Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships (MAPP)
North Dakota Training
April 8-9th, 2014
Holiday Inn, Fargo, ND
The Center for Rural Health and the North Dakota Department of Health are offering a training opportunity for hospital staff to learn about practical ways to engage community partners in improving community health. Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships (MAPP) is a process to learn how to take action steps toward a healthier community.
This training is being offered as part of the Department of Health’s Community Transformation Capacity Building initiative, and is designed to increase capacity for North Dakotans to engage in transforming the health of their own communities.
What is MAPP?
Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships (MAPP) is a strategic approach to community health improvement. This tool helps communities improve health and quality of life through community-wide strategic planning. Using MAPP, communities seek to achieve optimal health by identifying and using their resources wisely, taking into account their unique circumstances and needs, and forming effective partnerships for strategic action.
Registration Fees
The MAPP training is being offered at no charge to North Dakota participants; however, in exchange we are asking participants to be willing be a part of creating a network of trained individuals in our state that will be able to provide assistance and direction to communities within their respective region when called upon.
AgendaApril 8th 8:30 am to 5:00 pm / April 9th 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
· Welcome and Introductions
· Community Engagement
· Overview of MAPP
· Phase 1: Organizing for Success/Partnership Development
· Phase 2: Visioning / · Phase 3: Introduction to MAPP Assessment
· Phase 4 & 5: Identifying Strategic Issues and Formulating Goals and Strategies
· Phase 6: Action Cycle
· Next Steps
Travel Information
Participants are responsible for making personal hotel reservations. A block North Dakota State rate rooms has been reserved at the Holiday Inn, Fargo. To reserve a room at the Holiday Inn, call
701-282-2700 and ask for rooms reserved under the North Dakota Center for Rural Health MAPP Training. To ensure you receive the North Dakota State rate, reservations must be made by Friday, March 21, 2014.
Lunch will be provided for $11.00 both days and will need to be purchased by individuals, but will be reimbursed through the per diem allowance by filling out a travel form.
Travel Reimbursement Information
· Travel reimbursement will cover:
o Two nights hotel (must have receipt for reimbursement)
o State per diem amount for meals based on your departure and return time
o Number of miles (round trip) traveling to the hotel in Fargo, ND
· A travel voucher verifying your travel expenses must be completed at the conclusion of the training to finalize the reimbursement amount. You will need to check in with staff at the registration table to complete the travel voucher form.
· Payments for all approved travel will be sent out by check from the University of North Dakota following the training. It may take up to two or three weeks to receive reimbursement. If you do not receive payment by April 30, 2014 please call 701.777.3848.
· Attendees who leave the conference early will not be reimbursed.
MAPP Training Application
Position/Title: _
Work Mailing Address:
Telephone (work):
Fax/Cell Phone: Email:
Request for any special needs (including dietary): ______
Would you be willing to serve as part of a resource network of MAPP trained community members?
______Yes ______No
Please describe why you would like to attend the MAPP training:
Please describe ways you would be willing to share your MAPP knowledge and serve as a resource to others:
Applications must be received by March 21, 2014. You will receive an e-mail notice when your application is received. Applications will be reviewed in the order they are received.
Submit you application by mail, email or fax to:
KayLynn Bergland
501 N Columbia Road, Stop 9037
Grand Forks, ND 58202-9037
| Fax 701.777.1431