Measuring Up Accessibility and Inclusion Fund

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Measuring Up?

Measuring Up is:

▫A collaborative process that engages people with various disabilities and leaders from a range of sectors in the community in ongoing assessment and improvements to local accessibility and inclusion; and

▫A guide to assist your community to assess, prioritize and take action on accessibility and inclusion issues.

What is the Measuring Up Accessibility and Inclusion Fund for?

The Measuring Up Accessibility and Inclusion Fund (Measuring Up Fund) assists community groups, particularly in the disability sector, to work with municipal, business and other community leaders to create accessible and inclusive communities. The Fund is intended to help B.C. communities implement the Measuring Up guide and process to become places where people with disabilities can fully participate and contribute through the following objectives:

▫Improve access to information;

▫Reduce barriers to participation;

▫Create jobs and economic opportunities; and

▫Increase opportunities for participation in community life.

What does it mean to implement the Measuring Up process?

Implementation refers to completing the steps of Starting Up,found at to improve accessibility and inclusion in your community. These steps do not have to be completed in sequence but can be approached in a way that best suits the unique needs of your community.

Our community has already implemented Measuring Up. How will this fund help us?

Creating an accessible and inclusive community is an on-going process. The Measuring Up Fund is designed to enable communities to access funds to assist them in meeting their objectives, regardless of where they are in the Measuring Up process. The Fund can also be used to implement projects that have emerged from the community assessment process.

Who can apply?

Municipalities or registered non-profit organizations that have the endorsement of their municipality are eligible to receive funds. Applications must identify a lead person or group and demonstrate that initial steps have been taken to ensure the Measuring Up initiative will involve broad partnerships within the community. Only one application per community will be accepted. If 2010 Legacies Now receives multiple applications from different agencies in the same community, it will encourage all applicants to partner on a collaborative submission.

What is the role of the applicant?

The role of the applicant is to gather a group of community representatives to collaborate on implementing the Measuring Up guide and process, and to administer the fund throughout your community’s Measuring Up process. The applying agency will be accountable for ensuring the submission of a final report to 2010 LegaciesNow. For more information about who to include on your committee as well as how to develop Terms of Reference for you committee, please visit

What is the deadline for applications?

January 31, 2008

June 30, 2008

December 31, 2008

What amount of funding can our community apply for?

Grant amounts for communities are based on population size; see the chart below for details.

Community Population / Maximum Grant Available
Fewer than 10,000 / $15,000
10,000 – 50,000 / $20,000
50,000 or more / $25,000

If our application is approved once, can we apply a second time?

Yes. However, there is a maximum amount available per community, based on population size. If in the first round of funding the community is awarded the full amount for which it is eligible, no further monies are available through the Fund at this time. 2010 Legacies Now can also assist a community in identifying other available funding options.

How is the decision made about which communities will receive grants?

A review committee made up of 2010 Legacies Now staff and community partners assesses each application. In some cases, 2010 LegaciesNow may contact the applicant for clarification of information or to suggest ways to strengthen their application. Applicants will be informed of their status within six weeks after the deadline for applications.

If our application is not approved the first time, can we re-apply?

Yes. 2010 Legacies Now will work with unsuccessful applicants to improve their application. Communities will have up to 60 days to resubmit their application for consideration in the same granting period. Alternately, these communities can reapply in the next granting period.

What is the duration of the grant?

All grants have an initial duration of six months. However, each community’s experience with Measuring Up is unique and written requests for extensions will be considered if submitted prior to the end of the six month period.

What can these funds be used for?

Funds can be used to implement the Measuring Up guide and process following the steps of Starting Up, found at Communities are encouraged to build on in-kind resources where possible. 2010 Legacies Now can connect communities with expert consultants to assist in any stage of the Measuring Up process. Costs associated with these experts should be included into your budget request.

What should our application include?

