TBCBSPA Christmas Dinner and General Meeting December 10, 2011

Joyce called the meeting to order at 1:03.

Joyce welcomed everyone on this beautiful day with no snow.

All attendees introduced themselves.

Joyce announced that this year’s donations will go to the Theodore Burr Resource Center in Oxford, NY. Terry and Sara Miller from Kent, Ohio have agreed to offer a $2 match for every dollar raised up to $5,000. This is a great way to triple your contribution. If you prefer that your donation go to the Bridge Preservation and Restoration Fund, please indicate that on the envelope.

The minutes of November 6, 2011 were approved as presented.

The November treasurer’s report was read by Bob and was approved as read.

Covered bridge reports from members:

Tim McLaughlin visited Speakman #1 (PA-15-05) on the way home from the last meeting. He noted that the wingwall was pulled away from the road about 6 inches.

Pat Cook visited Pinetown Bridge (PA-36-05) on Black Friday. She noted that it is still closed and very slanted.

Tom Walczak found a newspaper article that said Siegrist Mill (PA-36-37) and Pinetown (PA-36-05) Bridges may be raised up when they are rebuilt.

Steve Wolfhope visited Rapps Dam Bridge (PA-15-14) after it re-opened and said it looked beautiful. He also visited Kennedy (PA-15-13 #2) and Sheeder (PA-15-12).

Officers reports:

President – Joyce Soroka

Received a request on Nov. 30 for the Society to write a letter of support for the Dreibelbis Station Bridge (PA-06-07). Berks County is applying for a Historic Covered Bridge Preservation Program grant. The letter was needed by the end of the day Dec. 1. Joyce thanked Jim Smedley for writing the letter with short notice.

Joyce thanked everyone who helped at Poole Forge on Nov. 25 with the decorating, the renewals, the brochures for the Christmas Show, and the Christmas card bags. She hopes everyone had fun and will join us again.

Joyce went to Poole Forge with Pat Cook last evening. The tree decorated by George and Tina was beautiful. Behind it were covered bridge models. The bridge and tree in the gazebo were beautiful at night. The mansion will be open today until 6 pm and tomorrow 1-4 pm. Tickets are $5.

Joyce thanked everyone who helped with the Country Store at the Christmas Show.

Joyce wished everyone the happiest of holidays and a great 2012. She did not buy Christmas cards, but instead donated to the Covered Bridge Preservation and Restoration Fund and the Theodore Burr Resource Center.

First VP – Jim Smedley

We did not sell as much as we wanted to at the Christmas Show, but we did not lose money, and we promoted the Society. He thanked Bob for arranging this event and thanked all those who helped out at the booth.

Jim attended a public meeting on the rehabilitation of Jericho Covered Bridge in Maryland. Work will start in the spring of 2013 and will include a new roof, flooring, and siding; repairs to abutments, wingwalls, and trusses; installation of high windows, surveillance system, fire-retardant, and anti-graffiti protection. The work is expected to take 9 months. Approximately 25-30 people were in attendance and there were no objections to this project.

Second VP -- Greg Williams

Helped at the Christmas Show that Saturday. Talked to a few people about our Society.

Third VP -- George Conn

George and Tina attended the Bucks County CBS Christmas dinner on Wednesday along with Ben and June. It was very nice.

He reported that Bartram’s Bridge had some limbs and trees removed in order to create better views of the bridge. More improvements will be done in 2012.

Fourth VP – Gloria Smedley

Helped at Poole Forge on Nov. 25 and enjoyed the day.

Helped at the Christmas Show and did lots of shopping. Talked to people about our Society.

Recording Secretary – Heather Watkins – no report

Corresponding Secretary and Program Chair – Pam Heisey – no report

Treasurer – Bob Kuether

At the Christmas Show, we sold Ben and June’s book to one of Ben’s former students. Corina Dunkle’s niece stopped by and talked to our members at the booth.

Historian – Fred Moll – not present, no report

Newsletter co-editors – Jim & Gloria Smedley

The next deadline is February 5.

Sharing sessions

The next sharing session in February will be done by Pat Cook on her magnet collection.

There is a sign-up sheet for the rest of 2012 including March.

Reports of illness or death of members -- none

Old business

Joyce reported that we sold over $800 worth of Bed & Breakfast raffle tickets. The drawing was held.

Joyce announced that the executive board is working on setting the guidelines for expense reimbursement to the country storekeeper. The policy will be finalized at the board meeting on January 14.

Bob announced that we still have candy bars to sell if anyone would like to take some.

New business

Joyce announced that the Society recently had business cards printed. If you would like some, please contact Bob.

Joyce announced that we may be adding a new link to our website.

Other covered bridge events

The Kennedy Bridge will be decorated with luminaries on December 16 and 17 at dusk. This event is organized by Clyde and Alda Scheib.

The next meeting will be Sunday, February 5, 2012 at the Manheim Township Municipal Building.

The meeting was adjourned at 1:50.