Error! Hyperlink reference not valid. / Unit Map 2012-2013
P.S. 105 The Blythebourne
Error! Hyperlink reference not valid. / Error! Hyperlink reference not valid. / Kindergarten/Pre-1st (P.S. 105 The Blythebourne)
Friday, September 7, 2012, 11:45AM / Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.
Unit: 2012-2013 Unit1 Myself and Others (Week 1, 11 Weeks) Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.
NYS: CCLS:ELA & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, & Technical Subjects PreK–5, NYS: Kindergarten , Reading: Informational Text
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
7. Integrate and evaluate content presented in diverse media and formats, including visually and quantitatively, as well as in words.
§  7. With prompting and support, describe the relationship between illustrations and the text in which they appear (e.g., what person, place, thing, or idea in the text an illustration depicts).
Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity
10. Read and comprehend complex literary and informational texts independently and proficiently.
§  10. Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding.
Big Ideas
We are all individuals. We are unique and special. / Essential Questions
How are we alike anddifferent?How are we unique?
What is special about me?
How can people be characterized (gender, physical characteristics, ethnicity/culture, languages and beliefs)?
How do we learn and change?
What does it mean to be a good citizen in the classroom and school?
Identity and Diversity:
• All people share common characteristics
• All people have needs (food, clothing, shelter) and wants (toys, games, treats)
• People are diverse
• People are unique
People can be characterized by:
• gender (boy, girl)
• physical characteristics (height, eye and hair color, age)
• ethnicity/culture (Spanish, Jewish,
African-American, etc.)
• language (English, Korean, Arabic, Spanish, etc.)
• beliefs (cultural beliefs, religion)
Developing Identity:
• Culture
• Family values
• School, teachers
• Friends
• Environment
Self as Learner:
• Learning is important
• People learn in different ways
• People learn from families and teachers
• People have various talents and abilities
• People change and grow as learners
Developing Civic Awareness:
• Students help each other in manyways
• Considerate classmates are good citizens
• Being a citizen involves rights and
• Communities/organizations identify/elect
leaders / Skills/Strategies
-Identify physical characteristics of people
-Identify cultural characteristics of people
-Identify likes and dislikes
-Compare and contrast characteristics of people (alike and differences)
-Identify needs and wants of people
-Identifyclassroom and school rulesandexplain the importance of rules
-Locatecountry of origin onaworld map/globe
-Build content vocabulary
-Questionsand questioning
-Think aloud
-Use visual aides
-Making Connections
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Formative: Performance: Authentic Task
Culminating Activity:
Students will create anAll About Me mini-book (on-going throughout the unit).Their books may includetheir physical and cultural characteristics, likes and dislikes,need and wants, hobbies, interests, experiences,etc...
Learning Activities
-Observe selfusing mirrors andcreateself-portrait(gender,physicaland culturalcharacteristics)
-Star of the day: interview aclassmate each dayand make astar of the day class big-bookandindividual mini-books to send home
-Create a T-chart of needs andwants of people
-Discuss andcreatea classroomrule chart
-Locate students'countries oforigin onaglobe/map orGoogle Earth
-Engage in games,songs, and TPRtoidentify body parts
-Create an on-going all aboutme collageusing differentmediums(magazines,student drawings, pictures, etc.)
-Create aVenn diagram (on-going throughout the unit)to compare and contrasthim/herself witha friend.Students will include physical andculturalcharacteristics, likes and dislikes, and needs and wants.
-Engage in different holiday/special
celebrations(birthdays,Halloween,Columbus Day,Thanksgiving, etc.) / Resources/Touchtone Texts/Field Trips
Incursion: Take students on a tour of theschool(lunchroom, auditorium, bathrooms, water fountains, staircase, medical room, main office, etc.)
Trip: "Lumpy, BumpyPumpkin"
Touchstone Text: Different Faces from Different Places by Henry Layne

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Last Updated: Friday, September 7, 2012, 11:44AM

Atlas Version 7.2.6

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