Jefferson Girls’ Soccer

Summer Conditioning

2010 Season

June 1st - July 1st

Warm-Ups are to be completed prior to every workout. I am requiring everyone to participate in a dynamic stretch routine followed by a quick anaerobic workout.

Stretch – Dynamic Stretching First! Everyday, all major muscle groups. I would rather you perform these stretches slowly and correctly rather than fast and incorrectly. The more comfortable you get with the stretches the quicker you can perform.

Dynamic Stretch Routine: Perform Stretches to 18yd line and back.

**- Perform Stretch to 18-yard line, jog back, and repeat one more time

*- Perform Stretch to 18-yard line and job back

  • **High Knees
  • **Kick Backs
  • **Side Lunges: Focus on getting as low as possible
  • *Forward Lunges with opposite elbow to knee: Make sure front knee does not extend over toes. Back knee should not touch the grass
  • *Lunge and trunk twist
  • *Frankenstein’s Forwards: Kicking legs straight in front without bending bottom leg
  • *Frankenstein’s Backwards
  • *Frankenstein’s Diagonal: Arms Extended in front. Legs kicked on a diagonal plane
  • **One Leg Jumps with Knee Driven Upwards: Opposite arm/opposite leg. Really drive the knee up and propel with the bottom leg.
  • **Cherry Pickers: Forward and Backwards
  • Spider Stretch: Cross leg behind and bend. (each side 8 times)
  • **Long Strides: Forward and backward
  • **Calf Raises
  • *Backward Calf Stretch: One knee bent and other straight. Proceed to touch toes while moving backwards.
  • Jog(18 and back twice), Run (18 and Back Twice), Sprint (18 and Back Twice)
  • Find a line on the soccer field. Each jump is 20 seconds long and then switch. Go as fast and as hard as you can in the time given. Perform the following:

- Side-to-Side Jumps

- Forward/Backwards Jumps

-Heel Clips


-Right leg hops/Left Leg Hops

Fartlek – 2 miles, 3 times a week

Ball work – “fast footwork” 10 – 15 minutes, 3 times a week

Juggle – 5 minutes, 3 times a week, all body parts

Plyometric Training: See attached for exercises. To be performed twice a week

Push-ups – 25 everyday

Crunches - 60 everyday

July 2nd - July 16th

Stretch – Dynamic Stretching Routine

Plyometric Training- 2 times a week

Fartlek Run – 2.5 miles, 3 times a week

10 sprints – 60 yards in 8.5 seconds, 25 second rest in between, 3 times a week

Shuttle Runs – 10 shuttles, (10yd + 20yd) 35 second rest in between, 3 – 4 times a week

300 Yard Shuttle – 12 x 25 yards (4 minutes rest in between, time yourself...)

Ball work – “fast footwork”, 15 minutes a day, 3 times a week

Juggle – 10 minutes, 3 times a week, all body parts

Push-ups – 35 everyday

Crunches - 75 everyday

July 17th- July 30th

Stretch – Dynamic Stretching

Plyometric Training- 3 times a week

Fartlek Run – 3 miles, 3 times a week

10 sprints – 80 yards in 11 seconds, 40 second rest in between, 3 times a week

Ball work – “fast footwork”, 15 minutes a day, 3 times a week (after you make ‘the move’, explode at least 7 yards each execution), you can do 60 seconds work/30 seconds rest

Juggle – 15 minutes, 3 times a week, all body parts

Wall Ball – 15 minutes, 3 – 4 times per week

300 Yard Shuttle – 12 x 25 yards (4 minutes rest in between, time yourself...)

Shuttle Runs – 10 shuttles, (10yd + 20yd), 35 second rest in between, 3 – 4 times a week

Push-ups – 40 everyday

Crunches - 85 everyday

August 1st- August 20th

Stretch – Dynamic Stretching

Plyometric Training- 3 times a week

Fartlek Run – 3.5 miles, 3 times a week (Timed run will be two miles in 14 minutes)

10 sprints – 100 yards in 16 seconds, 60 second rest in between, 3 times a week

Shuttle Runs – 10 shuttles, (15yd + 30yd), 35 second rest in between, 3 – 4 times a week

300 Yard Shuttle – 12 x 25 yards (4 minutes rest in between, time yourself...)

Ball work – “fast footwork”, 15 minutes a day, 3 times a week (after you make a ‘move’, explode at least 7 yards each execution), you can do 60 seconds work/30 seconds rest

Wall Ball – 15 minutes, 3 – 4 times per week

Juggle – 15 minutes, 3 times a week, all body parts

Push-ups – 50 everyday

Crunches - 100 everyday

Suggested workout plan:(Day 1 – Mon., Wed., Fri.) (Day 2 - Tues., Thurs. Sat.)

Day 1Day 2

Fartlek runCrunchesLong SprintsPush-ups

JuggleWall BallShuttle RunsCrunches

Push-upsFast FootworkPlyometrics

Fartlek Run:

Running at intervals of jogging, sprinting, and walking.

  1. On a track – jog the turns and sprint the straight-aways (at least 80 yards)
  2. On the street – use driveways, telephone poles, mailboxes etc. as your markers. Jog to the first driveway, then sprint to the next one, repeat.

Shuttle Run:

Sprinting varied distances while changing directions. Make sure that you turn off your one foot on the way out (right foot) and then the other foot (left foot) on the way back to starting point. You can do this by making sure you are always facing the same direction on the turns.

300 Yard Shuttle: Go 25 yards out and back a total of 12 times (300 yards). Always face the same direction when you turn to work on both sides of your body. Time yourself! Do the 300 Shuttle 3 times in a row, starting each 300 Shuttle on the 0, 5th and 10th minute. If you do this with a partner, one works while the other counts and shouts out the time.

