Whitehill Middle School

Site Council Meeting

October 8th, 2013

Attendees: Roxy Silva, Kelsey Siegel, Grace Rodriguez, Marisa Branko, Aggie Favaloro, Annelise Bauer, Joe Loll, Liz Bodle, Kristin Pedersen , David Finnane, Natasha Krick, Robin Goebel, Mary-Clare Neal, Sara Gorelick, Whitney Hoyt, Susanna Fassberg, Christine Garrabrant , Liz Bodle, Jennifer Laursen, Jon Marchant, Tania Seabock, Liz Chambers, Pam Morton.

Review of School Safety Plan- Whitney presented updates and the revised portions of the Safety Plan.

At the last RVSD Board meeting Trustees reviewed safety requests from site administrators. Board directed Administrators to prioritize their list and bring it back to the Board.

•Blinds or shades on uncovered classroom windows.

•Funding for more staff CPR and first aid training.

•Public Address for Whitehill field.

•Emergency system for district wide communication.

Whitney has requested information and assistance from Brett Joyner in district maintenance for

•to develop a plan for shelter in place in case of a chemical spill.

•a plan to reconcile staff and students who may leave campus for a secure place during a lockdown.

•develop a second evacuation route.

•clarification of cell phone policy during lockdown (everyone off or on OK).

The Staff Emergency Phone Tree has been updated, staff with OO and O periods are now first.

Maureen will communicate with off campus staff (field trip) in case of a lockdown.

Staff will continue to release students from the field following fire drills when safe. There will be no “all clear” bell.

Staff will now sign in /out to keep an accurate log of adults and students on campus.

A copy of the Master Schedule has been included in the materials that go to the field during an emergency evacuation of campus, in order to know where all staff are -those with students and those not teaching during an emergency.

A staff training is scheduled for 10/9 to review lockdown changes and the NIMS chart of duties.

A plan has been developed for inventory of the red bags containing classroom safety supplies and the school emergency container.

Answers and updates will be included in the Emergency Management Plan reviewed by the RVSD Board by November.

Christine Garrabrant motioned to approve the updated Whitehill Emergency Management Plan. Natasha Krick second, all in favor.

Approval of Minutes- Sent by email for September 28th -motion to approve by Jon, second David, all in favor.

Site Plan Review- Portions of the current Site Plan were reviewed.

This year there is been more focus on Language Arts and the development of a common assessment with an agreed upon rubric is partially complete.

Cathy Glass, ELA Common Core Specialist is scheduled for 2 more days of staff development at WH.

WH expects to implement LA Common Core with assessments 2013-14.

There is still lots of work to be completed with Math CC development. There is no CC textbooks or guide.

David has contacted Toni Beale requesting that some funding for CC be allocated at the site level.

LA department would like to have the same development opportunities that Math has had.

Math CC Staff camp over the summer gave the department 4 consecutive days to meet and develop the program. Although per diem is more expensive than giving staff development time during the school year and bringing subs into classrooms to teach, all involved felt it provided the teachers more focused time, provided a stronger product and enhanced students learning by having their own teachers provide the improved program.

Remove all CST language from the site plan.

TheSmarter Balance Assessment will now be administered to students online. Check their website to see tests.

The Social Emotional Learning Committee is meeting and evaluating what is being done at Whitehill. Currently the patchwork of programs includes WHAM, TOOLBOX (with staff revisions for relevance to 7/8 grade), BEYOND DIFFERENCES training/workshop, NO BULLY staff training and LIFESKILLS for all students.

All staff are trained in restorative practices.

David will list the SEL committee meetings in the Wildcat Wrap calendar.

Further discussion next meeting, once Site Plan updates are completed. A new 3 year plan will be created next year.

Parent and Student Survey discussion - final portions were reviewed.

17% of responders to one question felt that getting an A was too easy. Surveying Teachers and students from Drake has disproved this per David. There has been feedback regarding students needing more knowledge in their use of grammar.

Principal report-

Recent Beyond differences Workshop represented a good mix of students. Some who signed up following the assembly last year and others selected by staff.

Consistent use of EDMODO by staff, variable use by students who can use their Agenda or EDMODO. All staff are required to use E this year, although current student experience shows that it is not always up to date. It is especially helpful when students are absent.

There is not a central point where feedback is gathered to give feedback to EDMODO or Aeries.

EDOMDO is a free service for educators and students, their help desk is very responsive, they have vowed never to charge for their service.

Aeries is a service the District pays for.

Edmodo has not been accessible by Ipad.

With an update, students can take the quizzes by Ipad or phone.

Meeting closed at 5:00.


Robin Goebel,
