Regular Session
November 20, 2017
34 Lee’s Hill Road, New Vernon, NJ 07976
Monday, November 20, 2017, 7:00 p.m.
Regular Session Minutes
Mission Statement
The Harding Township School provides a strong educational foundation which inspires students to achieve academic excellence. Our dedicated faculty stimulates intellectual growth using a challenging curriculum within a supportive learning environment. We encourage students to become self-directed, lifelong learners who are well prepared for the academic and social challenges of the future.
District Goal 1:
To measure the academic progress of our students through the administration of district-wide assessments in Reading, Math Facts and Writing.
a.) To administer a district-wide reading assessment to all K-3 students in the spring. Ninety percent (90%) of all students will be reading at grade level or will move up one reading level.
b.) Ninety percent (90%) of students in each grade K-5 shall pass with 90% accuracy a timed grade level “Math Facts Assessment” that will be aligned to the Common Core State Standards and will assess students on the four core mathematical functions (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division).
c.) Ninety percent (90%) of students K-8 shall improve one point (one quintile) on the District Writing Assessment. This assessment shall be administered in the fall and in the spring. Students scoring a 5 in the spring shall be counted as having met the goal.
District Goal 2:
Begin the process of creating a five-year plan for the school district for 2019-2024.
a.) Create a planning board consisting of parents, community members, board members, teachers, students, and administrators.
b.) Identify major areas of focus for the five-year plan.
c.) Create an implementation timeline of the five-year plan to ensure completion by 2019
District Goal 3:
Continue to implement the iReady assessment program in grades 2-5 in ELA and grades 2-8 in Math.
a.) Provide the necessary Professional Development for teachers supported by iReady.
b.) Provide internal training and sharing of best practices.
c.) Gather and analyze data to be shared with parents and to differentiate instruction.
I. Call to Order – The regular session of the Harding Board of Education is called to order by Mr. Gjivoje at 7:01PM in the Library of the Harding Township Middle School, 34 Lee’s Hill Road, New Vernon, NJ 07976.
II. Presiding Officers Statement/Sunshine Statement:
In accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act, N.J.S.A. 10:4-6 et seq., adequate notification of this meeting has been provided to the Daily Record on January 12, 2017 and the Observer Tribune on January 19, 2017 and posted on the bulletin boards of the New Vernon Post Office, Green Village Post Office, Harding Township Municipal Building, Harding Township Elementary School and Harding Township Middle School on January 12, 2017.
III. Pledge of Allegiance
PRESENT: Mr. Davor Gjivoje, Mr. John Flynn, Mrs. Kim Macaulay, Mr. Abi Singh, Mr. Richard Bruno
Superintendent, Mr. Matthew Spelker, Mark Kenney, Interim Business Administrator
A Vision for the Library Media Center, Mr. David Harris, Library/Media Services
Mr. David Harris gave a very comprehensive presentation of the technology and space allocations
for school libraries and answered many questions.
a. HIB (if needed) None
b. Superintendent
Mr. Spelker reported his recent discussions with the Madison Superintendent of Schools as
well as other pertinent topics.
c. Business Administrator None
1. Nurse’s Report for October, 2017
2. Fire Drill Report for October, 2017
3. BOE Meeting schedule, 2018-19 PROPOSED
BB-0011 Approve Minutes
MOTION presented by Mrs. Macaulay and seconded by Mr. Flynn to approve:
BB-0011 RESOLVED, that the Harding Township Board of Education approves the following minutes:
Regular Session, November 6, 2017
AYES: Mr. Davor Gjivoje, Mr. John Flynn, Mrs. Kim Macaulay, Mr. Abi Singh, Mr. Richard Bruno
FF-0047 Approve a tuition contract for a special education student
FF-0048 Approve the November bills list
FF-0049 Approve the October financial reports
MOTION presented by Mr. Bruno and seconded by Mr. Flynn
FF-0047 RESOLVED, that the Harding Township Board of Education approve a tuition contract for
a special education student with the Banyan Upper School, an approved private school in the State
of New Jersey in the amount of $44,126.20 for the period commencing November 15, 2017 through
the end of the school year for a total of 134 days.
