Curriculum Vitæ

Julián Castro-Rea

Office: Department of Political Science

University of Alberta

10-21 H. M. Tory Building

Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2H4


Telephone (780) 492-0739

Fax (780) 492-2586

E-mail: jcrea @ ualberta.ca


Home: 10029, 87 Avenue

Edmonton, Alberta T6E 2P1


Telephone (780) 439-6376

Academic Background

1986-1991 Ph D, Political Science

Université de Montréal, Canada

Dissertation: « La démocratisation du Mexique. Diagnostic et potentiel » (Mexico's Democratization: Diagnosis and Potential).

Defended in July 1991. Degree granted by the committee’s unanimous vote.

1984-1986 M Sc, Political Science

Université de Montréal

Thesis: « La participation politique des paysans au Pérou, 1969-1985 » (The Political Participation of the Peasantry in Peru, 1969-1985).

Degree granted in November 1986, by the committee’s unanimous vote.

1976-1981 Licenciatura[1], Magna Cum Laude, Sociology (Major in Political Sociology)

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Thesis: « Universidad nacional, política y marxismo » (National University, Politics, and Marxism)

Defended in December 1983. Magna Cum Laude Degree granted by the committee’s unanimous vote.

Professional Experience

July 2002 - present

Associate Professor

Department of Political Science

University of Alberta

Tenure granted at hiring.

January – April 2013

Visiting Professor

Centro de Estudios Internacionales

El Colegio de México

Sabbatical internship.

April 2003 – September 2008

Adjunct Professor

Faculty of International Studies and Public Policy

Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa

Bi-annual course and research/exchange collaborative projects.

August 2000-April 2002

Visiting Professor

Department of Political Science/Canadian Studies Program and Faculté Saint-Jean.

University of Alberta

Two full-time appointments, for a total of eleven courses.

September -December 1999

Visiting Professor

Department of Political Science/Canadian Studies Program

University of Alberta

Sessional lecturer, two half-course equivalents.

Courses on comparative politics (NAFTA) and the politics of developing areas (contemporary Mexico).

1993-2000 Research Professor and Coordinator of Canadian Studies

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)

Centro de Investigaciones sobre América del Norte (Centre for Research on North America, CISAN)

Research on Canadian federalism, Quebec, party politics and elections and foreign policy.

1992-1993 Head, Canada Desk

Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores (Mexico)

Mexican Foreign Service, Department for North America.

1991-1992 Post-Doctoral Fellow

Université du Québec à Montréal

« Research Group on the Continentalization of the Canadian and Mexican Economies».

Research on Mexican trade policy and Latin American economic integration.

1991-1992 Teaching Assistant and Lecturer

Université de Montréal

Program in Latin American Studies. Course: « Latin America: Case Studies». Coordination of guest lecturers, student supervisor, formulation of the final examination. During two terms, under the supervision of Professor Claude Morin.

1987-1991 Research Assistant

Université de Montréal

Project: « The Impacts of the European Communities’ Third Enlargement on Portuguese and Spanish Industry and Employment, 1979-1992 ».

Participant at several stages of the research: design of the project, documentary research in libraries and international organizations, creation of a statistical electronic database. Under the direction of Professor Diane Éthier. Project funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC).

1992 Consultant

Centre de documentation d'Amérique latine

Lecturer in several Quebec communities to discuss the meaning and likely impacts of the trilateral free-trade agreement with members of non-governmental organizations.

1991 Consultant

Employment and Immigration Canada

Supervisor to immigration officials on politics and human rights in Mexico.

1987 Research Assistant

Université de Montréal

Project: « The Campaign for Industrialization in Brazil, 1964-1985 », under the direction of Professor Philippe Faucher.

1986-1989 Teaching Assistant

B A in Political Science, Université de Montréal

Course: « Analysis of Political Forces »

In charge of seminars, student advising, marking exams and research reports. During three terms, in 1986, 1987 and 1989. Under the direction of Professor Graciela Ducatenzeiler.

