TAB 14
REPORT April 2015-December 2015
VP NL/NB Daniel Frost
Presidents and local executives continuously work hard with members and the employers, trying to keep issues at the lowest level possible for a peaceful resolution.
Members in the region participated in the 19/19 campaigns by attending rallies, face to face conversations, wearing buttons/T-shirts and sharing messages. We owe success to all members in defeating the Conservative Government.
Brother Dennis Sheppard and Brother Dave Meade attended as Delegates to the PSAC National Triennial Convention, which took place in Quebec City in April 2015.
Training in Halifax of UNDE Module 8 and LMRC training took place in Gagetown for Local 60303 and Goose Bay Locals 90103 and 90125 with Sister June Winger facilitating. Also, I have been in contact with the learning center for training from JLP.
Locals have expressed the need for Steward/Grievance training for the Private sector and Treasury Locals.
As of June/2016 Jim Stewart will no longer be the head of HR Atlantic, however will continue to be involved in a number of corporate HR initiatives and projects until his retirement. Kathy Banfield is now the Director for the CHRSC Atlantic.
- 5th Canadian Division LMCC meeting in Halifax, NS October 14/2015
- Meetings with NS VP
- Labour & Employee Relations Forum in Halifax September 24-25/2015
- AGM Local 90101 in St. John’s, NL December 4/2015
- AGM Local 90103 in Goose Bay, NL November 25/2015
- Meeting with CHRO Atlantic Director Kathy Banfield and Mr. Kin Choi - Assistant Deputy Minister (HR - Civilian) August 25/2015
- Special NE meeting October 22/2015
- PSAC Triennial Convention in Quebec City April/2015
- PSAC Council Meeting in Halifax November 13-15/2015
- Conference call with the NS/NL/NB Region
- Attended the Harper Rally in Truro NS May 14-15/2015
- Meeting at Learning Centre on the JLP and a call to Halifax with the JLP Coordinator
- Meeting with the Atlantic PSAC REVP
- Attended the 19/19 “We are all Affected” Rally for May, June, July, August and September
- Meetings and calls with HR Gagetown and Halifax
- Meeting with the National President, VP for NS and the Local 60303 President and Vice in August
- Meeting with the Brigadier General Col of 5 Division and Base Commander and HR
- Meetings with the 5 ESU CO
- Meetings with the Base Commander in Gagetown November/December 2015
- Conference calls with Commander in St. John’s NL
- Brother Terry Kiley and I opened the Grievance training in Halifax for May 12-15/2015
- UNDE President and I attended Serco Membership meeting with the PSAC Bargaining Representative June 10/2015
- Rally at Provincial Legislature Fredericton, May 28/2015
- PSAC Leadership Tour in Gagetown July 23/2015
- COC in Halifax for Brigadier General Eldaoud, July/2015
- PSAC Town Hall Conference Call September 29/2015
- UNDE Presidents Conference June 5-6/2015
5 Cdn Division LMCC
There is a new 5 CDSG COS at the Halifax headquarters, also a new Brigadier General in this summer. Brother Terry Kiley and I attended the COC for the general, that took place in Halifax in July/2015.
Regional Representative
The following is a list of the Regional Representatives and the Committees they serve on:
Human Rights Brother Robert Saunders, Local 90103 5 Wing Goose Bay
FR Steering Brother Neil Perry, Local 60303 CFB Gagetown
Young Workers Brother Leigh Hewitt, Local 60303 CFB Gagetown
Regional Facilitators
The following is the list of Regional Facilitators:
Local 90101 - Sister Shirley Ryan
Local 90102 - Sister Kim Lalibertie
Local 90103 - Brother Silas Bird
Local 90125 - Private Sector and TB Brother Bernie Bolger
St. John’s 90101
AGM and Elections fort Local 90101 took place December 4/2015.
The Local has participated in the 19/19 recently.
A member from this Local attended the Facilitator training and mentioned the two Facilitators: Mona Simcoe and Sandra Griffith-Bonaparte were fabulous.
There still is talk of the Navy leaving St. John’s and the Army, 5 CDSG taking over CFS St. John’s.
There are approximately 29 CF members and with 20 civilians remaining.
The Navy Commander was posted in July and have briefly introduced with the new Commander.
Sister Shirley Ryan received her ten year service pin.
