Multicultural Celebrations
6th-8th Grade ESL

Mrs. Read & Ms. Nuzback

Student Researcher: ______

Project Plan

Day / Project Phases and Tasks
1 / Step 1-CONNECT & WONDER:
  • What do you already know and what do you want to know?
Step 3-INVESTIGATE: Nonfiction Books
  • Researching and Notetaking
  • Tracking source information

2 / Step 3-INVESTIGATE: Web sites
  • Researching and Notetaking
  • Tracking source information

3 / Step 3-INVESTIGATE: Researching and Notetaking
  • Work Day! Continue reading, researching & taking notes.
Teacher Approval of notepages & source information
  • Plan Poster and Presentation
  • Begin creating

5 / Step 5-EXPRESS:
  • Continue creating

6 / Step 5-EXPRESS: Citing Sources –create works cited
Step 6-REFLECT: Reflection Survey
7 /

Project Goal!

Gain essential research skills while demonstrating ethical use of resources to create an informative display and presentation about a
cultural celebration.


Which multicultural celebration will you research?


What do you already know about this tradition/celebration? / What do you want to know?

INVESTIGATE: Research and Notetaking

Note Taking Tips…

  • Paraphrase - write notes in your own words.
  • Use bullets - don’t write in complete sentences.
  • Only take notes on ideas you understand and can explain later.
  • Always write down your source when you start taking notes.

Research Questions…

What country and/or religion celebrates ______? / / When does this celebration take place?

Why does this celebration take place? What is the meaning or importance of it?

Traditional Celebrations…

Your Family’s Celebration…

Tracking Research Sources!


  • A Works Cited gives credit to the source that did the original work.
  • Use the punctuation shown below.
  • Author name is written last name, first name.

Book (Print)




Publisher CityCopyright Year

Works Cited Format:

Author’s Last Name, Author’s First Name. Title of Book in Italics. Publisher City: Publisher Name, Copyright Year. Print.


James, Henry. The Ambassadors. Rockville: Serenity, 2009. Print.

Web Site

Web Site Title

Article Title______

Web Site Sponsor

Article Author (if available)

Copyright/Last Updated YearDate Accessed

MLA Format Guide

Works Cited Format: (* If no author is available, start entry with article title.)

Author’s Last Name, Author’s First Name. “Title of the Article in Quotes.”Web site sponsor Date Published. Web. Date Accessed.


Satalkar, Bhakti. “Water Aerobics.", 15 July 2010. Web. 16 July 2010.

Tracking Research Sources!


  • A Works Cited gives credit to the source that did the original work.
  • Use the punctuation shown below.
  • Author name is written last name, first name.

Book (Print)




Publisher CityCopyright Year

Works Cited Format:

Author’s Last Name, Author’s First Name. Title of Book in Italics. Publisher City: Publisher Name, Copyright Year. Print.


James, Henry. The Ambassadors. Rockville: Serenity, 2009. Print.

Web Site

Web Site Title

Article Title______

Web Site Sponsor

Article Author (if available)

Copyright/Last Updated YearDate Accessed

MLA Format Guide

Works Cited Format: (* If no author is available, start entry with article title.)

Author’s Last Name, Author’s First Name. “Title of the Article in Quotes.”Web site sponsor Date Published. Web. Date Accessed.


Satalkar, Bhakti. “Water Aerobics.", 15 July 2010. Web. 16 July 2010.

Now You’re Ready to Begin Creating!

CONSTRUCT & EXPRESS: You will create a poster to display your research, as well as give a presentation to the class.

Poster Information Requirements:

-Religion and/or country of this celebration

-When the celebration takes place

-Why this celebration takes place

-Details of the traditional celebration

-Details of how your family celebrates

-Works Cited list of all sources used in your research

Presentation Rubric