West Midlands Postgraduate School for Psychiatry
Trainer’s End of Post Structured Report (ST4-6) : submission to the Annual Review of Competence Progression Panel by the trainee’s current trainer, summarising the trainee’s progress and achievement in the placement
When completing this form the trainer must consider the actual progress of the trainee towards achieving the competencies required to progress to the next phase of training. (see RCPsych Occasional Paper OP65 http://www.rcpsych.ac.uk/files/pdfversion/OP65.pdf ) As a benchmark,• By the end of CT/ST1 the trainee will be “safe to make management decisions in straightforward cases; under supervision”
• By the end of CT3/ST3 the trainee will be “safe to make decisions in all but the most complex clinical situations; competent”
• By the end of ST5 the trainee will be “safe in virtually all clinical situations; able to supervise others”
• By the end of ST6 “safe to lead and support others in all situations; mastery - mentors others”
In order to progress the trainee will also have acquired the required competencies as set out in the college “Core and General Curriculum” http://www.rcpsych.ac.uk/training/curriculum.aspx
Section 1 - Basic information
PMETB Programme/Post approval number:
Current placement:
Name of Trainer/Clinical supervisor:
Dates of placement:
Name of person submitting report:
GMC number
Training Programme:
Trainee’s name:
GMC number:
Training number (if applicable):
Section 2 – Assessment of Performance
Please rate the doctor under the following headings both in the middle of the placement and at the end of their time with you. Please take into account their stage of training and the relevant curriculum guidance (including descriptors of standards). These are global ratings.
1 = very poor, 2 = poor, 3 = needs some improvement, 4 = competent,
5 = above average, 6 = outstanding
1 Ability to undertake clinical assessment of patients with mental health problems
2 Ability to keep accurate and contemporaneous clinical records
3 Ability to manage patients with frequently seen mental health problems
4 Ability to apply knowledge about assessment to determine plan of treatment/care including access to further health and social care as appropriate
5 Ability to manage psychiatric emergencies
6 Knowledge and, where appropriate application of knowledge of mental health legislation (MHA and MCA)
7 Demonstration of participation in audit procedures
8 Demonstration of participation in Clinical Governance including clear understanding of principles of EBM
9 Demonstration of excellent verbal and written communication skills with patients, carers and families
10 Ability to work in multi-professional team (including verbal and written communication skills)
Please now comment from your first hand knowledge on the following regarding the doctor in training
Experiential outcomes
Activity / Date/s (where relevant) / CommentsDevelopment of portfolio
Supervision record
Emergency work
Special interest sessions (if applicable)
Participation in Psychotherapy Training
Participation in Research
Teaching Experience
Participation in WPBA Schedule
MRCPsych Course attendance
Management Experience
Other courses attended – mandatory and others
Other outcomes
Date / Notes resolved/pending no case to find/accountableReported adverse incidents
Complaints / Record if justified or unjustified in view of person who investigated complaint
Sick leave
Other leave (maternity, paternity, carers, compassionate)
On calls completed (record number only)
Section 3 - Global Performance and Professionalism
Anything especially good?Areas for development – 3 to be listed
Concerns identified*
Health / I Confirm Do not Confirm that there are no health concerns that impact on this trainees fitness to practice
Total days sick since last review –
Probity / I ConfirmDo not Confirmthat there are no concerns in relation to probity for this trainee (and I have consulted with the Clinical Director and/or Training Programme Director on this issue beforehand).
Complaints/adverse incidents (or none)
* Where cause for concern is documented the basis for this must be clear and explicit
# Please delete as necessary
I confirm that (tick as appropriate):
c I understand that I have a professional duty to document any concerns identified AND
c I have reviewed the evidence required to demonstrate fitness to progress for the relevant year of training and consider the trainee fit to progress and suitable for a career in psychiatry OR
c I have concerns about this trainee which have been documented in the report and forwarded to their educational supervisor
Signed Date Print Name
I confirm that:
The evidence provided to inform my annual review is a complete, accurate record of my achievements during this period of my training. I confirm that my trainer has discussed this report with me and reported any concerns regarding my progress.
Signed Date Print Name