Intro to Creative Writing

Professor Ron Dye

Flash Fiction Writing

Gracie Mac-Grady

“Wait, I think I’m running out of breath!” yelled Gracie.

“Why should I?” asked Victor.

It has been two weeks since Gracie Mac-Grady has been on the Biggest Loser television show. It was early in the morning and sun was just coming up; creating a magnificent glow between the tree trunks. As usual, the morning sun always seemed to bother the eyes. Gracie continued jogging along while Victor kept at his original pace.

“I swear I’m going to drop you as my jogging buddy”, said Gracie.

“I doubt that”, replied Victor, smiling.

They both sat under one of the shadier trees and looked between the trunks where the bright orange light was peeking. As they were both getting comfortable Gracie noticed an unusual image rushed past the space between the trees—tall and furry.

“What was that?” asked Gracie.

“Where” asked Victor.

What Gracie saw wasn’t something that is known to be of familiarity to man. Telling Victor, or anyone, what she saw just might send her to back to rehab. She didn’t want to convince Victor about her discovery and quickly dismissed the subject.

Victorgave Gracie the day-off so she decided to go back to the location to meet up with her new discovery.

“You decide to come back here, huh?” asked the unknown assailant.

“Why wouldn’t I?” replied Gracie.

“If I were you, I wouldn’t come back here. You need to get away from your trainer as soon as possible. This is not the place for you. So you better pack your things and leave before dawn.Or else…”

“What do you mean I have to?How can I get rid of this weight that you and everybody else get on my back for. I am not leaving. So torment me if you will!” demanded Gracie.

Gracie knew all this time that she was being followed by Victor as well as her unknown stalker. She went and stood between the trees where she was sitting earlier and tried to remember everything that had happened to her. She was able to see ghosts, but had no idea how that came to be. She closed her eyes and imagined the life she had lived for a very long time—remembering that she had been alive for more than four centuries. She saw a vision of her first encounter with death; she sobbed.

“Why are you here alone?” asked Victor.

“Why were you following me? This is supposed to be my day-off. So get the heck out of here. Leave!” yelled Gracie.

“What’s the matter with you? Do you know you’re not supposed to be on this property without having someone around? Come with me I’m taking you back to the dorm”, fussed Victor.

Gracie put up enough resistance to make Victor let her go. She went back into her previous state and started speaking in an unknown language.

“Who are you?” Gracie asked her Unknown friend.

“That I shall not disclose. I was given a message to deliver and that’s what I am doing”, replied the Unknown voice.

“Who sent you here and with what message?” asked Gracie.

“I was told to tell you to leave this place as soon as possible”, answered the Unknown voice.

Gracie noticed that her visitor was capable of losing its powers. Shewent behind the tree and came back floating in the air in her furry attire. Her unknown friend joined her there and they began to fight.

“Tell me who you are or I’ll take your powers!” demanded Gracie.

“I said, that I will not disclose!” shouted the Unknown Voice.

“Well I will have to deprive you of your strength, Great One”, said Gracie.

Gracie plunged her sword towards the Unknown voice’s neck, but pulled back when mystery transformed itself into a beautiful lady with long-flowing fire, red hair, and very paled skin.

“Mom”, said Gracie, puzzled.

“Yes, honey, it’s me”, replied the mother, calmly.

“I could have removed your powers. Why didn’t you tell me it was you?” asked Gracie.

“I know”, replied the mother.

“Next time you come, please come as yourself. And what was that all about anyways?” asked Gracie.

“That I’ll tell you later”, answered the mother.