Chattenden Primary School, Chattenden Lane, Chattenden, Rochester, Kent ME3 8LF
Telephone: 07817 398 519 Email:
For Children in Kindergarten and Pre-school (PLEASE NOTE: THEME DAYS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE)
The theme for this week is WATERMonday 24th July 2017 / Using Water
Lots of fun cooking activities that use water (cooking pasta and rice). We will be making some nice healthy fruit juice or fromage frais lollies. We will also do lots of activities with bubbles!!
Tuesday 25th July 2017 / Living in Water
We will be looking at the nursery fish and drawing them, playing the floating and sinking game and making some jellyfish. We will have a fish to look at and write about!
Wednesday 26th July 2017 / Travelling On Water
We will be making some paper boats to float in the paddling pool, we will race the boats and see who has the fastest boat! We will also be playing games like musical islands and doing lots of singing.
Thursday 27th July 2017 / Water Fun On The Playground
Lots of fun watery games on the playground and the field.
Friday 28th July 2017 / Cooking Day
We will be doing lots of fun cooking activities, making cakes, biscuits, jellies, sandwiches and lots more!
The theme for this week is SUMMER
Monday 31st July 2017 / Summer Detectives
We will go on a summer walk and see if we can find things relating to the season of summer. We will be making lady birds out of pebbles and also some biscuits with icing and chocolate yum yum!
Tuesday 1st August 2017 / Summer Flowers
We will go out onto the field and look at the flowers that we have growing outside, make some flower pictures using our fingers, playing flower target games and pressing flowers to make bookmarks!
Wednesday 2nd August 2017 / Summer Fruits
Making lots of nice things with fruit, like pies, cakes and jellies. We will be doing some painting with fruit and playing guess the baby food puree!
Thursday 3rd August 2017 / Summer Holidays
Lots of fun activities talking about holidays and planning a trip. We will play the suitcase game and do a summer clothes relay!
Friday 4th August 2017 / Sports Day
Blue team versus the red team. We will divide up into teams and each team will win points for different races and activities during the day!
The theme for this week is PEOPLE WHO HELP US
Monday 7th August 2017 / People Who Help Us Have Food
We will talk about the different types of food sold in restaurants and take aways and see where different foods originated.
Tuesday 8th August 2017 / People Who Help Keep Us Safe
We will be talking about all the people that help keep us safe at home, at nursery and outside. Lots of other fun activities like playing the traffic light game and making cards and presents for the people that keep us safe!
Wednesday 9th August 2017 / Visit From The Fire Brigade
The team from Strood fire station are due to visit (subject to call outs)!
Thursday 10th August 2017 / Visit From A Police Officer And His Dog
We will have a visit from a local Police Officer and his dog. We will get to try on his special clothes and play with the dog!
Friday 11th August 2017 / People That Help Us At Nursery
Can you guess the adult from their baby picture? We will have a quiz about the adults and have the chance to paint or draw portraits of the adults at Smilers.
The theme for this week is ANIMALS
Monday 14th August 2017 / Pet Day
We will have visits from lots of fun animals including Shelley the tortoise, Belle the dog, Ralph the dog, Chewy and Danny the hamsters and not forgetting the Smilers pets Cody and Jamie the guinea pigs and Charlie the tortoise.
Tuesday 15th August 2017 / Baby Animals
Talk about what you need to do to look after babies. Looking at pictures of us as babies. We will look at animal life cycles and play some games.
Wednesday 16th August 2017 / Farm Animals
We will have a walk down to see the sheep and cows in the field. Lots of fun crafts with wool. Making some pancakes using eggs and milk yum yum!
Thursday 17th August 2017 / Dinosaurs
Learning all about the giant animals that roamed the Earth millions of years ago! Lots of fun activities and games!
Friday 18th August 2017 / Summer Party
Our last day of the summer holiday at Smilers! Lots of fun and games on the field!
McDonalds for lunch! Please bring in £2.80 for a happy meal.
· Every day each child will need a packed lunch and plenty of drinks.
· Please ensure that your child is dressed appropriately for the weather that is forecast on that day, e.g. sun hat and sun cream or wellies and waterproofs!
Daily Price 09.00 – 15.00 £18.00
07.45-09.00 £5.00
15.00-16.30 £4.50
16.30-17.30 £4.50
· Discounts available for two or more children and for full time bookings. Please see Nicola
· Telephone Nicola on 07817 398519 or email
· We have limited spaces on some of the days, please make sure that you book early!
· Please send your child in with a bottle that can be refilled during the day NO CARTONS!
· Do not send your child into Smilers with a carrier bag!
· Please can you NOT put nut products (peanut butter, chocolate spread etc.) in your child’s lunch, thank you!