Chapter 13: The Atmosphere

Learning Target / Vocabulary Word / Definition / Facts or Examples / Symbol/Picture
Lesson 1
I can describe the composition of the atmosphere . . . / weather / condition of Earth's ______at a particular ______and ______. /
atmosphere / the envelope of ______that surrounds the______. / Earth's atmosphere consists of______, ______,______dioxide, water ______, and other gases, as well as______of liquids and solids. /
water vapor / water in the form of a ______(not the same as steam) / The amount of water vapor in the air ______greatly from place to place.
I can state how the atmosphere is a system . . . / ______in one part of the atmosphere ______other parts of the atmosphere. / The atmosphere is like a ______because it has ______and these parts ______.
Lesson 2
I can identify some properties of air . . . / air has mass, density and______/ Air is made up of atoms and ______that have______.
density / the amount of______in a given ______of air. / density = mass / volume
air pressure / the result of the ______of a ______of air pushing on an area /
I can describe how barometers can be used to measure air pressure . . . / barometer / an ______that is used to measure air______. / Air pressure is measured in inches of ______and millibars.
mercury barometer / as the air pressure increases, it pushes ______on the surface of the mercury in the dish. This causes the mercury in the tube to ______. / As the air pressure drops, the mercury in the ______falls and the mercury in the ______rises. /
aneroid barometer / an airtight metal ______that is ______to changes in air pressure / When air pressure increases, the thin walls of the chamber are pushed _____. When the pressure drops, the walls bulge ______. As the shape of the chamber changes, the ______on the dial moves. /
I can explain how altitude affects air pressure and
density . . . / altitude / ______or distance above______level /
Air pressure ______as altitude increases. As air pressure decreases so does______. /
Lesson 3
I can identify the four main layers of the atmosphere and their characteristics . . . / Scientists divide Earth's atmosphere into 4 main ______. / 1. Troposphere
3. ______
4. Thermosphere
I can explain the characteristics of the atmosphere's
layers . . . / troposphere / the lowest layer of Earth's atmosphere where you ______.
Tropo means ______/ Earth's ______occurs here. It is between 9-16km thick. It contains most of the______. As altitude increases, temperature______. /
stratosphere / the second layer of the atmosphere.
Strato means ______or spread out / Contains the ______layer which protects us from ______radiation. As altitude increases, temperature______. /
mesosphere / the layer above the stratosphere.
Meso means______. / ______Earth's surface from being hit by ______. Between 50-80 km above Earth's surface /
thermosphere / the ______layer, extends from 80 km into space / Temperature up to ______o C but not much ______because gas molecules ______so far apart. /
ionosphere / ______part of the thermosphere (80-400 km) / Ions are charged particles. This is where the northern and southern lights (auroras) are formed. /
exosphere / ______layer, from 400 to thousands of km / This is where GPS and TV satellites orbit and spacecrafts go. /
Lesson 4
I can state in which form energy travels from the sun to
Earth . . . / electromagnetic waves / ______travels to Earth as electromagnetic waves and can move through the ______of space. / Most of the energy from the sun travels to Earth in the form of ______light and ______radiation. A smaller amount arrives as ______radiation. /
radiation / ______transfer of energy by ______waves /
visible light / all the colors you see in a ______- ROYGBIV / Red and orange have ______wavelengths; blue and violet have ______wavelengths. /
infrared radiation / wavelengths are ______than wavelengths for red light / It is invisible to humans but it can be felt as ______. /
ultraviolet radiation / an invisible form of energy with wavelengths that are ______than wavelengths for violet light / UV radiation can cause______. /
I can explain what happens to sun's energy in the atmosphere and at Earth's surface . . . / some sunlight is absorbed or reflected by the ______before it can reach the surface. / The rest passes through the atmosphere to the ______50% of the energy that reaches the surface is ______by land and water and changed into ______.
scattering / a process where dust-size particles and gases in the atmosphere ______light in all ______. / The sky looks blue because gas molecules ______short blue ______more than long red wavelengths. /
Greenhouse effect / the energy from the ______radiation heats the gases in the air. These ______hold heat in Earth's atmosphere. / It is a ______process, and keeps Earth at a ______temperature. Scientists have evidence that human activities may ______the greenhouse effect. /
Lesson 5
I can describe how temperature is measured . . . / temperature / the ______amount of energy of ______of each particle in a substance. / The ______the particles are moving, the ______energy they have and the higher the temperature.
thermal energy / the______energy of motion in the ______of a substance. / The tea in the ______has more thermal energy than the tea in the _____ because it has more ______
thermometer / an instrument that measures temperature / When the air temperature increases, the temperature of the ______in the bulb increases and the liquid ______and rises up the ______. /
Celsius Scale / Freezing point of water = ___o and boiling point is _____o / To convert from Fahrenheit to Celsius use the formula: / Fahrenheit -32
Fahrenheit Scale / Freezing point of water is ____ o and boiling point is ______o
I can describe how heat is transferred . . . / heat / Thermal energy transferred from a ______object to a ______one. / Heat is ______in three ways convection, conduction and radiation.
convection / The transfer of heat by the ______of a ______(liquids and gases) / Ex. air conditioning in your house, boiling noodles /
conduction / Transfer of heat between two ______that are in direct______. / Conduction works well in______, air and water do not conduct heat ______.
Ex. pan touching stove, feet on hot sand /
radiation / Direct transfer of energy by ______waves / Ex. campfire, sun's rays /
convection currents / ______movement of warm air and the ______movement of cool air. / Heat is transferred mostly by convection within the______. /
Lesson 6
I can explain how scientists describe and explain winds . . . / wind / the movement of air ______to Earth’s surface / move from areas of ______pressure to ______pressure
caused by ______heating of the atmosphere /
anemometer / instrument used to measure the ______of the wind /
windchill factor / the increased ______that wind can cause
I can distinguish between local winds and global winds and identify major global wind belts… / local winds / winds that blow over short ______/ form when large scale winds are weak
2 types = sea breezes and land breezes
sea breeze / during the day, land heats up______, (low pressure), water is ______, (high pressure) so wind blows from ______to ______/
land breeze / during the night, land ______down faster, (high pressure), water is ______, (low pressure) so wind blows from ______to ______/
global winds / winds that blow ______from specific directions over ______distances / occur over a large area
Coriolis Effect / the way Earth’s ______makes winds ______/ in Northern Hemisphere global winds turn ______
in Southern Hemisphere global winds turn counter clockwise /
doldrums / ______area where warm air ______= little to no wind
occur at the ______/ a global wind belt /
horse latitudes / two calming areas of ______air
little to no wind
threw horses overboard to lighten ships to move in no wind / a global wind belt
from equator to _____° North and South latitudes
the air stops moving toward the poles and sinks /
trade winds / blow from horse latitudes ______bnthe equator
Winds blowing from 30 degrees to 0 (equator); sail from Europe to USA / a global wind belt
blow from ___to ____ /
prevailing westerlies / blow from west to east, ______from the horse latitudes
Winds blowing from 60 to 30 degrees latitude; most of USA ______(rain, snow) / between 30° and 60° N and S
blow from ___ to ___
global wind belt /
polar easterlies / blow cold air away from the ______
Winds blowing from 90 to 60 degrees latitude; brings USA snow & ______weather / a global wind belt
blow from ___ to ___ /

