Autism Diagnostic Observation
This experience is designed to allow LEND trainees to observe an autism diagnostic evaluation and to apply their knowledge from the LEND didactic sessions on autism. To complete the LEND Autism Curriculum, students must complete 2 field-based observations focused on ASD. This observation of a diagnostic evaluation fulfills one of the two observations for completing the requirement. The second observation will be of a classroom-based program for children with autism, which will take place in the Spring Term. If you are unable to observe a diagnostic evaluation because of a scheduling conflict, you must complete two observations of classroom-based intervention programs during Spring Term.
Observations of diagnostic evaluations take place on Tuesday mornings, from around 8:45 AM until 12:30 PM (times may vary slightly). The observations are conducted at the Merck Child Outpatient Clinic, which is located at 10th St and Bingham St, on the South Side. Dr. Ben Handen () is the contact person. One LEND student may be accommodated for each evaluation. Potential dates for observations start in November and run through March. Contact Dr. Handen to confirm a time for your observation. Directions to the clinic are attached. It is important not to wait until late in spring term to arrange an observation with Dr. Handen.
Following your observation of the diagnostic evaluation for autism, answer the following questions designed to assist you in better understanding the experience. Although individuals may view an evaluation in pairs, each student must complete their own reflection. These written reflections should be completed within 2 weeks following the observation and sent in an email to Therezia Alchoufete and to Amanda Trovato (). Be sure to save a copy to bring to the discussion of the Autism visits during the Leadership Seminar in Spring Term. Be sure to use initials or pseudonyms in your reflection.
Reflection Assignment for the Autism Diagnostic Observation
Observer name:
Date of Observation:
Age and gender of the child:
Who accompanied the child to the evaluation?
1. What was the structure of the evaluation? Briefly describe each part of the diagnostic evaluation.
2. What were the sources of information used in the diagnostic assessment? (e.g., questionnaires, school evals, ADOS)? Briefly describe the purpose of each source of information.
3. How congruent/divergent were each of the sources of information with each other? How do different sources of information contribute to making a conclusive diagnosis?
4. What behaviors were described by the parent that were suggestive of ASD?
5. What behaviors were observed in the ADOS that were suggestive of ASD?
6. What were some of the child’s strengths?
7. Reflect upon the experience of observing the evaluation. Consider such factors as the interactions between the evaluator and the parent(s); the interactions between the evaluator and the child;