NHAA WHM Course Accreditation System
Curriculum Mapping Documentv2.2
National Herbalists Association of Australia
ABN 25 000 009 932. Founded 1920
3/2-4 Holden St
Ashfield NSW 2131
PO Box 696, Ashfield NSW 1800
Phone: +61 2 9797 2244
Fax: +61 2 8765 0091
Produced, maintained and updated by the Examiners Subcommittee of the Board of Directors of the National Herbalists Association of Australia (NHAA). Produced September 2011. Updated July 2015.
NHAA Course Accreditation System (NHAA CAS)
WHM Curriculum Mapping Document (CAS_Mapping)
Version 2.2 Last Modified:18 January 2016
As the oldest complementary/alternative medicine association in Australia, the National Herbalists Association of Australia has been setting standards in the education and practice of herbal medicine since 1920. In this time much has changed, and we will always be at the forefront of that change, supporting and promoting herbal medicine and our members.
The NHAA Course Accreditation System (NHAA CAS) aims to assist training providers by providing a standard for curriculum design. By utilising these Guidelines & Curriculum, and the associated documents, your institution can apply to have one or more of its courses recognised by the NHAA. Successful recognition results in that course being given “NHAA Accredited” status, with the attendant benefits for your institution as well as your students and future graduates.
We look forward to building a strong and mutually beneficial relationship with your institution, and welcome your feedback and input.
The Examiners
About This Document
This document is required for submission of Course Accreditation Applications. It is designed to be used in conjunction with the “Guidelines & Curriculum (CAS_Main)” document, and should be submitted in hardcopy or electronic form as part of your Course Accreditation Application.
Table of Contents
Section 1: Using the Curriculum Mapping Document
HTHHerbal Therapeutics (sample)
Section 2: Course Provider Details (For You to Complete)
Section 3: Subject Mapping (For You to Complete)
AAPAnatomy & Physiology
SADSymptomatology & Diagnosis
NUTNutritional Medicine
HAPHistory & Philosophy
MPIMedicinal Plant Identification & Classification
MMEMateria Medica
HTHHerbal Therapeutics
MPDManufacturing, Processing & Dispensing
HPPHerbal Pharmacology & Pharmacognosy
IRSIntroduction to Research Skills
WHSWorkplace Health & Safety
CACCommunication & Counselling
PPEProfessional Practice & Ethics
CLTClinical Training
Notes or Other Statements
Section 4: Checklist (For You to Complete)
Section 5: Course Accreditation Agreement (For You to Complete)
Section 1: Using the Curriculum Mapping Document
Completing the Curriculum Mapping Document
This document must be completed in its entirety, and a copy included with your institution’s application for Course Accreditation. It is important to remember that a separate application must be made for each course, and therefore separate Curriculum Mapping documents must be completed. The aim of this document is to accurately determine the relationships between your institution’s course and the NHAA Curriculum.
Note that this document is an electronic form. This allows you to enter the required information in the grey fields and then include the completed document in your application package in either electronic or printed form.
As an electronic form it only allows you to enter information in the specified (grey coloured) fields. You cannot modify other areas of the document. The types of fields used in the document are mostly text fields, but there are also some checkboxes and drop-down lists for which you need to choose options. When entering information in a text field, do not worry about the size of the text field being too small – it will automatically adjust size as needed. When selecting a check box, just click on it with your mouse button. To move between fields sequentially, press the TAB key.
Below is a description of the items found in the Subject Mapping pages.
Equivalent Module(s) Mapping
This is where you list the units or modules delivered by your institution which relate to that specific NHAA Subject, and the hours from those modules. Please note that hours listed for each module(s) must be the portion of hours of that module which are directly related to that NHAA Curriculum Subject.Hours listed cannot be reused in meeting the requirements of another NHAA Curriculum Subject.
Subject Content Requirements Mapping
This where you directly relate the modules delivered in your course to the NHAA Subject Content Requirements (via the Content Code). As you can see in the example on the following page, your course may have various modules which deliver different Subject Content Requirements within the one NHAA Curriculum Subject.
Please note that only the portion of hours in your modules which are related to that NHAA Curriculum Subject should be listed in the section Equivalent Module(s). For instance, take a hypothetical case of your institution delivering a module entitled Chemistry & Biochemistry, with a total of 100 hours. This module would obviously relate to the NHAA Subjects CHE Chemistry and BCH Biochemistry. In listing the hours for this subject, you would be required to determine how many hours would relate to the NHAA Subject CHE Chemistry (50 hours), and how many would related to BCH Biochemistry (50 hours).