1986-1987 Teaching Assistant

M Sc in Political Science, Université de Montréal

« Seminar on Political Science, II ».

Student advising on methodological issues of thesis projects, marking of preliminary papers. During two terms, under the direction of Professor Gérald Bernier.

1985 Research Assistant

Research Group on Latin America (GRAL), Université de Montréal

Project: « Authoritarianism and Democracy in Latin America: Argentina, Brazil, Peru, Uruguay ». Research funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) and the Fonds pour la formation de chercheurs et appui à la recherche (FCAR), Quebec; under the direction of a team of tenured professors.

In charge of the Peruvian case. Participation in the project from the research design to the written presentation of the final results; including field research in Peru.

1982-1984 Lecturer

B A (Licenciatura) in Sociology, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Course: « Workshop on Social Research I and II: Ideology and Politics of the Mexican Right-Wing »

Sessional appointments during six terms, from 1982 to 1984. Advising students on their research topics and their contribution to a larger research project.

1982-1984 Research Assistant

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Project: « Ideology and Politics of Mexican Right-Wing Movements »

Participation at all stages of the research, from the formulation of hypothesis to the writing of the research report.

1981-1984 Executive Officer

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Office of the Dean of Graduate Studies, Campus Acatlán.

1981 Teaching Assistant

Programme on Socio-Political Studies, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Course: « Methodology for the Social Sciences »

Lecturer, student advising and exam marking.

1980-1981 Research Assistant

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Project: « Political Attitudes and Ideology of University Students»

Documentary research, participation in se minars to discuss the final results.



Le fédéralisme selon Harper: la place du Québec dans le Canada conservateur, Ste.-Foy: Les presses de l’Université Laval, 2014. Book co-editor, with Frédéric Boily.

Re=Mapping the Americas: Trends in Region-Making, Farnham: Ashgate, 2014. Book co-editor and author of the introduction and conclusions, with Andy Knight and Hamid Ghany; also author of chapter 4 “Free Trade: A Tool for US Hegemony in the Americas”.

Our North America: Social and Political Issues beyond NAFTA, Farnham: Ashgate, 2012. Book editor, and author of the introduction.

Las políticas exteriores de Estados Unidos, Canadá y México en el umbral del siglo XXI, Mexico City: UNAM, 2003. Book co-editor, and author of the chapter “El siglo XXI: ¿el siglo de Canadá?” (The 21th Century: Canada’s Century?”; pp. 191-206. Co-editors are Remedios Gómez Arnau and Rosío Vargas Suárez.

Las relaciones de México con Estados Unidos y Canadá: una mirada al nuevo milenio (Mexico’s Relations with the United States and Canada: A Look into the New Millenium), Mexico City: CISAN/UNAM, 2001. Book co–editor, with Rosío Vargas Suárez and Remedios Gómez Arnau.

El nuevo federalismo en América del Norte (New Federalism in North America) Mexico City: CISAN/UNAM, 2000. Book co-editor, and author of the chapter « Fœdus = pacto. El federalismo en Canadá 130 años después » (Fœdus = Pact. Federalism in Canada, 130 Years Later); pp. 111-157. Co-editor is Paz Consuelo Márquez Padilla.

Los procesos electorales en América del Norte en 1994, (Electoral Processes in North America in 1994), Mexico City: CISAN-UNAM, 2000. Book co-editor and co-author of the introduction, with Silvia Núñez García and Barbara Driscoll.

Los sistemas políticos de América del norte en los noventa. Desafíos y convergencias, (Political Systems in North America: Challenges and Convergences) Mexico City: CISAN-UNAM, 1999. Book co-editor, also author of the chapters «Las políticas públicas en América del Norte » (Public Policy in North America) and «Epílogo »; co-author of the preface and the chapter on “La política exterior en América del Norte: convergencia en el pragmatismo económico” (Foreign Policy in North America: Convergence in Economic Pragmatism). Co-editors are Robert J. Jackson and Gregory S. Mahler.

