Engineers Week 2005

An Open and Honor Invitation for Your Organizational Participation

at a Special Session on

“A Reception of the Chinese/Asian American Societies”

from 3:30 pm – 4:30pm on Feb. 26, 2005

Before the

Asian American Engineer of the Year (AAEOY) Award Banquet

Hanover Marriott, Whippany, NJ, Banquet Seating Begins at 6:30 pm

Description: Chinese Institute of Engineers – USA is honored to host Asian American Engineers of the Year (AAEOY) Award Banquet during National Engineers Week 2005 (Feb. 20-26). AAEOY 2005 is the fourth year of its kind and is to be held for the first time in the East Coast. More than a dozenU.S. major corporations have sponsored the event and about 15 national honorees will attend the banquet. We expect that there will have more than 500 VIPs, company representatives, government officers, and guests to attend the banquet. While many honorees and guests come to NJ from around the country, it is our privilege to invite our NY/NJ societies to participate in AAEOY 2005. You may help promote our Asian American heritage and strengthen our Chinese American unity as Chinese/Asian Americans in the Unites States main stream. As such, Dr. Jack Peng (a retiree from Boeing) is organizing a panel session on “The History of the Chinese American Engineers in America” from 1:30 pm to 3:15 pm. Thereafter, a special session of “A Reception of the NY/NJ Chinese/Asian American Societies” from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm is organized for your participation. Ms. Margaret Lam and Mr. James Chiao will co-chair the session.

Organizational Introduction: Your society President or delegate would be invited to introduce your organization in 3-5 minutes with/without video/slide presentation. You will be asked to submit a quarter page write-up of your organization which may include mission statement, history, annual activities highlight, and officers. You may include several major contacts such as e-mail and phone number. The Application Deadline is Feb. 22, 2005. You may send your application via e-mail to James Chiao at or Margaret Lam at . An Invited Speaker or Consultant to Non-Profit Organizations may be invited. Detailed information will be announced after the application deadline.

Costs: There is no charge to participate in the session presentation in the afternoon. However, your organization is invited to attend the dinner banquet to support AAEOY 2005. A table of 10 at $500 per table is suggested. A regular corporate rate is $1000 per table.

Organization Names: ______Founded Year:______


Phone Number:______Address: ______

Table Sales/Support: [Yes], my organization would support AAEOY 2005 Award Banquet hosted by CIE-USA with a table of 10. My organization will send a check to Dr. Yi-Kang An, AAEOY Treasurer, at 30 Sears Avenue, Atlantic Highlands, NJ07716 before Feb. 12, 2005.

Applicant Signature:______Organization______Date:______

CIE Use Only: ______

Chinese Institute of Engineers –USA

Proud Sponsor of Engineers Week 2005

Engineers Week

CIE-USA News for Immediate Release - Holmdel, NJ, January 27, 2005

Engineers Week Asian American Engineer of the Year (AAEOY) Award Winners

News Release

American Chinese Institute of Engineers or CIE-USA today announces the winners of the 2005 National Engineers Week Asian American Engineer of the Year (AAEOY) Award. AAEOY will present the following two distinguished awards - Distinguished Science and Technology Award goes to Professor Daniel Tsui, PrincetonUniversity, 1998 Nobel Laureate in Physics and a member of National Academy of Engineering (NAE) and Distinguished Life Time Achievement Award goes to Professor Shu Chien, University of California-San Diego for his contribution in bioengineering research and education. The AAEOY 2005 award winners are:

AAEOY Awards:

  • Mr. Paritosh Bajpay, Vice President of Information Services, AT&T
  • Dr. QiBi,Bell Labs Fellow, Lucent Technologies
  • Dr. Bei-dwo Chang, Senior Director, Raytheon Space and Airborne Systems, Raytheon Company
  • Dr. Man-Feng Chang, Technical Fellow, GM
  • Dr. Tze-Chiang Chen, Vice President, Science & Technology/IBM Fellow
  • Dr. Ying J. Feria, Engineer/Scientist, Communications and Sensor System Engineering, The Boeing Company
  • Dr. Ben Ho,Senior Process and Product Development Engineer, Exploration & Production Technology Group, BP
  • Mr. Christopher Hoang Pham, the Pioneer and the Senior Manager of BOW (Beyond the Ordinary Way) Testing, Cisco Systems
  • Dr. Quanxi Jia, SuperconductivityTechnologyCenter, Los Alamos National Laboratory
  • Professor Spencer Kuo, Director of Plasma Lab, PolytechnicUniversity
  • Ms. Duy-Loan T. Le, Senior Fellow, Texas Instruments
  • Ms. Wei-san Lily O'Byrne, Vice President, System Design and Integration, Enterprise Information Services, Lockheed Martin Corporation
  • Mr. Roger P. Sekijima, Manager of Electrical Design Requirements and Certification, The Boeing Company
  • Dr. George Wang, Vice President, Systems Performance, IBM
  • Dr. Reo Yoshitani, Technology Director, Raytheon Missile Systems, Raytheon Company

New Faces of Engineering

  • Mr. Peter G. Hwang, Hewlett-Packard, Vancouver, WA

Dr. Paul Horn, Senior VP of IBM Research will be the banquet keynote speaker. AAEOY2005 is the fourth year of it kind and the first time in four years to be held in the east cost at Hanover Marriott Hotel at Whippany, NJ at 6:30 pm on Feb. 26, 2005. The event will gracefully welcome more than 5 hundred of attendees including the awardees families, company representatives, hundreds CIE friends, business persons, government representatives, news reporters, and interested groups around the country will attend the award ceremony in NJ.

For the banquet registration information, please visit , or call Dr. Allen Chen, AAEOY award banquet chairman at 732-957-8889, e-mail . For news release information please call Dr. Ted Lee, CIE-USA National Council Chairman at 732-335-0539 or for more information. CIE-USA, headquartered in Holmdel, NJ is a non-profit organization founded in 1917. There are six chapters in the United States – Dallas/Fort Worth Chapter, New Mexico Chapter, Greater NY Chapter, Seattle Chapter, and OCEESA - an Environmental Chapter.

Chinese Institute of Engineers –USA

Proud Sponsor of Engineers Week 2005