It is not permitted to use hours more than once. For example if the above hypothetical module contained only 80 hours, it is not permissible to state that 50 hours would be related to CHE Chemistry, and 50 hours related to BCH Biochemistry, as this would exceed the actual hours spent in delivery of this module.
Likewise, if you have multiple modules that deliver the content requirements of one NHAA Curriculum Subject, then these modules need to be listed in the table entitled “Equivalent Module(s)”, with a breakdown of how many hours (of each module’s total hours) directly relate to that particular NHAA Curriculum Subject.
The following is a hypothetical situation illustrating the use of the tables contained within the Curriculum Mapping document.
HTHHerbal Therapeutics (sample)
Equivalent Module(s) Mapping
Please list your modules/units containing content relevant to this NHAA Subject. In the “Hrs Relevant” column, please include only the portion of the module/unit’s total hours which are relevant to this NHAA Subject. Remember these hours cannot be reused elsewhere.
Module/Unit Code / Module/Unit Name / Hrs Relevant to NHAA Subject12345 / Herbs 2 / 20
34567 / Herbs 3 / 70
56789 / Herbs 4 / 70
Subject Content Requirements Mapping
Please specify the modules/units which contain content covering each NHAA Content Requirement.
NHAA Content Requirement / Your Unit/Module CodeHTH_01 / Principles of herbal treatment and treatment structure. / 12345
HTH_02 / Principles and method of constructing liquid formulations. / 12345
HTH_03 / Dosage principles. / 12345
HTH_04 / Gastrointestinal disorders / 12345
HTH_05 / Hepatobiliary disorders / 34567
HTH_06 / Respiratory disorders / 34567
HTH_07 / Ear, nose and throat disorders / 34567
HTH_08 / Ophthalmologic disorders / 34567
HTH_09 / Psychological and psychiatric disorders / 34567
HTH_10 / Immunological disorders / 34567
HTH_11 / Infectious disorders (may be covered under other body systems) / 34567
HTH_12 / Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders / 56789
HTH_13 / Dermatological disorders / 56789
HTH_14 / Reproductive disorders in males and females / 56789
HTH_15 / Urinary disorders / 56789
HTH_16 / Endocrine disorders / 56789
HTH_17 / Neurological disorders / 56789
HTH_18 / Cardiovascular & haematological disorders / 56789
Section 2: Course Provider Details (For You to Complete)
Completion of all of the following areas is necessary for an application to be accepted for review.
Institution & Course DetailsInstitution Name
Date this Application Submitted
Name of course applying for Accreditation
Full name of award/qualification conferred by above institution
Accepted abbreviation of full name of award/qualification
Physical address of institution administration
Postal address of institution administration
Telephone number of institution administration
Email address of institution administration
Website URL (address) of institution
Physical address of main teaching campus for this course
Date this course commenced in its current form (i.e. as described in this document)
NHAA Liaison Details
Name of primary liaison for the NHAA Accreditation Application
Official position/title of liaison
Primary telephone number for liaison
Primary email address of liaison
Primary Staff Details – Head of Program/Course
Name of Head of Program/Course
Official title of Head of Program/Course
Qualifications (full names)
Professional association memberships (if relevant)
Primary telephone number for Head of Program/Course
Primary email address for Head of Program/Course
Primary Staff Details – Head of Herbal Medicine
Name of Head of Herbal Medicine faculty (if same as Head of Program, type “as above”)
Official title of Head of Herbal Medicine faculty
Qualifications (full names)
Professional association memberships
Primary telephone number for Head of Herbal Medicine faculty
Primary email address for Head of Herbal Medicine faculty:
Training Clinic Details
Physical address of training clinic facilities
Name of academic director of training clinic (if applicable)
Primary telephone number for academic director of training clinic
Primary email address for academic director of training clinic
Name of senior clinical supervisor for herbal medicine/naturopathy
Qualifications (full names)
Professional association memberships
Year senior clinical supervisor first commenced practice
Primary email address for senior clinical supervisor for herbal medicine/naturopathy
Section 3: Subject Mapping (For You to Complete)
AAPAnatomy & Physiology
Equivalent Module(s) Mapping
Please list your modules/units containing content relevant to this NHAA Subject. In the “Hrs Relevant” column, please include only the portion of the module/unit’s total hours which are relevant to this NHAA Subject. Remember these hours cannot be reused elsewhere.
