MiraCostaCommunity College

Committee on Professional Growth & Evaluation

Friday, August 25, 2017, 9:00 am

The Committee on Professional Growth and Evaluation met on the above date on the MiraCosta College Oceanside Campus in room OC 3511.
Members Present:Eric Carstensen, Niall Davis, Keith Dunbar,Pierre Goueth,Julie

Haugsness-White,Melissa Hughes, Jose Jara, Himgauri Kulkarni, Mark Laurel, Melissa Lloyd-Jones, Shannon Myers, Gilbert Neri,Zika Perovic, Edward Pohlert, Kristi Reyes, Dana Smith,Chad Tsuyuki, and Mark Whitney

In attendance: Marti Brown and Sheri Wright, Human Resources

  1. Call to Order
    The meeting convened at 9:04am with Committee Chair Laurel presiding.
  1. Persons Wishing to Address the Committee
  1. Approval of the Minutes
    Committee Members Whitney and Dunbar motionedand seconded the approval of the minutes from 4/28/17.
  1. Welcome and Introductions

Committee members introduced themselves and welcomed new members Carstensen, Myers, Neri, Perovic, and Pohlert; some “new” members had previously served on PG&E.

  1. Chairperson Report

Chairperson Laurel attended the All-Chairs Retreat and recruited additional tenure coordinators which resulted in Committee Members Ha and Pohlert.

Human Resources (HR) will now assume responsibility of distributing, processing, and maintaining all tenured faculty and tenure candidate evaluation materials. What was once handled by Dean Smith’s office is now situated with Marti Brown in HR; Handbooks have been updated to reflect this change.

Coinciding with the transference,the college is concerned about the workload involved with compiling, distributing, and recording student surveys and is looking at software that will streamline the process. A taskforce has been assembled to examine the current market options; Chairperson Laurel expects the group will bring a recommendation to PG&E, it will be reviewed by the Academic Senate (AS) and the Faculty Assembly (FA.) If any PG&E member would like to participate, Hayley Schwartzkopf in HR is heading up thisinvestigation.

Committee Member Whitneyvoiced support for his colleagues to taking part in the demonstrations in a formal capacity as PG&E members. The committee was uneasy that the District might be making decisions that first should come to PG&E as a recommendation; Chairperson Laurel will invite Director Schwartzkopf to attend a future PG&E meeting to share the findings.

There are 50 tenure candidates going through the evaluation process and Committee Member Hughes, who was recently awarded tenure, will serve as tenure coordinator on a number of TRCs. PG&E will likely need even more members to serve as future coordinators; the committee acknowledged the considerable time commitment for TRC coordinators and may ask the Academic Senate (AS) to consider a PG&E appointment an exemption from serving on other governance committees. Chairperson Laurel will try to get this issue on a future AS agenda.

During FLEX Week workshops, a number of discrepancies were noticed between the Handbook and instructions on the forms. Chairperson Laurel will review the forms and email the committee with changes that align with the Handbook. Dean Smith will support that effort.

  1. Future Agenda Items

In anticipation of upcoming contract negotiations with the District, PG&E will start to gather recommendations for updating diagnostic elements in the “Evaluation: 6 Year” process. When the FA and the District agreed to freeze the Handbook until the next round oflabor contract negotiations, it halted PG&E efforts to make changes. One possible change might address evaluation criteria, specifically the 40% of load and the survey of professional activities.

The committee discussed additional clarification in the Handbook about the Tenure Committee Composition form, who on the TRC fills it out, and timelines for its completion. According to the current timeline in the Handbook, it must be completed by Week 4.

Committee Member Tsuyuki headed up a breakout session aimed at sharing information and helpful tips among coordinators.

  1. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 10:55 am.


Tim Alves
