Table S1. Florets of Paspalum spp. sampled for fungi. Top BLAST matches are provided to estimate the taxonomic affinity of sterile cultures or clones.

Infected Grass Host / ID #a / Locationb / Method / Top BLAST matchc,d / Groupe

Paspalum notatum

/ 7411 / SF-FL / Culturing / Fusarium lateritium AF310979 (F) / 1°
7412 / SF-FL / Culturing / F. lateritium AF310979 (F) / 1°
F1 / SF-FL / Direct PCR / F. lateritium AF310979 (F) / 1°
7408 /




/ Cladosporium sp. AJ279487 / 4#°
7413 / SF-FL / Culturing / Fusarium sp. U61695 (F) / 20
Paspalum laeve / F2 / CF-NC / Direct PCR / Cephalosporium curtipes AJ292405d / 10
F3 / CF-NC / Direct PCR / Cephalosporium curtipes AJ292405 d / 10
F4 / CF-NC / Direct PCR / Cephalosporium curtipes AJ292405 d / 10
F5 / CF-NC / Direct PCR / Cephalosporium curtipes AJ292405 d / 10
F6 / CF-NC / Direct PCR / Ampelomyces sp. AY513943 (P) / 39
Paspalum notatum / F1.01-1.12 / SF-FL / Cloning (consensus sequence) / F. lateritium AF310979 (F) / 1°
F1.13 / SF-FL / Cloning / Didymella cucurbitacearum AY293804 (P) / 40

(a) Numbers after decimal indicate different clones from the same PCR reaction.

(b) Locations correspond to Stowe Farm (SF-FL) in Gainesville, FL, collected on 18 August 2004 and to Couch Farm (CF-NC) and Pickett Road (PR-NC) in Durham, NC, collected between 7 and 16 September 2004.

(c) Letters/symbols indicate taxonomic affiliation of BLAST matches: F – Fusarium match, P –Pleosporales match.

(d) All sequence comparisons between samples and the top BLAST matches resulted in E-values of 0.0 except samples that matched sequences of Cephalosporium curtipes (2e-117).

(e) Samples were grouped on the basis of 100% ITS sequence similarity. Numerical proximity does not indicate sequence similarity. # - groups that include endophytes and samples from moth bodies; ° - groups that include samples from florets and from moth bodies; #° - groups that include endophytes, samples from florets, and samples from moth bodies.