Parish Council Meeting

Saint Michael’s Catholic Church

April 2, 2012, 7pm

Parish House

Present for the parish council meeting were: Mary Alice Meyer, Fr. Edward Markley, Mary Jo Pitts, Bonnie Bernauer, Mathew Connolly, Eddie Krieger, Paul Bernauer, Cindy Varner, and Donna Peters.

The meeting was opened with a prayer led by Fr. Edward. Minutes of the March meeting were read and approved.

Committee Reports:

Finance Committee: Cindy Varner reports for Janet Ragland regarding January and February 2012 Budget Report. It was noted that diocesan taxes were higher during this period due to the bequest from Cleo Rasch. If there was an approved building plan in place (one approved by the Bishop), then these taxes would not have to be paid on the donation to the building fund. The taxes were paid in February 2012. Carpet has now been totally paid. The diocesan audit in March of St. Michael’s Parish went well. It will be several weeks or longer before an actual report is received.

CYO/Activities: CYO profited $1,056 from their March yard sale. The choir was to be commended for their hard work and participation in Holy Week. The annual Easter Egg Hunt went well on April 7. Mary Alice notes that there should be more participation in activities from everyone in our parish. President Meyer stated there will be no need for renovation of school buildings or the need to building anything new if there is not any more participation in activities other than Thanksgiving or Christmas. She also noted that Donna has done a wonderful job with activities and she wants others to help in participation of events.

There were no reports from St. Joseph School, Pro-Life, School Building upgrades.

Cemetery: Mary Jo reports that the cemetery sign is now installed. She appreciates people adhering to the sign rules. The committee prefers that everyone remove their own items from the graves.

Altar Society: Bonnie Bernauer reports for the Altar Society. New officers elected are: Bonnie Bernauer, president, Libby knight, vice-president, Angie Foster, secretary, Mary Beth Passarella, treasurer, and Sara Biddle, spiritual reader. Mary Alice agrees to send cards to the sick and to family members of the recently-deceased of the parish. Ladies of the Altar Society bought a new altar cloth for the altar. There was a church cleaning scheduled. A meal was prepared and served to the priests during the penance service. The window blinds will be replaced in the flower room and the sacristy in the church. Hoping for a good year.

Loves and Fishes: Cindy reports that meals are being taken to 47 people weekly. Donations in the food basket in the vestibule of the church are picking back up.

Maintenance: No report given. Mary Alice noted that a note should be placed in the bulletin thanking David T. Lewis for the plaster work done in church.

CCD: Eddie reports that six young people from St. Michael’s parish will be confirmed on April 27. St. Michael’s is hosting Confirmation this year and will also include confirmandi from St. Joseph, Florence and from Our Lady of the Shoals in Tuscumbia. Eddie also notes that the CCD program is always looking for subs and instructors. Amy Trousdale, one of the CCD instructors, will be leaving in August. Recognition Breakfast will be on Sunday, May 20.

Direct Aid: As noted per Fr. Edward, monies allocated for direct aid in Jan/Feb were below budget.

Old Business:

Handrails at Communion Rail: Still under discussion. Awaiting further investigation.

Alarm System: The alarm system is now installed and working in rectory and church.

Speaker System: Fr. Edward now has a new cordless microphone available for use.

Handicap Parking: It was requested that a note be put in the bulletin requesting that everyone please honor the use of handicap parking at the side of church on weekend Masses and Holy Days.

New Business:

St. Michael’s Statue: Mary Alice will work on a committee to work together with Maria Wall regarding a statue. She would like to incorporate a new sign in conjunction with the statue.

Picnic Chairpersons: A note will be placed in the bulletin requesting committee chairpersons for the July 4/Labor Day picnics. Donna mentioned that the parish needs to be made aware that revenue from both picnics goes into the general fund, not just a school subsidy as was the case many years ago.

Lawnmower: Estimates were given for a lawnmower vs. tractor with finishing mower. A motion was made by Paul Bernauer, seconded by Matthew Connolly to make a purchase of lawn equipment not to exceed $16,100.

The meeting was closed with a prayer led by Fr. Edward.

Respectfully submitted, Donna Peters