All 3 times should be below 1minute and 10 seconds.

Foot Work:

  1. Fast Footwork – Base Skills
  2. The Base – touching the ball as quickly as possible back and forth using the inside of feet.
  3. The Base + every 3-4 touches, ‘L’ turn…pull, push ball behind plant leg, continue with outside of other foot
  4. The Base + every 3-4 touches, ‘The Mia’…Ball is diagonally in front of you, roll it diagonally in, step, push diagonally out w/ other foot
  5. The Base + every 3-4 touches pull ball in w/ bottom of foot, hop and push w/ outside of same foot, explode.
  1. Fast Foot Work–Dribbling Skills (these should be done on the move, at speed)
  2. “Inside Cut” – fake kick fwd., then cut across body w/ instep, explode!
  3. “Outside Cut”–fake kick, then cut ball w/ outside of foot, explode!
  4. “Drag-back” – (w/ right foot) fake kick, stop with sole of foot, drag back, shield, take with left foot the other direction (180 degrees)
  5. “Pele” – touch ball w/inside of right foot, then quickly touch ball w/outside of right foot and explode into space
  6. “Zico” – fake kick (step over) inside of right, turn 180 degrees, take ball w/outside of right foot. Repeat using opposite foot
  7. “Scissors” – feint over ball w/outside of left foot, explode with outside of right foot

Wall Ball:

Standing @10 – 15 yards from a wall, preferably on grass, pick a spot on the wall and continuously kick and receive against that spot using the following variations:

  1. Kick w/ inside of foot, receive w/ inside, repeat
  2. Kick w/ instep, feint outside left, receive outside right, repeat
  3. Kick outside of foot, receive, repeat (Note: face where you are kicking)
  4. Any other variation you can think of while playing off the wall (work in different moves while receiving the ball)

Juggling: You must be able to use all parts and sides of your body while juggling.

Push-ups: Hands elbow width apart, straight back, going down 5 inches from ground.

Crunches: Use variety

Plyometrics: These are great way to protect ACL’s. I highly recommend players perform these exercises.

Lateral Hops over Cone or Soccer Ball (20 reps)

  • Elapsed Time: 9.5 - 10 min
  • Purpose: Increase power/strength emphasizing neuromuscular control.
  • Stand with a 6" cone to your left.
  • Hop to the left over the cone softly landing on the balls of your feet land bending at the knee.
  • Repeat this exercise hopping to the right.

Forward/Backward Hops over cone (20 reps)

  • Elapsed Time: 10 - 10.5 min
  • Purpose: Increase power/strength emphasizing neuromuscular control.
  • Hop over the cone/ball softly landing on the balls of your feet and bending at the knee.
  • Now, hop backwards over the ball using the same landing technique.
  • Be careful not to snap your knee back to straighten it.
  • You want to maintain a slight bend to the knee.
  • Repeat for 20 reps.

Single Leg hops over cone (20 reps)

  • Elapsed Time: 10.5 - 11 min
  • Purpose: Increase power/strength emphasizing neuromuscular control.
  • Hop over the cone/ball landing on the ball of your foot bending at the knee.
  • Now, hop backwards over the ball using the same landing technique.
  • Be careful not to snap your knee back to straighten it.
  • You want to maintain a slight bend to the knee.
  • Repeat for 20 reps.
  • Now, stand on the left leg and repeat the exercise.
  • Increase the number of repetitions as needed.

Vertical Jumps with headers (20 reps)

  • Elapsed Time: 11 - 11.5 min
  • Purpose: Increase height of vertical jump.
  • Stand forward with hands at your side.
  • Slightly bend the knees and push off jumping straight up.
  • Remember the proper landing technique; accept the weight on the ball of your foot with a slight bend to the knee.
  • Repeat 20 times and switch sides.

Scissors Jump (20 reps)

  • Elapsed Time: 11.5 - 12 min
  • Purpose: Increase power and strength of vertical jump.
  • Lunge forward leading with your right leg.
  • Keep your knee over your ankle.
  • Now, push off with your right foot and propel your left leg forward into a lunge position.
  • Be sure your knee does not cave in or out.
  • It should be stable and directly over the ankle.
  • Remember the proper landing technique; accept the weight on the ball of your foot with a slight bend to the knee. Repeat 20 times.


  • Run up the stairs in a stadium. But vary the steps a little. First, touch each stair with each step but then skip steps to make it more difficult. Then using both feet, simply jump up a flight of stairs.

Standing long jump

  • Use this for height. See how far you can jump.


  • This is when you take long strides while running. Jumping with two legs will reduce the impact when landing, and bounding up stairs is helpful to develop both the vertical and forward jump. But be careful! Bounding up stairs can be dangerous!

Hold Drills/Hop and Hold

  • Same as bounding but in between bounds do a little hop. For example, you want to bound, then stop and then do a quick hop. Then bound again, then another hop.

Skate Bounding

  • Skip for distance and height. The object is to achieve longer hang time.

Box Jumps

  • Basically, you jump on and off of a sturdy box or platform to develop your vertical jump. Typically, you use two feet, especially for higher elevations, but more rigorous sessions can be done with a smaller box and both feet.

Down Jumps/Depth Jumps

  • While standing on a platform, jump down. But during the descent of the jump, prepare yourself for an immediate jump upwards again.

Tuck Jumps

  • All you do is pull your legs up into your body while jumping.

****Play: Play in as many pickup and summer league games as possible****

* First day of Preseason is August 24, 2010.

“It isn't hard to be good from time to time in sports. What is tough is being good every day”.

-- Willie Mays