PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION - BEng (Hons) Civil Engineering
Awarding Institution/Body / TeessideUniversity (TU)Teaching Institution / TeessideUniversity (TU)
Collaborating Organisations
(include type) / n/a
Delivery Location(s)
[if different from UoT] / n/a
Programme Externally Accredited by (e.g. PSB) / Joint Board of Moderators
Award Title(s) / BEng (Honours) Civil Engineering
LeadSchool / SSE
Additional Contributing Schools / None
FHEQ Level
[see guidance] / Level 6
Bologna Cycle
[see guidance] / First cycle (end of cycle) qualifications
JACS Code and JACS Description / H200 BEng/CEn
The study of the principles of engineering as they apply to the designing and construction of public works, e.g. buildings, bridges, pipelines etc. Involves the study and application of specialist mathematics.
Mode of Attendance
[full-time or part-time] / Full-time and part-time
Relevant QAA Subject Benchmarking Group(s) / Engineering (2010)
Relevant Additional External Reference Points
(e.g. National Occupational Standards, PSB Standards) / UK Standard for Professional Engineering Competence (UK-SPEC) ( 2010)
Joint Board of Moderators
Date of Production/Revision / May 2013
Criteria for Admission to the Programme
(if different from standard University criteria) / Level 4 entry:
280 UCAS tariff points to be calculated on the basis of achievement in three A-levels or equivalent, witha minimum grade C in Maths A- level or equivalent.
Applications from international students are assessed by the International Admissions team in accordance with the course entry criteria and Home Office English Language requirements. International students must demonstrate their proficiency in English Language with a Secure English Language Test (SELT) such as IELTS, TOEFL or Pearsons. For entry students must demonstrate IELTS 5.5 overall (minimum of 5.5 in each band).
Level 5 entry:
For level 5 entry to the BEng (Hons) Civil Engineering, including part-time entry, the standard requirement is an HNC or HND in Civil Engineering with 5 merits including the maths module.
Applications from international students are assessed by the International Admissions team in accordance with the course entry criteria and Home Office English Language requirements. International students must demonstrate their proficiency in English Language with a Secure English Language Test (SELT) such as IELTS, TOEFL or Pearsons. For entry students must demonstrate IELTS 6.0 overall (minimum of 5.5 in each band).
All applicants must confirm prior to interview/offer decision-making that they have the ability to use basic IT facilities, including word-processing, they have the ability to use basic IT facilities, including word-processing, internet browsing and use of email, and certificated evidence of communication and comprehension skills to International English Language Test System (IELTS) at Level 7.
International students should also consider TU criteria for admission and direct entry via:
Educational Aims of the Programme
The overall aims of the programme are:
- To produce graduates with the theory, analysis, design and engineering practice relating to the core Civil Engineering subjects {structures, geotechnics, materials, construction management and fluid mechanics (hydraulics)} and other construction/environment relevant subject areas.
- To meet the educational requirements (in compliance with UK-SPEC), at degree level, together with a period of further learning, to permit progression to membership of relevant professional bodies. In this respect the programme aims to enable the students to demonstrate:
Their ability to apply appropriate quantitative and engineering tools to the analysis of problems, creativity and innovation in the synthesis of solutions and in formulating designs, and to work with an appropriate level of detail.
Their practical engineering skills through work carried out in laboratories, in individual and group project work, in design work, and in the development and use of computer software.
Transferable skills that will be of value in a wide range of situations. Including problem solving, communication, working with others, the effective use of general IT facilities, and the planning of self-learning and improving performance, as the foundation for lifelong learning/CPD
- To produce graduates with an enthusiasm for civil engineering, an appreciation of its application in different contexts and to involve them in an intellectually stimulating and satisfying experience of learning and studying.
- To produce graduates with knowledge of the importance of civil engineering in an industrial, environmental, academic, economic and social context.
- To produce graduates with the ability to apply a variety of methods of study in the investigation and analysis of problems in civil engineering.
- To produce graduates with the ability to apply their knowledge and understanding in order to be competitive and creative.
- To produce graduates with the civil engineering knowledge and skills required to critically evaluate information, assumptions, arguments and concepts for solving real engineering problems.
- To produce graduates with the qualities and skills needed by employers enabling them to either pursue programmes of further study and research, or to move directly into their chosen employment in industry and/or consulting/research organisation where they will manage their own continuous professional development.
Learning Outcomes
The programme will enable students to develop the knowledge and skills listed below. Intended learning outcomes are identified for each category, together with the key teaching and assessment methods that will be used to achieve and assess the learning outcomes.
(see sections 19 and 20).
On completion of the programme students will be able to:
Knowledge and Understanding
K1 / Demonstrate a comprehensive and detailed knowledge and understanding of scientific principles and methodology necessary to underpin their education in civil engineering, to enable appreciation of its scientific and engineering context, and to support their understanding of historical, current, and future developments and technologies.
K2 / Demonstrate a comprehensive and detailed knowledge and understanding of mathematical and engineering principles necessary to underpin their education in civil engineering and to enable them to apply engineering and mathematical methods, tools and notations proficiently in the analysis evaluation and solution of engineering problems.
