BARDNEY HERITAGE GROUP / Bardney Heritage Centre
Station Road
Researching, developing and recording the history of Bardney, and surrounding area, for the benefit of all.
Minutes of the meeting held at 7pm on Monday 12th March 2012, at Bardney Heritage Centre.
Present: / Elected Committee: D Miles, K Ruane, B Newlove, P Rennie, D McKenna, L Goforth,K Walker,
Members: R Knight, D Letts, C Wilson
Apologies: / J Benton
Minutes of the last meeting:
  • The Chairperson read the minutes and these were signed as a true record.

Matters Arising:
  • Field walking report now complete and ready to send out.Copy passed to APS, for review.
  • Stone cataloguing complete-drawings have gone to APS.
  • Another visit to be arranged to the Atkins barn for people who could not make it last time.
  • No-one knows if the stone match from last meeting is on the museum blog.
  • Planning consent may be needed to erect anything at the Abbey, including carving of Oswald and new information boards. This is to be checked.
  • R Knight has finished the typing-checked and tweaked by C Wilson.
  • Launch of booklet possibly on St Oswald’s Day-5th August. Event throughout the day with stalls, etc. as per open days?
  • Booklet to be sold-not sure on retail price as yet.
  • Mel Harris is keen to do some sketching for the booklet and may have some items ready for Easter. Deadline for booklet to be ready for print should be early June if possible, to enable launch as above.
  • Census discs-S&N Genealogy (online company) charge £150 for a set of Lincolnshire discs. Other companies to be sourced.
  • WI presentation by D Miles went well.
  • LIDAR is available covering the WithamValley. This includes Southrey but not much of Bardney.
/ C Wilson
C Wilson
D Miles
  • G Jamieson called at BHC-some of his family history has been covered since last email (Feb minutes).
  • B Pilling would like an image of Rev. Laing. He also would like to see the abbey stones. The decision was made to wait until D Miles comes back from holiday (30th March).
  • Ken and Marilyn Hutchinson have donated some photographs of BAR.

  • A quiz about Bardney was mentioned and may be compiled later in the year.
  • Stall at Bardney Gala-money making options to be discussed.

  • 468 hits this month.

  • BAR still taking up time.

Any Other Business:
  • A heated discussion took place regarding BHG contributing financially to Bardney Heritage Centre. No decision was arrived at. This debate also included the topic of insurance for items belonging to the group which are on display in BHC. D Letts proposed selling the items to BHC for a nominal fee of £1 each. If the BHC were to close they would be offered back to BHG at the same price. This was seconded by D Miles. A unanimous vote was also recorded. An agreement is to be drafted. B Newlove declared an interest. This would mean that, for insurance purposes, the items would belong to BHC and could be included at no extra cost on the present policy.
  • A culvert, measuring approximately 2’ wide and 2’6” high, at the Manor Barn has been photographed by K Ruane. Fragments of pottery, bone and coal were found.
  • C Wilson has resigned from JCT and will finish after BAR is complete.
  • Bob Armstrong is to be contacted so a visit for people to look at the stones can be arranged. Maybe over Easter?
  • P Rennie brought a newspaper article regarding funding by HLF to Bishop Grosseteste to launch an Open Lab. This will be available to history groups who wish to use the campus archaeology lab.
  • P Rennie to send thanks to F Parker for his talk.
  • BHC has prints of the BSC Hudswell Clarke steam locomotive for sale at £15 each.
  • Vic Hughes-The Scribe-is giving a talk on 26th March, 6:45pm for 7pm start.
  • Denise Harrison charges £25 plus travel expenses for her talk, this may be too expensive.
  • BAR has £72.78 left from the £5500 donation from JCT and BBC Radio Lincolnshire (£5000-JCT, £500-BBC Radio Lincs).
  • BAR Booklet-APS are preparing the draft booklet which will include a commemoration of BAR, a guide to and the history of the abbey. Originally 32 pages long, including illustrations and text written by Paul. D Start and C Wilson have checked and tweaked to make it more readable. Not much detail about BAR was included. Everyone seemed keen that this was mentioned so that a thorough record of the event is published. The booklet may need to go to 40 pages to attain this target. D Miles has recorded the dig and infilling (13 pages). This will be forwarded to the group for future editing by Dave. BHC had not been mentioned and this needs to be righted before the booklet is published. Within reason we can change the draft to include anything we feel should have been written about.
/ D Miles
D Miles
P Rennie
Date and Time of Next Meeting:
Should be Monday 9th April (Easter Monday)
Suggest Monday 16th April 2012 instead.

Meeting closed at: 9:25pm

Minutes signed as a true record:

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