Elecciones en Canadá: cambio y continuidad, Mexico City: UNAM, 1995. Editor of the book, author of the introductory chapter.

2. Refereed Articles[2]

“Requiem pour l’État révolutionnaire: l’influence de l’ALÉNA sur la réforme du secteur de l’énergie au Mexique», chapter in Brunelle, Dorval, ed., L’ALÉNA à 20 ans: un accord en sursis, un modèle en essor, Montreal: Institut d’études internationales de Montréal-UQÀM, 2014; pp. 193-211.

“Democracy-Coated Authoritarianism: How Federalism May Act as a Cover for Undemocratic Governments”, chapter in López Basaguren, Alberto and Leire Escajedo San-Epifanio (eds.) The Ways of Federalism in Western Countries and the Horizons of Territorial Autonomy in Spain, Heidelberg: Springer, 2013; pp. 125-134. This article was also published in Spanish as «Autoritarismo con barniz de democracia, o cómo el federalismo puede servir de fachada a gobiernos antidemocráticos» in López Basaguren, Alberto and Leire Escajedo San-Epifanio (eds.) Los caminos del federalismo y los horizontes del Estado autonómico, Donostia (San Sebastián): Herri Arduralaritzaren Euskal Erakundea (Basque Institute of Public Administration), 2014; pp. 159-172.

“The Mess They Made: How Conservatism Is Wrecking North America” chapter in Genna, Gaspare and David Mayer, eds., North American Integration: An Institutional Void in Migration, Security and Development, New York: Routledge, 2013; pp. 34-50.

“Le gâchis qu’ils ont fait: comment la droite a ruiné les politiques publiques en Amérique du Nord» article in Bulletin d’histoire politique, vol. 21, no. 1, fall 2012; pp. 139-149.

“Common Sense or Collusion? Business Interests behind North American Deep Integration”, chapter in Fox, Michael and Andrew Nurse, eds., Dynamics and Trajectories: Canada and North America, Halifax: Fernwood, 2012; pp. 144-160.

“Delirios de grandeza: la agenda de Norteamérica y la política de seguridad nacional de Canadá” chapter in Hristoulas, Athanasios, ed., La seguridad de América del Norte reconsiderada (North America’s National Security Reconsidered), Mexico City: Miguel Ángel Porrúa-ITAM, 2011; pp. 157-177.

“After the PRI: Neo-Liberalism and Nationalism in Mexico”, chapter in Harrison, Trevor and Slobodan Drakulic, eds., Against Orthodoxy: Studies in Nationalism, Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2011; pp. 225-248.

“Hypothesis”, entry for Mills, Albert J., Gabrielle Durepos and Ellen Wiebe, eds., Encyclopaedia of Case Study Research, New York: Sage, 2009.

“Business Interests behind North American Deep Integration: The Tail that Wags the Dog”, chapter in Hussain, Imtiaz, ed. North America at the Crossroads: NAFTA after 15 years, Mexico City: Universidad Iberoamericana, 2009.

“Assessing North American Politics after September 11. Security, Democracy, and Sovereignty” chapter in Ayres, Jeffrey and Macdonald, Laura, eds., Contentious Politics in North America: National Protest and Transnational Collaboration under Continental Integration, London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009; pp. 35-53.

“Globalization and Regionalization”, chapter in Brodie, Janine and Sandra Rein, eds., Critical Concepts: an Introduction to Politics, Scarborough: Prentice Hall Canada, 2009; pp. 342-353.

"North American First Peoples: Self-Determination or Economic Development?", chapter in Abu-Laban, Yasmeen and François Rocher, eds., Politics in North America: Redefining Continental Relations, Peterborough: Broadview, 2008. Co-authored with Isabel Altamirano-Jiménez.

"La Nation c'est moi: The Encounter of Québec and Aboriginal Nationalisms", in Writings in Honour of Claude Ryan/écrits en l'honneur de Claude Ryan, edited by Kermoal, Nathalie and Claude Couture, Constitutional Forum Constitutionnel, Vol. 13, No. 3 and Vol. 14, No. 1, Centre for Constitutional Studies, Edmonton, 2005; pp.65-79.

