisation, Novita provides rehabilitation, child development and disability services to more than 3800 young clients, as well as support for their families and carers.Novita’s team of expert staff includes rehabilitation medical specialists, paediatricians, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, speech pathologists, psychologists, social workers, orthotists, rehabilitation engineers and dieticians, who work together with families to give children the best start to life possible. Novita also provides service coordination and planning support