Module/Unit Code / Module/Unit Name / Hrs Relevant to NHAA SubjectSubject Content Requirements Mapping
Please specify the modules/units which contain content covering each NHAA Content Requirement.
NHAA Content Requirement / Your Unit/Module CodeAAP_01 / Anatomical terminology
AAP_02 / Levels of organisation and structure of the human body
AAP_03 / Cellular structure and function, including subcellular organelles, and genetics
AAP_04 / Structure and function of the musculoskeletal system
AAP_05 / Structure and function of the nervous system
AAP_06 / Structure and function of the endocrine system
AAP_07 / Structure and function of the blood and cardiovascular systems
AAP_08 / Structure and function of the lymphatic system
AAP_09 / Structure and function of the respiratory system
AAP_10 / Structure and function of the male & female reproductive system
AAP_11 / Structure and function of the integumentary system
AAP_12 / Structure and function of the immune and defence system
AAP_13 / Structure and function of the sensory systems
AAP_14 / Structure and function of the gastrointestinal system
AAP_15 / Structure and function of the urinary system
AAP_16 / Introduction & overview of embryology
AAP_17 / Tissue biochemistry overview
Is this entire subject, or are any of the above subject content requirements, delivered through external or distance education methods?
Yes No
If yes, please provide details of methods of delivery, including student support systems.
Equivalent Module(s) Mapping
Please list your modules/units containing content relevant to this NHAA Subject. In the “Hrs Relevant” column, please include only the portion of the module/unit’s total hours which are relevant to this NHAA Subject. Remember these hours cannot be reused elsewhere.
Module/Unit Code / Module/Unit Name / Hrs Relevant to NHAA SubjectSubject Content Requirements Mapping
Please specify the modules/units which contain content covering each NHAA Content Requirement.
NHAA Content Requirement / Your Unit/Module CodeCHE_01 / Chemistry basics
CHE_02 / Chemical interactions
CHE_03 / Organic chemistry basics
CHE_04 / Organic chemical reactions
CHE_05 / Introduction to biological chemistry
Is this entire subject, or are any of the above subject content requirements, delivered through external or distance education methods?
Yes No
If yes, please provide details of methods of delivery, including student support systems.
Equivalent Module(s) Mapping
Please list your modules/units containing content relevant to this NHAA Subject. In the “Hrs Relevant” column, please include only the portion of the module/unit’s total hours which are relevant to this NHAA Subject. Remember these hours cannot be reused elsewhere.
Module/Unit Code / Module/Unit Name / Hrs Relevant to NHAA SubjectSubject Content Requirements Mapping
Please specify the modules/units which contain content covering each NHAA Content Requirement.
NHAA Content Requirement / Your Unit/Module CodeBCH_01 / Structure and function of biological macromolecules
BCH_02 / Overview of metabolic processes
BCH_03 / Glycolysis, Krebs' Cycle and the Electron Transport Chain
BCH_04 / Metabolism of Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins
BCH_05 / Role of vitamins in metabolism
BCH_06 / Blood production and biochemistry
BCH_07 / Nucleic acids and DNA
BCH_08 / Genes, chromosomes and principles of gene regulation
Is this entire subject, or are any of the above subject content requirements, delivered through external or distance education methods?
Yes No
If yes, please provide details of methods of delivery, including student support systems.
Equivalent Module(s) Mapping
Please list your modules/units containing content relevant to this NHAA Subject. In the “Hrs Relevant” column, please include only the portion of the module/unit’s total hours which are relevant to this NHAA Subject. Remember these hours cannot be reused elsewhere.
Module/Unit Code / Module/Unit Name / Hrs Relevant to NHAA SubjectSubject Content Requirements Mapping
Please specify the modules/units which contain content covering each NHAA Content Requirement.