"La democracia en Canadá: partidos políticos, elecciones y grupos de interés" chapter in Hristoulas, Athanasios, Claude Denis and Duncan Wood, eds., Canadá, política y gobierno en el siglo XXI, Mexico City: Chamber of Deputies/Miguel Angel Porrúa/ITAM, 2005. Co-authored with Nidia M. Castro.

"De John A. a John A. Nunavut, los derechos indígenas y el federalismo en Canadá" (From John A. to John A. Nunavut, Aboriginal Rights and Federalism in Canada), in Nueva Antropología, vol. 19., no. 63, October 2003; pp. 41-69.

"Quebec and the United States: Historical Links, Geopolitical Challenges" in Björk Gudsteins, Gudrun and Jon Erik Fossum, eds., Rediscovering Canada: Culture and Politics, Reykjavík: Nordic Association for Canadian Studies/Háskóli Íslands (University of Iceland), 2002; pp. 37-51.

« Amérique latine: les échecs du libéral-populisme », co-authored article with Graciela Ducatenzeiler and Philippe Faucher, in Canadian Journal of Development Studies/ Revue canadienne d'études du développement, vol. XIV, no. 2, Ottawa, July 1993.

« Canadá, ¿aliado o adversario? Un punto de vista mexicano » (Canada, Ally or Opponent? A Mexican Standpoint), article published in Revista mexicana de política exterior, no. 36, Summer 1993, pp. 42-62; and in Verea Campos, Mónica, ed., Canadá en transición, Mexico: UNAM, 1994; pp. 363-385.

Du pessimisme chronique à l'optimisme témeraire. L'intégration latino-américaine et l'Initiative pour les Amériques (From Chronic Pessimism to Unleashed Optimism. Latin American Integration and the Enterprise for the Americas Initiative) Montreal: Université du Québec à Montréal, 1993 (Cahiers du Groupe de recherche sur la continentalisation des économies canadienne et mexicaine, 93-3).

« A democracia incerta » (The Uncertain Democracy), article co-authored with Graciela Ducatenzeiler and Philippe Faucher, in Novos estudos, no. 34, São Paulo, November 1992; pp. 165-197.

« El conservadurismo político en Canadá: orígenes y manifestaciones contemporáneas » (Political Conservatism in Canada: Origins and Contemporary Manifestations), article in Mónica Verea and Silvia Núñez, eds., Estados Unidos y Canadá ¿signos conservadores hacia el siglo XXI? (The United States and Canada: Conservative Trends towards the 21st Century?), Mexico City: CISAN/UNAM, 1999; pp. 53-76.

Du protectionnisme au libre-échange. La politique commerciale du Mexique (From Protectionism to Free-Trade. Mexico's Trade Policy). Montreal: Université du Québec à Montréal, 1992 (Cahiers du Groupe de recherche sur la continentalisation des économies canadienne et mexicaine, 92-2).

« Back to Populism: Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Peru » Co-authored with Graciela Ducatenzeiler and Philippe Faucher. Article published in the proceedings of the 1989 CALACS Conference (Ottawa, 1990), and in Maxwell Cameron, Archibald R. M. Ritter et al, eds., Latin America to the Year 2000: Reactivating Growth, Improving Equity, Sustaining Democracy, New York: Præger, 1992.

“La tentación populista: Argentina, Brasil, México y Perú” in Foro internacional (Mexico City), vol. XXXI, no. 2, October-December 1990.

« Autonomy and Integration in Mexico and Canada - Lessons from the EU », Copenhagen: Handelshøjskolen i København (Copenhagen Business School), March 1997. (Occasional Papers, no. 27).

« Towards a Single North American Polity? The Effects of NAFTA upon Mexican and Canadian Domestic Politics », article published in Christos Paraskevopoulos, Ricardo Grinspun and George Eaton, eds., Economic Integration in the Americas Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 1996; pp. 88-102.