College and Career Fair

October 27, 2005

10 Extra Credit Points

Report due by October 28, 2005


1.  Fill out the questions in the worksheet labeled, “Before you go…”.

2.  Attend Beyond High School Night at Snohomish High School.

3.  Take notes while in attendance keeping the “While in attendance…” questions in mind.

4.  Complete the following worksheet handwritten neatly.

5.  Attach all information gathered (e.g. flyers, brochures, handouts) that has valuable information connected to your choice for training after high school.

6.  Turn in to the basket.

Before you go…

  1. What are your top three options for a career?
  2. What level of Education do you think you want to complete after high school? (circle one)
    2 years-Associate’s degree, technical training

4 years-Bachelor’s degree

6 years-Master’s degree

  1. Do you already have a school in mind? If so, which one?

While in attendance…

  1. Meet with the EvCC Tech Prep Representative and gather information to help you answer the following questions:

1.  What are the 3 advantages for taking Tech Prep course?

2.  What Colleges/Universities accept Tech Prep credits?

3.  How much can you save by receiving Tech Prep credits?

4.  Is there a difference between College in High School vs. Tech Prep? If so, what is it?

  1. Explore the Internet Career section and answer the following question:

1.  What are the two online sources that can help you plan for your careers?

  1. Now search and gather information to help you answer questions on Graduation & Beyond.

1.  What are the requirements to graduate from Snohomish High School?

2.  Who is responsible for making sure you have all the necessary requirements?

3. What is the GET program and how does it work?

  1. What are the requirements to get accepted to a community college?
  1. Which schools here tonight align with your career options?
  1. What is the difference between private and public tuition?

7.  Is their a difference between in and out of state tuition? If so, what is it?

8.  What was the most valuable thing you learned?

“More than any other single thing, your education level determines your income.”