Dear Student,

Congratulations! You’ve passed Spanish 1A! This year will begin with some review of the vocabulary and grammar topics learned in Spanish 1A. We will then continue with new vocabulary and more advanced grammar. Our goal for this year is to complete the required unit of study and to successfully pass the Local Proficiency exam given in June. A portion of this exam is based on speaking performance. Therefore, your participation in class and your efforts to speak Spanish are very important! Enjoy your continued success in learning the language and bienvenidos a la clase de español 1B.

Buena Suerte….

Sra. Madore

1. Materials Required: Please bring the following to class each day…

*1 ½ inch three-ring binder with 4 dividers:

(Oficina, Vocabulario, Apuntes, Cultura)

*Paso a Paso Workbook

*3 ring zippered pencil case with pens and pencils

*Akron Middle School assignment notebook (agenda)

2. Grading Policy: Your quarterly grades are determined as follows:

3. Homework:

Homework is assigned frequently and is meant to reinforce material that was covered in class. I will randomly check 10 homework assignments each marking period which are worth 10 points each (for a total of 100%). Check the homework board in the back of the room if you were absent or have back work that needs to be made up. Late homework will be accepted at half credit (5 points) and must be handed in within 3 school days from the date the assignment was originally due. Assignments that are collected are given between 0 and 10 points. Assignments that are “spot checked” in class are graded as follows:

Homework assignments will always be written on the homework board in the front of the room and should be recorded in your agenda. Homework assignments are also listed on the Akron Central School web site under “8th Grade Homework”. You will find this link on the middle school page of the web site.

4. My Teacher Web Site:

On my teacher web site under “L” for language, you will find current vocabulary lists and the course outline so that you are aware of upcoming lessons. The vocabulary lists may be printed out at home in case you lost your list or you forgot it at school.

5. Absences:

Basic school policy - when you are absent, it is your responsibility to find out what you missed and copy the notes from another student. If you are absent on the day of a quiz or test, you need to make it up during a study hall or 9th period. The number of days absent determines the number of days allowed to make-up assignments or tests. Failure to make-up missed work will result in a grade of a "0" for those assignments.

6. Extra Help and Make Up Work: I am available...

7th period daily

9th period every day except Fridays