Learning Targets Chapter 13

Lesson 1

I can describe the composition of the atmosphere . . .

Earth’s atmosphere consists of______, oxygen, carbon dioxide, ______, and other gases, as well as particles of liquids and solids.

I can state how the atmosphere is a system . . .

Events in one part of the atmosphere ______other parts of the atmosphere.

Lesson 2

I can identify some properties of air . . .

Because air has______, it also has other properties, including ______and ______.

I can describe how barometers can be used to measure air pressure . . .

Two common kinds of barometers are ______barometers and ______barometers.

I can explain how altitude affects air pressure and density . . .

Air pressure ______as altitude ______. As air pressure______, do does______.

Lesson 3

I can identify the four main layers of the atmosphere and their characteristics . . .

Scientists divide Earth’s atmosphere into ______main layers according to changes in ______.

I can explain the characteristics of the atmosphere's layers . . .

Earth’s weather occurs in the ______. The stratosphere contains the ______layer. The mesosphere protects Earth from ______. The ______is the outermost layer of the atmosphere.

Lesson 4

I can state in which form energy travels from the sun to Earth . . .

The sun’s energy travels to Earth as ______light, ______radiation and______radiation.

I can explain what happens to sun's energy in the atmosphere and at Earth's surface . . .

Some sunlight is ______or reflected by the atmosphere. Some of the energy Earth absorbs is radiated back out as ______radiation.

Lesson 5

I can describe how temperature is measured . . .

Air temperature is usually measured with a______.

I can describe how heat is transferred . . .

Heat is transferred in three ways:______, ______and ______. Heat is transferred mostly by convection within the ______.

Lesson 6

I can explain how scientists describe and explain winds . . .

Winds are caused by ______in air pressure.

I can distinguish between local winds and global winds and identify major global wind belts…

The ______heating of Earth’s surface within a ______area causes local winds. Global winds are caused by the unequal heating of Earth’s surface over a ______area.