How we identify if a child needs extra help or if a parent thinks their child has special educational needs (SEN):

We liaise with parents before the child starts and discuss the child’s development. We support children who have identified additional needs as they enter the setting.

We collect information at point of entry about other professionals who are involved with the child and family.

Where a child has an identified SEN or disability at entry to our preschool, we will work with the Area SENCO to arrange an entry meeting to ensure that provision is made to meet the child’s needs when they start.

We seek parental permission to work with other professionals to ensure the setting can meet the child’s physical, emotional, social and learning needs.

Through our experience and observations, we would be able to identify any extra help the child may need or seek help from other professionals. Staff are available at every session to discuss individual’s progress or needs with parents/carers.

Matching the curriculum to the child’s needs and ensuring support

The partners have overall responsibility for all the children and will assign each family a key person, who is responsible fordeveloping a close working relationship with the parents, benefiting each individual child. Through observations we will monitor each individual child, recording their progress, enabling us to meet each child’s needs within the curriculum. We also complete an information sheet each half term with the help of the child and parents, so that we keep up to date with likes and dislikes!

We follow the Montessori philosophy. We aim to provide an environment, which caters for the whole child, in all areas of development i.e. intellectual, moral, physical, social and emotional. Everything in the environment is child sized, enabling free choice, independence, encouraging intrinsic motivational need resulting in spontaneous activity and personal fulfilment. The environment will be prepared according to each individual child’s needs.

Staff have supported children with speech and language delays, dyspraxia, physical disability, autistic tendencies and allergies. We have experience working with the health visitor, Area Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO), Speech and Language Therapists, physiotherapists, local Children’s Centre and Social Services; all with parental consent. Referrals will be made to this multi professional team as necessary following discussions with parents and when we have parental consent.

How my child is doing and how I will get help to support my child’s learning

Key persons are responsible for informing all parents on a regular basis about their child’s progress. We ensure ongoing dialogue with parents to improve our knowledge of the needs of the child and family; involving parents in shared record keeping in the Progress Reports and additional records as appropriate.

Where a child’s progress is different to that expected, we will work with parents to identify a plan to support the child’s learning and development. We will work with parents to identify ‘learning outcomes’ which will help us to work together to support the child. We will review learning outcomes every half term.

Parents are informed of relevant training and workshops and are encouraged to attend with a member of staff, if required.

How we support each child’s overall wellbeing

All staff regularly attend paediatric First Aid and Safeguarding training. We have a Medical Procedure and Behaviour Policy in place.

Daily risk assessments are carried out on the equipment and the environment.

If any specific medical or physical needs are identified, staff are willing to undertake training. Personal care plans will be set up if needed. Staff are trained and experienced to support individuals in their personal, social and emotional development.

How we take account of the child’s views

We observe the child to note their interests and ensure every child has the opportunity to be listened to at every session.

We use speech, Somerset Total Communication (STC), photos and objects to communicate. The child and family are asked to complete a ‘What makes me unique’ form each half term to give views.

How we would include children on trips outside the setting

All activities are risk assessed and staff would liaise with parents when planning trips to ensure that all children’s needs can be met.

How accessible is our environment?

There is wheelchair access to the hall and a disabled toilet.

The activities are generally at child level and support could be given by children and adults to move equipment, if required.

We have access to the County Translation Service for documents and information.

How we support children in transitions to the setting from home, from another setting or to school

We value the parent as the first educator of the child.

Parents are welcome to come and visit our setting at any time.

Parents may request a home visit prior to the child starting with us.

We collect essential information through a registration form as well as information from the parents about the child’s needs, likes, dislikes and development on our ‘Initial Child Profile’. We give all parents a ‘settling in’ information sheet.

We endeavour to share information with other settings and carers when a child attends more than one setting. We believe that parents should be involved in this process to achieve the best understanding of the child.

‘Sunshine’ aims to maintain good relationships, built on professional respect, with all feeder schools. We attend termly liaison meetings with South Petherton Infant School.

Staff from feeder schools are invited to visit the child within our setting during the summer term prior to transition.

Written information is shared with school after it has been shared with parents.

All children have a school transfer form written by the key person, identifying key information about the child with links to the EYFS. This document includes a section for the parents to record their thoughts.

We organise, if necessary, a ‘transition meeting’ for those children with identified additional needs, with the support of our Area Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO). Parents, carers, key persons, staff from school and other relevant professionals are invited to ensure the child’s needs can be met in school.

Further information:

Information about the Nursery can be found on our website. Individual concerns and questions can initially be addressed to the partners. If your child is attending ‘Sunshine’, talk to your child’s key person.

We follow the SEND Code of Practice 2014 and where necessary adopt a step by step approach using ‘ assess, plan, do and review’ to ensure that we can make appropriate provision to support the individual’s learning and development.