Rev 11/2013 / Position Code
State of Michigan
Civil Service CommissionCapitol Commons Center, P.O. Box 30002
Lansing, MI 48909
This position description serves as the official classification document of record for this position. Please complete this form as accurately as you can as the position description is used to determine the proper classification of the position.2.Employee’s Name (Last, First, M.I.) / 8. Department/Agency
3.Employee Identification Number / 9. Bureau (Institution, Board, or Commission)
Field Services
4.Civil Service Position Code Description / 10. Division
Department Technician E 7/8/9 / Operation Field Services
5.Working Title (What the agency calls the position) / 11. Section
Roadside Tech / Maintenance/Operations Services
6.Name and Position Code Description of Direct Supervisor / 12. Unit
Tim Croze, Engineer Manager-Licensed 4 (15) / Roadside Operations
7.Name and Position Code Description of Second Level Supervisor / 13. Work Location (City and Address)/Hours of Work
Steve Cook, Engineer Manager-Licensed 4 (16) / 6333 Lansing Rd, Lansing, MI 48917
Monday – Friday 8 am – 5 pm (hours may vary)
14. General Summary of Function/Purpose of Position
This position will function at the entry/intermediate/experienced level and is responsible for assisting in the coordination of the Adopt-A-Highway program and the statewide Rest Area and Welcome Center travel information display program. This includes the planning, development, acquisition, storage and distribution of all materials to Region representatives for installation at 14 welcome centers, 64 rest areas and 84 roadside parks statewide. Responsible for the collection, compiling, and reporting of water usage for all facilities. Field, respond to and document all calls received on the toll-free line rest area complaint line, follow-up/investigate significant or reoccurring complaints and assist the regions in resolving issues.
15. Please describe the assigned duties, percent of time spent performing each duty, and what is done to complete each duty.
List the duties from most important to least important. The total percentage of all duties performed must equal 100 percent.
Duty 1
General Summary of Duty 1 % of Time 40Assist in delivering the Adopt-A-Highway Program.
Individual tasks related to the duty.
· Maintain a database of participating groups, updating as needed with new groups and removing non-participating groups, update database after each AAH pick-up with reported activities of each group
· Notify region contacts of changes in AAH group participants
· Order forms, certificates of appreciation, and other materials required for the annual mailing of informational packets to each AAH group
· Respond to program related questions from the public
· Order AAH signs and maintain log of sign orders
· Assist in coordinating and scheduling an annual AAH coordinators meeting
Duty 2
General Summary of Duty 2 % of Time 20Coordinate the development and acquisition of all maps, information, signs, and displays to be used in rest area information boards, information plazas, roadside parks, and welcome centers. Communicate with local chambers of commerce, convention and visitors bureaus, or other tourism agencies to explain the Local Display Program, and provide them with the guidelines and the opportunity to produce a local display. Maintain a comprehensive database of tourist information available in each location.
Individual tasks related to the duty.
· Coordinate with internal and external resources to develop and acquire maps, signs, posters and displays.
· Use independent judgement, determine the quantity, type of materials to be used, locations to install (or upgrade), and type of information needed at each location.
· Contact local tourism agencies to explain the program and provide guidelines and opportunities to produce a local display.
· Maintain a comprehensive inventory of the tourist informational displays at each location.
· Ensure legislatively mandated signs are properly constructed and displayed.
Duty 3
General Summary of Duty 3 % of Time 15Coordinate with region representatives for the distribution and installation of all tourist information and other required signs and/or stickers at rest areas and roadside parks. Provide guidance on the schedule, location and layout of each piece of material. Monitor progress and maintain and update statewide inventory.
Individual tasks related to the duty.
· Plan, acquire and organize tourist information material and maps for all rest areas and roadside parks statewide.
· Provide guidance for region staff on the installation of tourist signs and maps and other tourist information in a consistent, organized and aesthetically pleasing manner for each tourist facility.
· Coordinate with local TSC to install the appropriate construction activity maps that are appropriate for each specific rest area.
· Provide guidance for proper ADA signs and other signs that are required to be in compliance with state and local regulations.
· Monitor the status of the placement and schedule of sign installation, maintain and update inventory. Coordinate needed repairs for display cases as needed.
Duty 4
General Summary of Duty 4 % of Time 10Collect, compile and report tourist facility water usage
Individual tasks related to the duty.
· Collect and compile monthly water meter reading data for all rest areas/welcome centers from region staff.
· Review data for accuracy and investigate any errors or missing data.
· Provide daily/monthly/annual usage data and averages to regulatory agencies and MOOT Utility Design staff as needed.
· Compare individual facility usage data from year to year to illustrate usage trends.
· Prepare reports and graphs of data as needed.
Duty 5
General Summary of Duty 5 % of Time 10Perform maintenance inspections of Rest Areas and Roadside Parks.