NHAA Content Requirement / Your Unit/Module CodePAT_01 / The cell and cellular injury, metaplasia, dysplasia, neoplasia and carcinoma
PAT_02 / Atrophy and ageing
PAT_03 / Acute and chronic inflammation
PAT_04 / Immune mediated disorders
PAT_05 / Allergy and sensitivity
PAT_06 / Pathophysiology of systems listed in Anatomy & Physiology (AAP)
PAT_07 / Environmental impacts on the body
PAT_08 / Micro-organisms in health and disease (microbiology)
Is this entire subject, or are any of the above subject content requirements, delivered through external or distance education methods?
Yes No
If yes, please provide details of methods of delivery, including student support systems.
Equivalent Module(s) Mapping
Please list your modules/units containing content relevant to this NHAA Subject. In the “Hrs Relevant” column, please include only the portion of the module/unit’s total hours which are relevant to this NHAA Subject. Remember these hours cannot be reused elsewhere.
Module/Unit Code / Module/Unit Name / Hrs Relevant to NHAA SubjectSubject Content Requirements Mapping
Please specify the modules/units which contain content covering each NHAA Content Requirement.
NHAA Content Requirement / Your Unit/Module CodePHM_01 / Basic Concepts, including terminology, and general principles of pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
PHM_02 / Drugs affecting the systems listed in anatomy & physiology
PHM_03 / Main mechanisms of adverse drug reactions, teratogenicity
PHM_04 / Sourcing and interpreting information on drugs, including adverse reactions and interactions and drug/herb and drug/nutrient interactions
Is this entire subject, or are any of the above subject content requirements, delivered through external or distance education methods?
Yes No
If yes, please provide details of methods of delivery, including student support systems.
SADSymptomatology & Diagnosis
Equivalent Module(s) Mapping
Please list your modules/units containing content relevant to this NHAA Subject. In the “Hrs Relevant” column, please include only the portion of the module/unit’s total hours which are relevant to this NHAA Subject. Remember these hours cannot be reused elsewhere.
Module/Unit Code / Module/Unit Name / Hrs Relevant to NHAA SubjectSubject Content Requirements Mapping
Please specify the modules/units which contain content covering each NHAA Content Requirement.
NHAA Content Requirement / Your Unit/Module CodeSAD_01 / Clinical manifestations (symptoms and signs) and laboratory investigations – relative merits and integration of information
SAD_02 / The concept of primary and differential diagnosis
SAD_03 / Gastrointestinal disorders
SAD_04 / Hepatobiliary disorders
SAD_05 / Respiratory disorders
SAD_06 / Ear, nose and throat disorders
SAD_07 / Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders
SAD_08 / Reproductive disorders in males and females
SAD_09 / Urinary disorders
SAD_10 / Endocrine disorders
SAD_11 / Neurological disorders
SAD_12 / Psychological and psychiatric disorders
SAD_13 / Immunological disorders
SAD_14 / Nutritional and metabolic disorders
SAD_15 / Cardiovascular disorders
SAD_16 / Haematological disorders
SAD_17 / Ophthalmologic disorders
SAD_18 / Dermatological disorders
SAD_19 / Infectious disorders
SAD_20 / Physical examination
Is this entire subject, or are any of the above subject content requirements, delivered through external or distance education methods?
Yes No
If yes, please provide details of methods of delivery, including student support systems.
NUTNutritional Medicine
Equivalent Module(s) Mapping
Please list your modules/units containing content relevant to this NHAA Subject. In the “Hrs Relevant” column, please include only the portion of the module/unit’s total hours which are relevant to this NHAA Subject. Remember these hours cannot be reused elsewhere.
Module/Unit Code / Module/Unit Name / Hrs Relevant to NHAA SubjectSubject Content Requirements Mapping
Please specify the modules/units which contain content covering each NHAA Content Requirement.
NHAA Content Requirement / Your Unit/Module CodeNUT_01 / Terminology
NUT_02 / Food habits and factors affecting food consumption
NUT_03 / The major characteristics of the Australian diet
NUT_04 / Meeting energy needs
NUT_05 / The basis of a healthy diet
NUT_06 / Macronutrients and micronutrients
NUT_07 / Water
NUT_08 / Antioxidants
NUT_09 / Introduction to nutritional therapeutics
NUT_10 / Drug/Nutrient and herb/nutrients interactions
Is this entire subject, or are any of the above subject content requirements, delivered through external or distance education methods?
Yes No
If yes, please provide details of methods of delivery, including student support systems.
HAPHistory & Philosophy
Equivalent Module(s) Mapping