Woodman Park PTO Meeting
December 9, 2015
Welcome and Introductions – Thank you to all who were able to attend this month’s PTO meeting.
Review and Approval of November Meeting Minutes –The meeting minutes from out November meeting were reviews and approved by a majority.
Principal’s Report
- The administration has begun utilizing a new Educator Observation review tool.
- Mr. Boodey and Mr. Brown will conduct 10 classroom observations per teacher, per year utilizing this tool.
- Observations are unannounced so as to observe the teachers in the classroom without special preparation on their part.
- So far, the new format, including the written review, has been well received by all parties.
- There has been a steady (and sometimes drastic) decline in fundraiser participation in recent months.
- The Wentworth Greenhouse Mum fundraiser raised $958 this year, as compared to $1200 last year.
- The Wentworth Greenhouse Wreath and Poinsettia fundraiser raised $445 this year, as compared to $780 last year.
- The Meadow Farms fundraiser, traditionally our biggest fundraiser of the year, raised on $1400, compared to $4000+ last year.
- As a result of this decline, the PTO finds itself WITHOUT the “jump start fund” that we typically rely upon to fund financial requests this time of year.
- Fortunately, we have carried forward a healthy fund balance from last year and we are benefitting from a sizeable corporate match from Microsoft that will help to fund field trips.
- The PTO will need to be judicious with additional funds requests until the account is bolstered. But, we will work with educators to come up with alternate solutions for funding enrichment and we will continue to provide funds whenever and wherever we can, so please keep the ideas and requests coming!
- On the very positive financial side, the School Store is doing very well. At the time of the meeting, an exact amount had not been reported.
- Jenn Martin presented a revised format of the financial report that made it easier to read.
- Field trip expenses (ex. buses) have been recoategorized to a miscellaneous account, as these expenses tend to come in very late. By doing this, current year field trip budgets are not affected by last year’s expenses.
- Ski Club has generated a $5700 pass through expense.
Funds Requests
- Holiday Book Exchange – Jackie Tromba
- The request is for the purchase of books for 32 classrooms.
- Amount expected to be between $400 - $500.
- This year’s event will include the book exchange, book readings by guest readers, and a related craft. Refreshments will not be served, which will significantly reduce the cost of this event.
- The event will take place on 12/17 & 12/18, and 12/21 & 12/22 (if necessary)
- Volunteers will be needed to read to the children.
- It was suggested that we reach out to the Noggin Factory to see if they can partner with WPS in providing the books.
- Jill Brooks will reach out to Kerry Wood and connect her with Jackie Tromba if she is willing and able to help.
- Book Room – Jackie Tromba
- This is an additional teacher library, used by all grade levels, where teachers can borrow books for their classrooms, rather than stocking additional books themselves.
- Many of the books are utilized to target specific deficits in literacy.
- Books are often hard to find and well used.
- District funding to support these books for curriculum has been eliminated.
- Mr. Boodey offered to provide a tour to anyone who was interested.
- The Book Room needs volunteers on occasion to shelve books.
- While the PTO cannot fund a full restocking of the Book Room at this time, it was suggested that Jackie Tromba assess what is needed and present the PTO with a list (perhaps by grade level).
- It was also suggested that she continue to bring forth this request so that we can assess our ability to fund it in increments.
- 2nd Grade Commuity Outreach Project – Abby Avery
- The 2nd grade teachers are reviewing the possibility of having the students bake treats and make toys for the animals at Cocheco Valley Humane Society.
- Should the project gain approval from the district, they will be requesting funds to purchase necessary materials.
- They are also using some materials from Ruth’s Reusables.
- It was suggested that they approach the local grocery stores with donation requests for the ingredients.
- Jill Brooks will send Mrs. Avery a donation request template for this purpose.
Upcoming Events
- Holiday School Store – Held on Thursday 12/3, this was a very well-attended and successful event. Deposit of $2000+ was made after the meeting.
- 4th Grade Winter Concert – 1/13/16 – Has been moved to January, district-wide, to allow the band members more time to practice. Ms. LaPierre requested that the students be permitted to wear WPS t-shirts rather than white over black, as to ensure that no students choose not to participate due to an inability to provide a special outfit for the concert.
- Jen Spargo will follow-up with the printing company to ensure that 4th grade t-shirts are available in time for the concert.
- WPS teachers will be asked to volunteer to hand-out and collect the t-shirts following the concert.
- Carolyn Williams will coordinate the winter theme decorations.
- Souper-Bowl Family Game Night – Date TBD
- Art to Remember Fundraiser – Kimberly Alexander is spearheading this fundraiser this year. Students will work on projects during art classes in January and February. Orders will be submitted in March and arrive in April.
- Woodman Idol – Shelley MacGregor is spearheading this event. March date TBD.
- Red’s Race – Christine Kozlowski and Courtney Farmer will be invited to the January PTO meeting to provide an update.
- Dine-out Fundraiser – Carolyn Williams will schedule a Papa Gino’s night in January. Date TBD.
Past Events
- Children’s Museum Family Night – This was a well-attended family night event held on 12/3/15.
- Wentworth Greenhouse Holiday Fundraiser – This fundraiser raised $445 this year, as compared to $780 last year. We may need to assess the viability of this fundraiser for future years.
- Tree Lighting Bake Sale – This Dover Schools fundraiser was held in Henry Law Park on 12/4/15. It raised $445 this year. The money was donated to two WPS families in need.
- Noggin Factory Holiday Shopping Fundraiser – Held on 11/19-11/22, this fundraiser raised $102.
- The Fun Pass Fundraiser – Eleven Fun Passes were ordered, earning $88 for the WPS PTO.
Volunteer Opportunities– Due to time constraints, discussion of additional opportunities was tabled until the next meeting.
Other – The Bugle is currently located online on the WPS site under the Parent Pages tab. It was determined that many families may not have computer access. In order to provide the Bugle to more families, alternate delivery modes will be used.
- Jen Spargo will supply hard copies to the main office and the cafeteria for student pick-up.
- Carolyn Williams will also send an email link to all families on the volunteer list.
- Jill Brooks will continue to post a link to the WPS PTO Facebook page.
Thank you to Claudia Lynch
- Mrs. Lynch joined the meeting to accept a heartfelt from all in attendance. Carolyn Williams baked a lovely Pistachio bundt cake that garnered many requests for the recipe. And the PTO gave Claudia a beautiful holly bush to help her remember WPS for years to come. Her service and dedication to the students and staff of WPS will be greatly missed!