Individual tasks related to the duty.
· Inspect and document rest area and roadside park buildings and grounds for compliance with janitorial and grounds maintenance specifications.
· Inspect and document rest area grounds including picnic tables, grills, and walkways, for safety hazards.
· Report any unsafe conditions and maintenance issues to the Region/TSC.
Duty 6
General Summary of Duty 6 % of Time 5Perform other duties as assigned.
Individual tasks related to the duty.
· Serve as back-up coordinator of the Rest Area Recognition Program.
· Answer, respond to, and document calls received on Rest Area 1-800 line. Follow-up with rest areas/vendors/regions as needed to resolve issues
· Attend meetings, trainings, and participate on committees related to roadside maintenance activities.
· Seek national best practices and explore opportunities to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the programs of the roadside unit.
16. Describe the types of decisions made independently in this position and tell who or what is affected by those decisions.
· Determine type of tourist materials and location in the display case for individual tourist facilities
· Identify, recommend and implement improvements with Welcome Center & Rest Area travel display program
17. Describe the types of decisions that require the supervisor’s review.
· Changing or updating policy, procedures or guidelines
· When the above decisions affect State or Department policy, rules or procedures
· Definition and clarification of management decisions or special assignments if unclear
18. What kind of physical effort is used to perform this job? What environmental conditions is this position physically exposed to on the job? Indicate the amount of time and intensity of each activity and condition. Refer to instructions.
· Work involves normal physical effort to sit, walk or stand at will in an office environment.
· Ability to sit for prolonged periods of time and be able to work on a computer for long periods of time, which may involve repetitive movement.
· Extended periods of standing, keeling, stooping, bending and reaching
· Some long-distance driving, occasional overnight stays
· Exposure to inclement weather
· Lifting up to 50 pounds
19. List the names and position code descriptions of each classified employee whom this position immediately supervises or oversees on a full-time, on-going basis. (If more than 10, list only classification titles and the number of employees in each classification.)
20. This position’s responsibilities for the above-listed employees includes the following (check as many as apply):
Complete and sign service ratings. Assign work.
Provide formal written counseling. Approve work.
Approve leave requests. Review work.
Approve time and attendance. Provide guidance on work methods.
Orally reprimand. Train employees in the work.
22. Do you agree with the responses for Items 1 through 20? If not, which items do you disagree with and why?
23. What are the essential functions of this position?
This position will function at the entry/intermediate/experienced level and is responsible for assisting in the coordination of the Adopt-A-Highway program and the statewide Rest Area and Welcome Center travel information display program. This includes the planning, development, acquisition, storage and distribution of all materials to Region representatives for installation at 14 welcome centers, 64 rest areas and 84 roadside parks statewide. Responsible for the collection, compiling, and reporting of water usage for all facilities. Field, respond to and document all calls received on the toll-free line rest area complaint line, follow-up/investigate significant or reoccurring complaints and assist the regions in resolving issues.
24. Indicate specifically how the position’s duties and responsibilities have changed since the position was last reviewed.
The position's duties and responsibilities have been updated to more accurately reflect the work required of the position.
25. What is the function of the work area and how does this position fit into that function?
This work area provides maintenance expertise to regions and administers several programs which address statewide needs involving maintenance operations, material usage, training, testing and documenting standards for work methods. The work area is to create effective work programs and deliver needed products to the public at the least cost, which includes the program and responsibilities assigned to this position.
26. What are the minimum education and experience qualifications needed to perform the essential functions of this position?
Possession of a high school diploma or a GED Certification
· Departmental Technician 7- One year of experience performing experienced-level administrative support activities equivalent to the 7-level in state service.
· Departmental Technician 8- One year of experience as a technician or paraprofessional equivalent to the entry level in state service. One year of experience performing advanced-level administrative support activities equivalent to the 8-level in state service.
· Departmental Technician E9 - Two years of experience as a technician or paraprofessional, including one year of experience equivalent to the intermediate level in state service.
· Knowledge of policies and procedures used in the work assignments.
· Ability to use a personal computer with varied departmental software programs
· Ability to use independent judgment, organize work assignments and present information effectively
· Good communication skills- verbally and written.
· Ability to maintain favorable public relations.
· Ability to comply with guidance Document 10118- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Policy
-Valid Driver's License
NOTE: Civil Service approval of this position does not constitute agreement with or acceptance of the desirable qualifications for this position.
I certify that the information presented in this position description provides a complete and accurate depiction of the duties and responsibilities assigned to this position.
Supervisor’s Signature Date
Indicate any exceptions or additions to statements of the employee(s) or supervisors.I certify that the entries on these pages are accurate and complete.
Appointing Authority Signature Date
I certify that the information presented in this position description provides a complete and accurate depiction of the duties and responsibilities assigned to this position.Employee’s Signature Date
NOTE: Make a copy of this form for your records.
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