K3 / Demonstrate an understanding of engineering principles and the ability to critically evaluate and apply them to analyse complex engineering processes/problems.
K4 / Demonstrate knowledge of characteristics of particular materials, equipment, processes, or products relevant to civil engineering.
K5 / Demonstrate an understanding of the need for a high level of professional, commercial, legal and ethical conduct.
K6 / Demonstrate an understanding of contexts in which engineering knowledge can be applied.
K7 / Demonstrate knowledge of management techniques which may be used to achieve engineering objectives.
K8 / Demonstrate an understanding of and ability to apply a systems approach to plan, undertake and evaluate a negotiated, self-managed major project in civil engineering.
Cognitive/Intellectual Skills
C1 / Identify, classify and describe the performance of complex civil systems or components through the use of analytical methods and modelling techniques.
C2 / Investigate and define a problem, identifying constraints including environmental and sustainability limitations, health and safety and risk assessment issues. Questioning conventional orthodoxy using independent judgement and a logical, reasoned and supported argument.
C3 / Use creativity and intellectual flexibility to establish innovative solutions to civil engineering problems.
C4 / Apply and integrate knowledge and understanding of other engineering disciplines to support study of civil engineering.
C5 / Demonstrate an understanding of the use of technical literature and other information sources.
Practical/Professional Skills
P1 / Evaluate customer and user needs and ensure fitness for purpose in all aspects of the problem including, production, operation, maintenance, disposal and considerations such as aesthetics.
P2 / Demonstrate an understanding of the requirement for civil engineering activities to promote sustainable development and explore these issues.
P3 / Demonstrate an understanding of the need for a high level of professional and ethical conduct in complex and unpredictable civil engineering contexts requiring selection and application from a range of standard and innovative techniques.
P4 / Demonstrate an understanding of codes of practice and industry standards used in civil engineering and related disciplines.
P5 / Demonstrate an understanding of quality issues, the nature of intellectual property and contractual issues.
P6 / Effectively manage the design process, identify and manage cost drivers and evaluate outcomes.
P7 / Demonstrate an understanding of the framework of relevant legal requirements governing civil engineering activities, including personnel, health, safety, and risk (including environmental risk) issues.
P8 / Work with technical uncertainty.
P9 / Act autonomously with limited supervision or direction within agreed guidelines.
Key Transferable Skills
T1 / Plan, manage and evaluate the application of new knowledge and skills as part of a lifelong learning strategy.
T2 / Demonstrate both employment potential and ability to manage future professional development.
T3 / Communicate clearly, fluently and effectively in a range of styles appropriate to the engineering profession. Engage effectively in academic discussion and present arguments in a professional manner.
T4 / Select, apply and evaluate appropriate numerical and statistical methods for complex and open ended engineering tasks.
T5 / Select and evaluate software applications for engineering tasks.
T6 / Recognise and evaluate factors which enhance group processes and team working and modify and evaluate own personal effectiveness within a team.
T7 / Select and use the relevant practical skills needed to operate equipment and measurement devices safely and effectively.
Key Learning and Teaching Methods
Students will be taught by a combination of methods including conventional lectures, e-learning, tutorials, case based learning, design workshops and seminar sessions. Additional technical visits, field courses and attendance at professional meetings will supplement the students’ learning experience.
Lectures are used to convey substantial elements of the subject content, provide core themes and explanations of difficult concepts, and set the scene for students' independent learning. Students, through lectures, are encouraged to develop skills in listening and selective note taking, to appreciate how information is structured and presented. The Joint Board of Moderators core Civil Engineering subjects {structures, geotechnics, materials, construction management and fluid mechanics (hydraulics)} and threads are covered throughout modules as shown in section 28 – “Joint Board of Moderators Threads And Core Subjects”.
The learning experience of the students is enriched by the inclusion of guest lectures from professionals in the discipline. In addition students are encouraged to attend presentations organised by the Institution of Civil Engineeringand Institution of Structural Engineering.
The programme includes studies of contemporary events across the world. These studies allow the students to understand the role of the civil engineering professions within the context of global events. Students on all programs will be in aware of variations in professional practices across the world in the different subject areas of civil engineering. They will develop extensive knowledge of UK design approaches which will be underpinned by academic theory relating to the particular method. This underpinning theory will help them adapt to the use of other international methods and approaches. National and international case studies will be used to reinforce learning. Students will be encouraged to learn about the role of the civil engineer in world events through reading technical journals and national and international texts.
Tutorials, workshops and seminars provide a context for interactive learning and allow students to explore aspects of the civil engineering subject in some depth.
Reflective practice throughout is a key element to allow the student to examine their own work, identify their own learning needs and challenges whilst providing evidence of what is required to operate confidently, efficiently and ethically in the work place.
Laboratory-based and practical sessions are used to develop practical skills and to reinforce the knowledge taught in the modules. They are structured to present the students with increasingly complex experiments that may not give the expected results, indeed some experiments are designed to give unusual results to force the students to think about the problem. Students are required to test the data for consistency, evaluate the uncertainty and propose conclusions based upon a critical evaluation of the measurements. These sessions are also one of the primary methods used to increase awareness of safety related issues and risk analysis.