Completed applications should indicate the following:

▫Purpose forimplementing Measuring Up;

▫Specific objectives of the process;

▫Individuals and organizations involved in leading and supporting the process;

▫Approach to improving how people with disabilities can be active participants in the Measuring Up process and the community;

▫Timeline for implementing Measuring Up;

▫Budget, including in-kind contributions;

▫Nature and extent of dialogue envisioned and groups involved;

▫Methods and techniques for assessing baseline conditions, prioritizing projects and measuring progress, including evaluation; and

▫Completed Planning and Reporting Checklist, found at

What is the Planning and Reporting Checklist?

The Planning and Reporting Checklist allows communities to build a plan for how they will implement the Measuring Up guide and process. It also provides a framework for how to track and reporton your Measuring Up process to 2010 Legacies Now. This document will form the basis of the final report that must be submitted to 2010 Legacies Now at the end of the funding period.

How do I fill out the Planning and Reporting Checklist?

Please provide details about how your community has addressed, or is planning to address, the steps indicated in the Checklist. For any steps that do not yet apply to your community please indicate this along with any planned actions in the Checklist. Please attach any supporting documents that are needed.

What is the 10x10 Challenge?

The 10x10 Employment Challenge was issued to all B.C. communities in 2006. Communities areasked to register for this challenge ( and work to increase the number of people with disabilities employed in their community by 10% by 2010. The 10x10 Challenge helps municipalities set targets and engage the whole community in increasing employment opportunities for people with disabilities. Increasing employment opportunities for people with disabilities should be an aspect of your Measuring Up implementation and project activities.

How can we foster employment opportunities for people with disabilities?

Begin by having a discussion at your Measuring Up committee table, and then take some of your ideas and share them with local municipal and business leaders. Together, you will come up with new opportunities for people with disabilities and your community, such as:

▫Ask people with disabilities in your community for their opinions;

▫Help to develop positive and lasting relationships between people with disabilities and people in your business community;

▫Involve employment organizations and disability agencies as part of the Measuring Up process;

▫Demonstrate your commitment by building the capacity of a person with a disability to lead your Measuring Up committee;

▫Organize local presentations that highlight the talents of local people with disabilities;

▫Encourage your local business association to develop employment programs, training and other opportunities for people with disabilities; or

▫Host an accessible and inclusive employment fair.

For more information on supporting people with disabilities to become employed, see

Will applications that represent several regional, district or provincial communities or non-profit agencies be considered?

Yes. The Measuring Up process brings community stakeholders together and applicants will benefit from early collaborations with others. 2010 Legacies Now will not, however, provide funds for overlapping activities. Should this arise, 2010 Legacies Now will contact the applicants and encourage conversation about who is best suited to lead the plans.

What can I do to get people involved in using Measuring Up in my community?

Developyour ideas by gathering a small group of community leaders to discuss how best to influence and act on the steps identified in Starting Up ( Include people who are aware of accessibility and inclusion issues and who can influence the municipality and business sectors. Municipal councillors, people with disabilities, leaders of disability organizations, and Spirit of BC community committee chairs could be useful at this first planning meeting. Contact information for local Spirit of BC community committees is at

I’ve heard some Measuring Up communities have asked their municipalities to pass motions endorsing the Measuring Up process. Why would we do this? What should such a motion include?

A community resolution or motion is an essential component of the Measuring Up process as it demonstrates your community’s commitment to accessibility and inclusion. You do not need to pass a formal council motion to be eligible to apply to the Measuring Up Fund; however, you must demonstrate local council support and endorsement. Passing a formal council motion is one of the first steps of the Measuring Up process.

For more information on preparing and passing community motions including template Council reports,please visit

Do motions have to be passed before we apply for funds?

No. However, applications must be signed by a councillor indicating a municipal commitment to becoming more accessible and inclusive. Applications should also include information about how you will ensure a motion is passed.

Who can I contact for more information?

Measuring Up


T: 778-840-5169