Election of Local Officers St. John’s 90101
President - Sister Brenda Hynes
Vice President - Sister Shirley Ryan
CSS- Vacant
Treasurer - Brother Norm Applin
Secretary- Sister Gwen Sprat
Gander IMP 90120
Members are still disappointed with PSAC, over the problems with the past issues and the backlog of grievances, which are still ongoing.
Elections/AGM is still to be done for Local 90120, with hopefully Brother John MacLellan and Louis Bisson attending.
The Local Bargaining Committee has met with the PSAC Bargaining representative, preparing for negotiations.
Election of Local Officers Gander IMP 90120
President - Brother Martin Coady
Vice President - Brother Jaret Blake
Treasurer - Brother Derek Coffee
Secretary - Brother Terry West
CSS - Brother Gord Noftell
Gander TB 90102
Local AGM was December 8/2014 with Sister June Winger also attending. This election of the executives will be for two year terms.
Local President is also the DVP attended the PSAC National Convention as a delegate in Quebec City in April/2015.
Election of Local Officers Gander TB 90102
President - Brother Dennis Sheppard
Vice President- Brother Glen Arnold
Chief Shop Steward – Vacant
Shop Steward - Brother Randy Fudge
Shop Steward - Brother Ross Lambert
Treasurer - Sister Katherine Lalibertie
Secretary – vacant
Goose Bay TB 90103
Election of Officers/AGM was the November 25/2015, with exception of the President as this is a two year term and the rest of the executive positions will be one year terms.
Human Rights Representative for the Region is Brother Robert Saunders who also had attended the recent NLFL in St. John’s NL November/2015.
Member attended the Grievance handling course in Halifax and Local executive participated in LMCC training in June/2015.
Brother Bernie Bolger received his 15 year service pin and Brother Robert Saunders received his ten year service pin.
Election of Local Officers
President - Brother Robert Saunders
Vice President- Brother Derek Hill
Treasurer - Sister Diane Houlahan
Secretary- Sister Jennifer Belanger
CSS – Brother Robert Saunders
Health & Safety - Brother Robert Saunders.
Goose Bay SERCO 90125
PWGSC has posted the RFP November 16/2015, and the Bidders Conference being is being held in Goose Bay the first week in December.
Local executive participated in LMCC training in June/2015.
The National President and PSAC Negotiator had a meeting with SERCO Management June/2015 in Goose Bay to talk about the Classification System.
Brother John, Sister June and others attending the LMCC training had a meeting with the Liberal leader Yvonne Jones.
Local president is on the president’s conference committee and was selected for the Investigations training taking place in January.
Local 90125 elections took place January 29/2015 with all executive positions being two year terms.
Election of Local Officers Goose Bay SERCO 90125
President - Brother Bernie Bolger
1st Vice - Sister Gary Broomfield
2nd Vice –Brother Lorna Acreman
3rd Vice – Sister Giselle Melvin
CSS- Jonathan Cull
Treasurer – Sister Kim Evans
Secretary – Sister Marlene Mullaly
CFB Gagetown 60303
Unfortunately the Local President has stepped down and the Vice president stepped up until the next elections.
Vice president is selected for the Investigations training taking place in January/2016.
The Vice President attended the PSAC Triennial Convention in April/2015 as a delegate.
The Local has been holding the 19/19 demos every month since September/2015.
Local members were on the Grievance training in Halifax and the executive with the stewards participated in LMCC training that took place Oromocto in June/2015.
Leadership tour took place in July/2015 at the Base Theatre with Sisters June Winger, Robyn Benson and Jeannie Baldwin attending as Guest Speakers.
Election of Local Officers CFB Gagetown 60303
President- Brother Dave Meade
1st V-President - Brother Steve Butler
2nd V-President – Brother Colin Garagan
Chief Shop Steward – Vacant
Deputy Chief Steward- Brother Greg Mansfield
Treasurer - Sister Donna Somerton
Secretary – Nicole Chiasson
Health & Safety- Brother Greg James
Communications Officer – Sister Heather McKinnon
In closing,
Our Locals, like all others face a wide variety of challenging issues and I am proud of our team of dedicated loyal professionals for embracing these challenges time and time again. It is with this opportunity I wish to thank all the Executives, Presidents and UNDE Staff members for their hard work, dedication, and continued support.
I enjoy representing the members of NL/NB and seeing our Region gain from the strength our Locals provide. Despite our diversities and geographical challenges we have and will continue to grow closer and more united.
In Solidarity,
Daniel Frost VP NL/NB