IBM Cognos for Maximo

IBM the provider of one of the world’s leading Enterprise Asset Management applications Maximo has recently announced that from Version it has delivered integration with its leading Enterprise Reporting tool IBM Cognos.

To date, Maximo customers have used Actuate and its successor BIRT as their embedded reporting tool, with an open API to connect to Business Objects and Crystal Reports to accommodate customers using those tools.

Since IBM’s acquisition of Maximo and continuing their commitment to open architecture, IBM have decided to offer all Maximo customers (from Version onwards) free integration within the Maximo application (Start Screen).

This elevates the inherent data reporting capabilities within Maximo to the level of true BI (Business Intelligence). Transactional and operational reporting will always tell you the bare facts. Cognos BI provides more than straight reporting and manages the data allowing you to explore it in a way previously unavailable in the conventional reporting tools. The slice and dice capabilities of the OLAP databases allow you to better understand your business and focus in on areas of concern allowing the business to make more informed decisions. Cognos also allows the Maximo user to unify from Maximo with data from other source systems, providing a shared view of the company, whether it is Finance, Operations, Production, Maintenance or Sales.

Cognos brings the future of BI reporting to the Maximo customer base, extending the standard list reporting functions into interactive KPI traffic lighting, slice and dicing and drill through capabilities that are available to the whole Enterprise through a simple Web Browser interface.

Cognos allows you to move seamlessly from knowing (identifying and analysing) to acting, by inviting you to better schedule maintenance dates, resources and parts required. This connects your Maximo process capture with true management ability to know, understand and act upon events as they are unfolding.

Cognos is a leader in delivering information as intelligence; highly visible and graphic, allowing you to drill down from the highest level of alert to the lowest level of action providing a true management tool.

Triangle has long experience as a specialist application and integration deliverer of Cognos over ERP, EAM and diverse in-house data sources. This places Triangle in a unique position as a leading UK Partner, trusted by IBM, to deliver Cognos integration with chosen major systems.