The regular called meeting of the Planning & Zoning Commission of the City of Denison, Iowa was held at l2:00 noon on l-14-08 at Cronks.

Members present were:Brenda Martens, Brad Bonner, Brad Griffin, Dan Ahart, and Doug Rohde.

Also present were: Richard Petersen, Greg Seefeldt, Mike McKinnon, Rick Franck, and Robert Arambula.

The meeting was called to order at l2:00 by Richard Petersen

Welcome to Brad Griffin and Doug Rohde as new board members

Roll call: Bonner, Ahart, Martens, Griffin, and Rohde

We need a motion to waive the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting and approve the same as filed (Nov. 13, 2007 & Dec. 18, 2007) A motion was made by Ahart and 2nd by Martens to approve the minute. Yes: Ahart, Martens Griffin, Bonner, and Rohde.

Election of officers: chairman, vice-chairman, and secretary. Ahart nominated Bonner as chairman, Bonner nominated Hudson as secretary, and Ahart nominated Martens as vice-chairman. A motion was made by Ahart and 2nd by Martens that the nomination cease and the slate of candidates be elected. Yes: Ahart, Martens, Rohde, Griffin, and Bonner. The meeting was turned over to Chairman Bonner.

5. The City of Denison request the discussion of the amount of yard that can be used for parking. McKinnon handed out the current wording with possible amendments. Martens presented some proposed language. Petersen presented a E-mail from Hudson with his suggestions. Ahart presented language with some diagrams. After discussion, the board agreed to review Ahart’s proposal and bring any new ideas back to the next meeting on Jan. 28, 2007 at noon at Cronks.

6. Discussion of the time and date for P & Z meetings. It was suggested that the board would go to two meetings per month one in the evening (public request) and one at noon for other items.Bonner will prepare the agendas.

7. Discussion of the codification of the codes. Rick Franck talked about the procedure for zoning changes and the required notices. Bonner stated the property owners may not read the paper, thus are uninformed on the proposed changes. Greg has a list of the nonconforming residences due to the down zoning. He will E-mail it to the members. More discussion at the next meeting.

A motion was made by Martens and 2nd by Rohde to adjourn at l:40 P. M. Unanimous.


Richard L. Petersen

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