DATE:(Date of Proposal)

FROM:(Bidders Name and Address)

TO:Florida Keys Community College

Purchasing Dept.

Attn: Doug Pryor

5901 College Road

Key West, FL 33040


The undersigned Bidder, having carefully examined the premises and conditions affecting the Work, the Instructions to Bidders, the Form of Agreement, and the Contract Documents for:

Florida Keys Community College, New Marine Technology Building, Civil Bid Documents dated November 1, 2011 as prepared by:

hayes|cumming architects, pa

and that the work indicated on all sheets listed on attached ‘Exhibit A’, Index of Drawings is included in the General Contractor’s proposal.

_______Name of General Contractor______ does hereby propose to furnish all labor, materials, equipment and services required for the proper execution and completion of the work described and called for in said Documents for the lump sum of:

______Dollars ($)______.

Scope of Work

This proposal covers all expenses, including applicable license fees and all taxes levied in connection with the Work.

The undersigned Bidder further agrees that if awarded the Contract for the Work, to substantially complete the Work within 120calendar days, and to expend any and all necessary efforts to meet this deadline, Sundays and Holidays included, such time to commence on the date of the Owner's "Notice to Proceed"; and further agrees that from the compensation otherwise to be paid, the Owner may deduct liquidated damages at the rate of $ 500.00 per day for every calendar day past Substantial Completion; under a total of twenty(20) days. For every calendar day in addition to twenty(20) days after Substantial Completion liquidated damages shall be assessed at the rate of $1,000.00 per calendar day. These sums are agreed upon as a proper measure of the liquidated damages that the Owner will suffer by the failure of the Work to be completed within the agreed upon times and that they are not construed as penalty.

The undersigned Bidder further agrees that if awarded the contract for the Work and he refuses to enter into Contract with Florida Keys Community College then they will forfeit the opportunity to bid on any and all future Florida Keys Community College work for a period of at least six months.

This proposal shall remain in force and effect for a period of thirty (30) calendar days from the time of opening of this Proposal and that the Bidder will not revoke, cancel or withdraw this Proposal within the said thirty (30) calendar day period.

General Conditions

See Section 000700, GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT andAIA Document A201-2007, General Conditions of the Contract for Construction, shall be incorporated into the Contract for Construction. It is included in the bidding documents herein by this reference and as stipulated in Section 000700.

SupplementalGeneral Conditions

See Section 009000, SUPPLEMENTAL GENERAL CONDTIONS. The General Contractor acknowledges and accepts the stipulations to perform regarding the schedule and, to guarantee that the Substantial Completion date of 120Calendar Days after the Notice to Proceed shall be met.

The General Contractor acknowledges and accepts the long-lead items associated with this scope of work. They agree to expedite delivery of all such long-lead-time items as necessary to comply with the Substantial Completion date above and include any and all associated costs within this bid.

Owner’s Contingency Allowance

The undersigned Bidder further stipulates that the total bid amount includes a line item allowance of $25,000.00 for the sole use and discretion of the Owner. This amount may not be encumbered by the General Contractor.

Value Engineering Substitutions/Modifications to Scope of Work

The undersigned Bidder further stipulates that it proposes the following substitutions/modifications to the scope of work for the Owner’s Consideration.

If the Owner elects to accept any of the proposed substitutions/modifications and they require revision to the Contract Documents then compensation for these revisions shall be paid out of the Owner’s Contingency funds to the Architect and/or consultants as Additional Services for all time spent to review and respond to the value engineering substitutions/modifications. The Architect and/or consultants shall also be compensated for services necessary to incorporate recommended value engineering changes into the drawings, specifications, bidding or other documents.

Should the Architect or consultants object to any of the proposed value engineering recommendations made by the General Contractor it shall state so in writing to the Owner along with the reasons for objecting. If the Owner, in spite of the Architect’s objections, requires the incorporation of the changes in the Contract Documents, the Owner agrees, to the fullest extent permitted by law, to waive all claims against the Architect or other consultants and to indemnify and hold harmless the Architect and/or the consultant from any damages, liabilities or costs, including reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs of defense, which arise in connection with or as a result of the incorporation of such design changes required by the Client.

The following value engineering proposals and/or substitutions/modifications to the Contract Documents are hereby offered for consideration:

ITEM NO.______Description:______



Proposed Savings:


ITEM NO.______Description:______



Proposed Savings:


ITEM NO.______Description:______



Proposed Savings:


ITEM NO.______Description:______



Proposed Savings:


ITEM NO.______Description:______



Proposed Savings:


ITEM NO.______Description:______



Proposed Savings:


(Provide additional duplicate pages if necessary)

Allowances - Indicate pricing included in the base bid below:

  1. Owners Contingency:
  2. $______
  3. Testing and Inspecting Allowance:
  4. $______

Unit Prices- Indicate pricing included in the base bid below:

  1. Removal of existing underground Chiller Lines
  2. Dollars per lineal feet: $______
  3. Total Lineal Feet: ______
  4. Excavation & rough grading for installation of new chiller lines
  5. Dollars per lineal feet: $______
  6. Total Lineal Feet: ______
  7. Installation of insulated underground chiller lines
  8. Dollars per lineal feet: $______
  9. Total Lineal Feet: ______
  1. Asphalt Cutting, Patching and Repair
  1. Dollars per lineal feet: $______
  2. Total Lineal Feet: ______
  1. Concrete Sidewalk Cutting, Patching and Repair
  2. Dollars per lineal feet: $______
  3. Total Lineal Feet: ______

Provide the Owner with a full and complete listing of all Subcontractors that will be contracted for this project in the following format:

Name and Complete AddressLicense Number




Receipt of the following Addenda are hereby acknowledged: (List all Addenda as follows):

ADDENDUM NO.____dated______.

ADDENDUM NO.____dated______.

ADDENDUM NO.____dated______.

Included within this proposal is a Bid Bond in the amount of five (5) percent of the Contractor’s bid. Initial here: ______to acknowledge that a bid bond in the amount specified is included with the bid form. If successful, the Bidder understands that failure to enter into a contract with FKCC for this project within ninety (90) days of the award of contract by the FKCC Board of Trustees that the Contractor will forfeit the full amount of the Bid Bond.

In witness whereof, the Bidder has hereunto set his signature and affixed his seal this ______day of______, 20 _____.



Type name and title of corporate officer or other individual executing Proposal:

______(TYPE NAME)

______(TYPE TITLE)

Dated: ______

At: ______