FF-0048 RESOLVED, that the Harding Township Board of Education approve the November bills list
In the amount of $1,149,869.98.
FF-0049 RESOLVED, that the Harding Township Board of Education approve the October 31, 2017
Treasurer’s Report and Board Secretary’s Report certifying that no major account or fund has been
over expended and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s financial obligations for
the remainder of the fiscal year.
AYES: Mr. Davor Gjivoje, Mr. John Flynn, Mrs. Kim Macaulay, Mr. Abi Singh, Mr. Richard Bruno
CC-0012 Approve K-5 Science Curriculum, Unit 1
CC-0012 RESOLVED, that the Harding Township Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the K-5 science curriculum, unit 1.
MOTION presented by Mrs. Macaulay and seconded by Mr. Flynn to approve:
AYES: Mr. Davor Gjivoje, Mr. John Flynn, Mrs. Kim Macaulay, Mr. Abi Singh, Mr. Richard Bruno
PM-0032 Approve Professional Development
PM-0033 Approve Substitute Teachers
PM-0034 Approve Staff Assignment
MOTION presented by Mr. Bruno and seconded by Mr. Flynn to approve:
PM-0032 RESOLVED, that the Harding Township Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools approves the following professional development:
Ms. Ashley Petrozzo, Association of Math Teachers, Monroe Twp., Dec. 6, 2017, registration $149 and mileage at $0.31 per mile.
Ms. Barbara Thomas, Institute for Educational Development, New Brunswick, Jan. 5, 2018 registration $249 and mileage at $0.31 per mile.
Ms. Karen Groh, Foundations Level 2 Training Conference, Princeton, Dec. 13, 2017, registration $350 and mileage at .31 per mile.
Mrs. Brittany Worley, NJ Association of School Psychologists Annual Conference, E. Windsor, Dec. 8, 2017, registration $120 and mileage at $0.31 per mile
PM-0033 RESOLVED, that the Harding Township Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools approves the following substitute teachers:
Mr. Scott Richenaker, $95 per diem for the 2017-18 school year.
Mrs. Sheri Omelczuk, $95 per diem for the 2017-18 school year.
PM-0034 RESOLVED, that the Harding Township Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools approves the following staff assignment:
Ms. Adelle Valentine, part time assistant in the Business Office, at $20/hour not to exceed 20 hours/week, start date contingent upon clearance of Criminal History Background check.
AYES: Mr. Davor Gjivoje, Mr. John Flynn, Mrs. Kim Macaulay, Mr. Abi Singh, Mr. Richard Bruno
X. HEARING OF PUBLIC REGARDING (Agenda and non-Agenda Items- Policy 0167)
Mr. Gjivoje commented on the excellent presentation given by Mr. Harris and gave credit to
Mr. Spelker for his supervision of the library/media center.
MOTION presented by Mr. Bruno and seconded by Mrs. Macaulay to enter Executive Session at 8:35PM to discuss personnel matters.
Be It Resolved, that the Harding Township Board of Education convenes Executive Session in full compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act, N.J.S.A. 10:4-6 et seq.; and the minutes of the discussion of any of these items will be available to the public when such minutes have been approved by the Board pursuant to N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1.1. Topics:
AYES: Mr. Davor Gjivoje, Mr. John Flynn, Mrs. Kim Macaulay, Mr. Abi Singh, Mr. Richard Bruno
MOTION presented by Mr. Bruno and seconded by Mr. Flynn to return to Public Session at 8:49PM.
Voice Vote:
AYES: All members voted yes.
MOTION presented by Mr. Bruno and seconded by Mr. Flynn to adjourn at 8:50PM.
AYES: Mr. Davor Gjivoje, Mr. John Flynn, Mrs. Kim Macaulay, Mr. Abi Singh, Mr. Richard Bruno
Respectfully submitted,
Mark A. Kenney