Computer laboratory-based sessions are employed in a range of areas to permit students to perform analysis and design operations; particularly those modules covering geotechnical, structural and fluid mechanics study areas.
Modules are supported by appropriate use of the VLE and adhere to university minimum threshold standards. As well as being used to give students access to lecture notes and handouts, it is the primary means of communication between staff and students. It is also a key tool for online collaboration between students helping them to engage in effective group work and peer-to-peer support. It can also be used in assessment, for example through the formative use of on-line quizzes, for secure electronic submission of assignments and for equally secure return of marked work and feedback.
Field courses and site visits are important components of the programme, allowing students to visit local industry and gain first hand experience of its problems. They allow students to experience the scale and complexity of construction and to develop practical skills.
Group project modules are used in every Level of the programme. As their titles suggest the group projects follow the feasibility(Level 4), conceptual design (Level 5) and detail design (Level 6) stages of an engineering project and address one or more of the core Civil Engineering subjects. Delivered primarily in week blocks (which take place on a bi-annual basis) the group projects have been designed to be intensive and engaging. The Level 5 module aims to help students develop a holistic approach to the engineering practice and become critical of the potential impacts of the design and construction of engineering artefacts. Students are expected to integrate environmental, social and economic considerations, as well as health and safety concepts, in their project proposals. The Level 6 module addresses the taking into account interdisciplinary influences on the detailed civil engineering solutions to real projects. They provide the students with an understanding of their knowledge and limitations and the importance of developing engineering solutions within the context of wider influences and constraints on real projects using case study material. This immersive mode of delivery has been developed to enhance effective team–working skills and provide students with an opportunity to focus their attention on particular problems.
Employability modules are used in every Level of the programme. Professional Skills for Civil Engineers (Level 4) introduces the professional skills required by a civil engineer. Construction Management and Employment Skills (Level 5) provides opportunities for the students to develop skills such as information retrieval, problem-solving and communication. The Engineering Management and Leadership Skills (Level 6) module allows the development of the skills necessary to support the group and research projects.
In Level 6 students undertake a substantial individual research project. The research project is used to integrate the technical, research and employability skills gained during every Level of the programme and is focussed upon one or more of the core Civil Engineering subjects.
The programme is informed by the research, business engagement and knowledge transfer undertaken by academic members of the “Technology Futures Institute (TFI)”. For more details on the institute see web link:
The Institutes Sustainability theme focuses on improving the sustainability of the built environment through the development of new processes, techniques and technologies to improve the entire lifecycle of built environment from the early design stage through construction to the operation stage. In this theme, Teesside University is recognised as one of the internationally recognised universities and one of the United Kingdom’s leading universities in terms of research and business engagement as evidenced by the amount of funding obtained from research councils, the knowledge transfer partnerships established and results of RAE (Research Assessment Exercise) in 2008 (80% of the School’s research was deemed internationally or national excellent). Research active members fill key roles in the delivery of the programme, either as Programme Leader, Subject Group Leader, Module Leader and/or Project Supervisor. Research related to Civil engineering focuses on enhancing the business efficiency of construction organisations, through the development and application of a range of approaches, from the application of virtual reality and simulation environments to model workflow, scheduling, and produce enhanced engineering planning tools, through to implementation of advanced and multi-constraint management systems. A particular emphasis is on the development and use of: information and communication technologies to enable design integration and decision support systems to aid design and operation processes. Outcomes from such research areas, knowledge transfer partnerships and consultancies are embedded in the programme.
Key Assessment Methods
The Programme Assessment Strategy has been designed to test subject knowledge, independent thought and skills acquisition, and to provide candidates with information that will be useful to employers. The strategy has also been designed to be robust, equitable and manageable and incorporate both formative and summative assessment opportunities.
As part of the programme assessment strategy, the number and timing of summative assessments associated with individual modules has been considered. This has been done to prevent assessment overload, which can result in fractionalisation and discourage student engagement with formative assessment. Students at each Level of the programme are presented with an Assessment Schedule providing details of the submission deadlines for summative assessments.
The particular assessment strategies used by any module have been selected to match the expressed learning outcomes. The distribution of learning outcomes has been considered to ensure the stage outcomes have been assessed through the modules in that stage and all the programme outcomes have been assessed by the end of the programme. Also, a range of assessment tools have been used to ensure the assessment strategy covers all learning styles and reflects skills and tasks appropriate to the civil engineering profession. Assessment tools utilised within the programme include:
- formal examination, including 'unseen' examinations
- laboratory and / or fieldwork skills, written reports and technical interviews
- computer-based assessment
- problem-solving exercises
- data interpretation exercises
- critical analysis of case-studies
- oral presentation
- essays, literature surveys, evaluations and summaries
- collaborative project work
- poster presentation
- planning, undertaking and reporting of project work.
- professional placement report (where appropriate)
- self and peer assessment
- reflective statements
- dissertation